Under the close hand-to-hand combat in the air, the ice marrow flames that suddenly flashed through Yi Tian's palm made the integration stage cultivators below see their faces clearly. There are still many people who know something about this ice marrow flame, so there is a look of regret in their eyes, staring at Tu Ke who is wrapped in ice.

Now that the outcome has been divided, what's more, Tu Ke's life is also in the middle of the night, as long as Yi Tian's next layer hand can understand his opponent.

At this time, Yi Tian was also in a dilemma. Although he restrained his opponent, he didn't really want to put him to death. After all, there are so many Integration Stage cultivators present below, and I still have a lot of scruples.

In case the old ghost of the abyss suddenly violently violently violently his own cultivation base, it may not be able to sustain it. Suddenly, Yan Lei’s sound transmission sounded in his ears: "What are you still doing, let’s kill him, and I will give you what happened."

But Yi Tian didn’t think so in his heart. , I made it clear that my tears wanted to be used as a tool. I had already offended the old ghost of the abyss last time, and this time I have to offend it to the end.

But since he has said so, he can’t afford to perfunctory things. After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to seal and shouted at Tu Ke: "Fellow Daoist, you and I are just fighting for one spot. Such a fight to death, as long as you are willing to let your voice down, even if you have exposed it?"

Who knows that Tu Ke has reached such a point and still refuses to admit defeat. The whole person is all around. A dazzling golden light appeared on the outer layer of the skin. He looked like he was about to forcefully break the ice sealed by the ice marrow flame.

Just before he could sustain the sulfur fire for long, the blood vessels in his hand burst open, revealing the Purple Thunder electric energy. Under the control of Yi Tian, ​​these electric energy that had invaded his body once again wreaked havoc, and the sulphur fire that Tu Ke had finally sacrificed was destroyed in three or two strokes.

On the dark golden body, there was a large amount of blood seeping out along the surface of the body, and the external ice marrow flames violently jumped up in the space where the sulfur fire was abruptly, causing Tu Ke's whole body to be covered. It's frozen. There are also many ice marrow flames directly invading his body along the broken meridian in his hand.

In this way, Tu Ke also showed a look of panic on his face, but his mouth did not mean to be soft, but his forehead was divine light flashed trying to escape the Demon Infant.

At this time, Tu Ke’s Demon Infant all around was surrounded by a large amount of sulphur and fire, and a fist sized hole suddenly burst into the thick ice with a sound of'ka-cha'. After the blue ice flame in the inner part appeared, a yellow light flashed in the center, and after three breaths, the Demon Infant of Tu Ke broke through and rushed out.

The sulphur fire that originally surrounded his magic infant all around was also decayed at this time, leaving only a thin layer after consuming a large amount. But his Demon Infant flew in the air for a short time before being frozen, and then he was restrained by an invisible force and flew straight to the side as if he was uncontrollable.

It is Yi Tian holding a ring-like Demonic Artifact in the air, gently activated with his hands, emitting weird rays of light, shining on Tu Ke’s Demon Infant, making him unable to Self.

"Baby lock ring, how can you have such a Demonic Artifact," a miserable cry came from Tu Ke's mouth. But it was too late. His magic baby turned into a black light and instantly moved towards the largest groove on the bracelet and flew away. When the magic baby was submerged, the whole bracelet was buzzing and brittle as if it was full. The sound of Ming.

shook the head Yi Tian rolled up the baby lock ring on his hand and retracted the ice marrow flame in front of him, and then put the remaining ice cubes into the storage bag along with Tu Ke's corpse.

Slowly falling from the air to the back, he bowed his hand to Yan Lei and Demon Sovereign. Sound transmission said: "Fortunately, Junior still kept the spot, but the process was slightly bumpy and offended Demon. Race."

Yan Lei was twitched his lips disdainfully said: "What are you afraid of, originally they played tricks, but you brat is also ruthless enough to kill the opponent directly, I am afraid that the abyss old ghost will not I will give it up."

Yi Tian hearing this complexion slightly changed, I am really afraid of this happening, and now I can only go to the dark when I offend the other party to death.

Unexpectedly, Demon Sovereign took the initiative to defend: "Since the invitation is over, the reward in the hands of Fellow Daoist Leng will be handed over to the abyss old ghost. We shouldn’t do it again when it’s getting late. It’s important to waste time on business matters."

The rest of the people listened to their mouths, and they didn’t have any loss. At most, they came to watch the competition that’s all. Only the abyss old ghost was full of anger. Is on the verge of rage. But he looked at the Demon Sovereign and Yan Lei in the front of the flame prison below. They resisted their anger and accepted the large amount of treasures and supplies in Leng Xu's hands.

On the scene, calm was restored for a while, but Yi Tian found that everyone’s eyes flashed over him from time to time, and those Divided Spirit Stage cultivator eyes showed a deep look of dreading, even Heavenly Demon Clan's cultivator also looked at it and showed a moving expression on his face.

I'm afraid that among all the people who are ready to go in at this time, only Kutra is the easiest, and he knows it naturally from his experience. But when Yi Tian glanced over the demon saint dísciple Luo Xi, he found some doubts in his eyes, although he was staring at himself, his main attention was staying on Jiudhara.

Obviously, these two people knew each other early in the morning or were secretly implicated. Yi Tian didn't look too verbose, but only slowly walked behind Yan Lei and waited.

After a while, Luo Xi opened the mouth and said again: "Since the number of people has been determined, let's go in quickly." After speaking, he reached out and took out a round-shaped magic treasure light. Qingji was in the air, and there were eight vacancies on the disk.

And all around the seven big clans Integration Stage cultivator took out a simple key to sacrifice and moved towards the round wheel and flew away. Yi Tian pays attention to see that the people present except Heavenly Demon Clan took out two, all the other races have only one key. When the eight keys are gathered on the disc all around and inserted into the empty slot, they will turn into a huge light gate and appear. In front of everyone.

On one side of the light gate is the huge black vortex that connects to the abyss of Demon Realm in the distance. It turns out that it is really impossible to enter and exit here.

"Go in," Luo Xi said with a soft lips, and then the silhouette flashed and took the lead to fly into the light gate, and then the many Divided Spirit Stage cultivators standing in the distance also followed in turn. One after another set up the escape technique moved towards that light gate and rushed straight over. Yi Tian looked behind his eyes and An Xichen gave a wink. The two of them one after the other followed the light and flew out, and after ten breaths, the silhouette disappeared.

After the eighteen places were used up, the key on the disk slowly withdrew and then flew back to the hands of the Integration Stage cultivator. As for the disk in the middle, it flew to Heavenly Demon Clan. The cultivator will save it on your behalf.

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