After fighting with Tu Ke, Yi Tian realized that the other party seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and the body of that body practiced horizontally was completely in the form of a needle that cannot be inserted into the water.

After putting away the heart of contempt, Yi Tian burst into the red flames and wrapped himself up, and the whole figure behind the Inferno Demon looked like a flaming man surrounded by flames.

Only at this moment, on the hillside below, the Demon Sovereign divine sense swept the brows slightly, turned around and whispered sound transmission with Yan Lei: "Why is it a bit different from our orthodox cultivation technique?"

"It's a bit weird, it seems to be a heavenly demon change that incorporates Heavenly Demon Clan," Yan Lei's eyes lit up and hurriedly replied: "But it's okay, we have at least a 70% chance of winning if the opponent makes the wrong calculation. "

As soon as the words were finished, the situation in the sky changed drastically, and two lights, one red and one black, collided fiercely in the air. After each attack, there will be a piercing sound, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations generated after the two fight against each other in the air sacrifice one after another fierce wind.

After a few fights, Yi Tian had a detailed judgment on the strength of Tu Ke in front of him. This person is a cultivator who is good at body refinement, although his cultivation base is not weaker than him, but if he continues to fight to death, even if he wins, it is just a situation of defeat.

It is definitely not a good thing for the next trip to the abyss of Demon Realm. After trying to stagger the move, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and shook the curse heavenly demon bell quickly, and then mutter incantations in his mouth read the sound waves. Gathered into a bunch moved towards the opponent swept away.

At this time, the momentum of Tu Ke's offensive faded abruptly and was stopped by the sound waves of Qi Jue Moyin. After several sound waves detonated all around, he directly pushed the person three feet away.

The rousing sound waves drew a path in the air. The giant wind separated the two, and then Yi Tian stretched out his hand to tie the seal and swept away the location where the wind dragon Chao Tu Ke was located.

Faced with the evolution of such moves, the integration stage cultivators below have all begun to comment. Obviously, such formidable power tricks are relatively rare in the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator, especially the Heavenly Demon Clan's cultivator's recognition of the seven magic sounds is raised to a new height.

Although this can be considered one of Heavenly Demon Clan's divine ability, none of the people present will refine it to such a degree. But the most important thing is that the blessing effect of the heavenly demon bell can make this divine ability show such formidable power.

Tu Ke, who was in the air, was also under tremendous pressure at this time. He naturally knew that the wind in front of him, Dragon's Might, was powerful, and there were seven magical sound waves in it. If you want to win, you must avoid it. Only when the attack reaches the Yi Tian body.

After ten breaths, Tu Ke's figure in the air moved, and the golden light was directly divided into two under the mountain, around the wind dragon on both sides, and super Yi Tian attacked. Obviously, he also thought of the way to deal with it. These two silhouettes are definitely not spells like afterimages, but actual Avatar techniques.

Is it really able to deal with me after dividing my own strength into two? Yi Tian was taken aback when he saw it, and the pupils in his eyes condensed and displayed heavenly demon. The pupils saw the other two Avatars Really. Obviously Tu Ke used the Clone Technique, one of which was that the strength of his Demon Infant Avatar should be about the same as the main body.

It seems that the opponent wants to spend a magic infant Avatar to establish the victory in one fell swoop, but he will not easily let him succeed. After thinking about the corner of his mouth slightly smiled, his back figure also moved and turned into After Dao red's fire, he plunged into the wind and wind dragon.

In this way, Tu Ke lost his goal in an instant, and he had to get into the wind dragon if he wanted to fight in close quarters.

The two lights and shadows merged into one again after bypassing the wind dragon, and Tu Ke faced Yi Tian who was protected by the wind dragon in front of him. After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to break the wind layer in front of him and rushed in under the magic light of the whole body.

The expressions of everyone on the hillside changed slightly, especially those Integration Stage cultivators who seemed to have noticed the changes in the wind dragon. Obviously Yi Tian occupies a favorable situation at home and has a certain advantage on the winning side.

But the abyss old ghost still seems to have confidence, with a deep color on his face and no words, just quietly watching the scene of the two fighting in the sky.

Suddenly two sparks flashed in the wind dragon, and they collided fiercely. The spiritual pressure fluctuations in it were absorbed by the hurricanes all around, and then the wind blew more and more violently.

At this time, Yi Tian's prestige of taking advantage of the geographical position is unhurried and the opponent will win or lose, only relying on the constant harassment of sonic bombs. The burst of prestige continuously squeezed the movable space and gradually forced the opponent into the ten zhang radius.

I saw that Yi Tian violently lifted up the spiritual power and opened his mouth to be several sonic runes, hovering in the air and turned into a series of sonic bombs moved towards Tu Ke.

I saw the opponent suddenly shrank and made a complete defense state. After the sonic bombs all around and burst open, the aftermath swept over him to produce a series of crackling sounds.

Only saw his figure shaken by five feet before he hummed and stabilized, but Tu Ke's eyes were light flashed and then his mouth yelled: "I have locked you in," and said that the whole body was divided into two The real body hurriedly flew out like a cannonball while taking advantage of the gap of the move, and accurately locked Yi Tian behind the real body and fisted the front of the body fiercely and swung out both fists fiercely.

Standing in the abyss below, the old ghost was relaxed at this time, and then said with a smile: "It's a bargain to buy an Avatar for a quota."

"The abyss Old ghost, don't be too happy, because the outcome is still undecided. Don't think that you can win in close combat," Yan Lei said with disdain.

As the situation in the sky changed again, the wind dragon formed by the gang wind was cut in half in the middle. Then two silhouettes appeared in the sky, it was Tu Ke and Yi Tian who were fighting each other close.

The two also used body refinement and used the most direct method to directly attack each other's body by swinging fists with both hands. It's just that the surprise in Tu Ke's heart at this time is not weaker than the change on his face. Even if he hits the opponent, he can detect the faint electric current on the fist invading meridian.

These currents seem to have a restraining effect on the evil spirits, and they can't be forced out for a while.

As for Yi Tian's face, there is still a nonchalant expression, and the other party thinks that he is cultivating the Inferno Demon Body. It's a pity that I have already incorporated the power of Thunder Flame Purple Flame into it, even if it's melee combat, I'm not afraid at all. The two sides shot at close range with all their strength, the fists fell on each other like raindrops, after a hundred moves, Yi Tian has gradually gained the upper hand.

Suddenly a blue halo flashed over Red's fist, and Tu Ke hurriedly wanted to pull back after seeing the situation. But when the blue fist touched, the spiritual power on the whole body became extremely unsmooth, and I saw a thick layer of ice forming on his body and sealed his whole figure.

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