After arriving at the Heavenly Demon Clan camp in the Dark Cave Gorge of the Mizongling Ridge, Yi Tian took out the Heavenly Demon Clan Guest Elder token and entered the depths of the old camp. After seeing Duguping, the left-behind coach, he revealed all the information left by Jiutala in advance.

After taking the jade slip, I quickly scanned it with divine sense on his forehead, and later Yi Tian almost understood the current situation.

The entire group of Jiudala arrived here three days earlier, and after camping in the Dark Cave Gorge, he took two deputies to the depths of Mizong Ridge to investigate the so-called Evil Buddha of Mixed Realm. clue.

It's just that he has left for almost two days and has not returned yet and no information has been sent back. Dugu Ping received the order to stay here and wait for assistance, so he took care of all military affairs for the time being.

Yi Tian did not speak directly after reading the jade slip, but kept thinking about it in his mind. With the strength of Jiudhara and his own, if he is stuck in the lost path, then he will not be much better if he rushes forward.

If you don't go, you won't be able to do it. If Jiudhara really falls, then the three spiritual seeds on him will be a big problem. It was hard for him to help him collect three-quarters, and he had to start and finish things.

And I want to see in my heart what happens when the spirit species are combined into one. After all, my Nascent Soul combines the power of the magic source, and I have to look at the upper bound of the same level. How powerful is the secret treasure?

On this road, I found that a large number of low-level cultivators have come one after another. This look will definitely make the Mizongling Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Yi Tian thought about it and said instructed: "There is a reason for the matter, I think you will immediately take the Heavenly Demon Clan man and horse to exit the dark cave gorge, and then set up camp after a hundred miles outside the Lost Ridge."

Listen to Duguping. complexion slightly changed, tentatively replied: "Is this wrong for Yi senior? If Jiudhara senior comes back, how can I explain it."

"Just say that I proposed it, and I expected it. This time, the secret hiding of the evil buddhas in the mixed world was originally a complete set, and the entire Mizong Ridge should be a place where people were trapped, so for the time being, you should evacuate and move to a safe zone first," Yi Tian solemnly replied.

"Do you want to notify Liaoyuan City to send more reinforcements," Du Guping asked.

"Call Dugu Yaoxiang to lead the team. It's better to find a few Array Masters. Maybe they can come in handy." Yi Tian thought about it and said: "Okay, I will go in and search for Jiudala, you Let’s leave the camp immediately."

Said that the complete body shape has quietly turned into a transparent shape until nothingness, and the real body has already flown hundreds of miles away to the depths of the Lost Mountain. Yi Tian flew high in the sky, spreading divine sense and searching around, and soon found that divine sense's eyes were three hundred miles away before being blocked by a thick fog.

After stabilizing the figure in the air, the purple light flashed in the aisle, and the heavenly demon pupil moved towards and looked into the distance. I saw a thick gray fog rising in the depths of Mizongling Mountain, covering the area of ​​thousands of miles.

It is estimated that there should be the location of the so-called Evil Buddhism of Mixed Realm, but my divine sense and pupil technique can’t see the situation clearly. Fan Caixing.

I wanted to stop slowly falling to the flying height, condensing my breath, and quietly approached the misty area. When I came to this peripheral zone, I only felt that the fog was a problem, so I decided to just drop down and enter from the ground.

Walking inside for less than half a mile, I heard the faint smell of blood coming from the mist. Following this smell, Yi Tian went forward and quickly discovered that the source was one. The scene of a small conflict.

Two of the Demon Race bodies were divided into two. Judging from the wounds, they should be traces of some kind of demonic beast attack. I looked at the corpses below and found something strange. The Niwan Palace on the foreheads of the two corpses was scratched, and the Demon Infant inside was forcibly taken out.

Although such a situation is commonplace in Demon Realm, it is not so in the eyes of Yi Tian. The appearance of these two people's cultivation base in Deity Transformation Middle Stage, according to the state of death, it can be judged that the two people were killed by one move at the same time.

Later, someone forcibly broke his forehead Niwan Palace and dug out the Devil Infant. The whole process was in one go. I asked myself if I wanted to do this, I would be a person who was at least the same as my own cultivation base, thinking that I might have to face Yi Tian, ​​an opponent of similar strength hidden in the dark, and I couldn't help but start to be vigilant.

Although the strength may be comparable, but after all, the opponents occupy the prestige of the geographical position, and they cannot be sure that they will fall into the disadvantage. The fog of all around also divides the divine sense, at most, it can only detect the situation within the range of all around hundred zhang around.

So Yi Tian converges to inhabit and takes out the Demon Soul flag to conceal the silhouette and stealth forward in the mountains.

Not long after I exposed a few hills, I noticed that there was movement in front of me. When I walked forward, I found the body of a Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator lying on the hillside in the distance. His death was exactly the same as the previous two. They were cut at the waist and hollowed out of the Niwan Palace and dug out the Demon Infant.

But Yi Tian can be sure that the ominous beast of a sneak attacker in secret must be a demonic beast. None of the storage rings in the hands of these corpses have been removed. I think if it were a demonic cultivator, it would never leave such a big omission.

Judging from the costumes of the person in front of him, it should be one of the two Divine Transformation Stage Cultivators brought by Kutra, but there is no obvious trace of fighting here. It should be a sneak attack. Killing.

It's just that the strength that can succeed in the sneak attack in front of Jiudhara needs to be re-evaluated.

Put away the heart of contempt Yi Tian divine sense After sweeping all around, I found that there was obviously a faint trace of spiritual pressure fluctuations on the left front, which should have been left by Jiudhara after he shot.

Following this direction, Yi Tian's Ji Qi escape technique flew at low altitude in mid-air, silhouette moved towards forward.

Flying all the way, I didn’t see any traces of the fallen cultivator again. Instead, the residual spiritual pressure in the air fluctuated stronger and stronger. After flying over a hundred miles, I found that there was still blood explosion technique remaining in the spiritual pressure, all around the ground was passed by pears, and the blood-colored soil was turned over and pressed down again, leaving only a little bit of red on the ground. Blood stains.

When he was hesitating, suddenly there was a loud noise of spell attacking from three hundred miles ahead, and it was obvious that someone was fighting. Undoubtedly, Yi Tian hurriedly released the spiritual pressure fluctuation on his body and moved towards where he rushed away.

After ten breaths, I saw three cultivators from a distance and surrounded a Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator. Under fierce attacks, the Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator seemed to be exhausted at all. The power to fight back. It is estimated that it will be killed on the spot by breaching the protective shield in a few moments.

Yi Tian gently raised the Demon Soul banner in his hand, three black magic mists flew out from above and hovered towards the three people in the air.

'whiz whiz whiz' After several sounds, the black mist entangled the three people and separated them from the Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator.

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