After Concubine Yan left, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the Cave Mansion, bowed his head and meditated. According to the original plan, he sneaked into Demon Realm and opened the door for Concubine Yan to seize the concubine. At this time, it was almost completed.

The plan is to go to the Demon Realm abyss to explore the depths of Demon Realm by obtaining the recommended place from Demon Sovereign, in order to find the golden skeletons of the masters of the precepts left in this world.

Fortunately, I got to know City Lord Yanlei, who is also an Integration Stage cultivator, after his party in Liaoyuan City. This time, since he gave an invitation to go to Liaoyuan City again, it was naturally for the place to enter the abyss of Demon Realm.

And the difficulty of getting a spot from him is naturally easier than going to the Hell Dynasty to participate in the fierce battle. At the end, at most, he has to accept some of his conditions in exchange. But even this is very beneficial to me, there is no reason to stay close. If he refuses categorically, then it will be a demon if something goes wrong, and it will be suspicion if someone knows it afterwards.

I originally planned to go to Yan Fei Dao Ming after leaving the customs. She didn't expect her to come first. In this way, there is less trouble. Yi Tian explained his plan directly to her and at the same time explained clearly.

At the same time, Yi Tian can still see that Concubine Yan always belongs to herself, but at first, she was blocked by the words with great heart, but she was also in a high position and naturally wouldn't let it go.

I want to come as long as I live and come out of the abyss of Demon Realm, Concubine Yan will definitely grab myself and go to the Hell Dynasty to find Demon Sovereign to be the master of marriage.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian only feels that his head is as big as a fight. Anyway, he can only take one step and count one step, first deal with the things in front of him before talking.

In this conversation, I also heard that there has been a hidden evil Buddha in Demon Realm in recent years. Let's not talk about true or false here, but since I can say this name, I must also be an insider.

This is bound to arouse Jiutala's attention, thinking that he should set out early in the morning to find out the truth. And at this time, it is clear that he is here for someone like him, and he will never be bullied by others because of his temperament.

If I want to stop, Yi Tian took out the subpoena jade talisman and wrote down the message briefly, then activated it and sent it out.

After sitting in the Cave Mansion for three days, I noticed that there was a reply. I gently stretched out my hand and pinched a secret art to open the door. I saw a black light flying straight in front of me, and the divine sense swept across the jade talisman. It was the handwriting of the jade talisman.

After reading it quickly, Yi Tian fell into contemplation. The jade talisman wrote very clearly that Kudhara was carrying Heavenly Demon Clan to verify the secret of the evil Buddha in the mixed world. .

The evil Hundred Rivers of Sunshine also gave him an order to make it clear. If you can find the best secret, you will have to share a piece of the pie.

It's just that he also has reservations about this matter, and the reason is similar to what he thought. Both of them were insiders who saw that there was something hidden in the matter at a glance, and nine out of ten people set the game.

But since the other party has drawn down the Dao, how can he not allow him to pick up the Kudhara, so this is the reason why the people are ignited and want to find out. Finally, at the end of jade talisman, Kudhara also made it clear that he originally wanted to go with him, but he hurried to the road because of his urgency and the repeated urging of the City Lord.

However, he also marked the destination of this trip, located in the boundary of Heavenly Demon Clan and Shadow Demon Race's territory called Mizongling. Yi Tian planned to pull down the distance of about two days with his own escape speed. If he hurryed, he could catch up in about a day and a half.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian stood up and packed up everything around him, and then took out a copy of the jade talisman to go out to explore the secrets of the evil buddha of the mixed world, first talk to Concubine Yan, and wait for it. After that, he will rush to Liaoyuan City to meet Imperial Uncle Yanlei.

Yi Tian wandered out of Cave Mansion after Jade Talisman sent it out. After opening the prohibition form, the silhouette flew over the expeditionary camp. I took out the map jade slip and marked the location of the Mizong Ridge, and then found that the land boundary was also surprisingly large and covered a radius of three ten thousand li.

If there weren’t for Kutra’s report, I’m afraid it would take me several months to find the exact location. Fortunately, now I’m not blindly knowing that the Heavenly Demon Clan army’s first stop is a mystery. Near the edge of the dark cave gorge on the outpost of Zongling. They will camp there and then explore inside.

After thinking about it in my heart, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and turned into a dao aurora moved towards the location of the Mizongling Dark Cave Gorge and flew straight away, while leaving only a residual image on the original location, ten There is no trace after breaths.

Along the way, Yi Tian traversed the southern battlefield, carefully avoiding the boundary of the abyss Demon Race and raising the flight altitude to avoid being noticed by the opponent so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After passing the southern battlefield and flying over two days, I entered the boundary of the mountain range of Demon Spine. At this time, the mountain range of Demon Spine had passed through the expeditionary force baptism of the Demon Race in the Hell, and it had been built as solid as gold. It is unceremonious to say that Concubine Yan's words in Demon Spine Mountain are more useful than Demon Sovereign.

It's just that when Yi Tian passed by, when the divine sense swept across the newly opened Demon Race town below, he was filled with emotion. His unintentional failure even provoked an attack on the Hell Demon Race, which was unexpected.

Conversely, think about it if you did not come to Demon Realm, then the demon spine mountain range's opposition may continue for thousands of years and will not change.

After crossing the Demon Spine Mountain, we will go to the territory of Heavenly Demon Clan and try to avoid contact with people along the way. Gradually, Yi Tian found that there were also many Earth Grade cultivators flying towards the Mizong Gorge.

These people have all kinds of Demon Race loose cultivator. They travel alone or in groups, but their destination direction is roughly the same as their own.

Moreover, the closer you get to Mizongxia, the more loose cultivator you see, so Yi Tian began to hesitate in his heart. It seems that the news of this evil buddha's secret has spread throughout the Demon Realm, attracting a large number of demonic cultivators to go there. I don't know what the people behind the scenes are going to do.

A few days later, when Yi Tian arrived at Mizong Ridge, he looked far in the air and found the zero hour camp of Heavenly Demon Clan. The Heavenly Demon Clan banner was erected in the camp, and the entire Dark Cave Gap was divided as a restricted area nearby.

Yi Tian saw that he slowly dropped the cloud head and took out the cape of restraining breath and put it on his body so as not to be discovered by the caring person of his level and true identity.

Divine sense inspected it slightly and found that the most powerhouse of the cultivator left in the entire camp was just like the Spirit Transformation cultivation base.

Yi Tian immediately pinched a stealth spell out of thin air and then moved towards Heavenly Demon Clan with a big swing.

When I walked to the depths of the camp, I found a Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator of the Divine Transformation Stage sitting in front of him with his eyes closed. Suddenly he opened his eyes for no apparent reason, and then looked around. Yi Tian found that although the other party could not find his position, he obviously felt someone invaded. Then he shouted: "It's not just where the expert is here, Heavenly Demon Clan is lonely and reasonable."

Seeing the other party's self-reported family, Yi Tian slowly emerged and stretched out his hand to take out the offerings of Heavenly Demon Clan. jade token replied: "Sure enough, it’s a bit different. The left-behind personnel that Jiudhara looked for are still discerning."

Duguping saw the jade token and hurriedly arched his hands: "pay respects to Yi senior, Elder Luo said early in the morning that you would rush the system later and tell me to wait here for the ride."

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