Bone Burying Temple forbidden Outer Flame Prison The army of Demon Race and the army of Abyss Demon Race confronted each other, but this time there was an unexpected situation, and both parties have sought foreign aid.

Or so much foreign aid, it is better to be cross-cut by other races. The ten duels between the two races were originally negotiated and three places were allocated to other races.

Fortunately, Yan Lei and the abyss old ghost are also human spirits. Even if they are dumb, they can still do whatever they want in the imposing manner.

I saw Yan Lei took out the Demonic Artifact in his hand and set up the arena of Xumi Space in the gap between the two armies. Then opened the mouth and said: "You don't need to make a fuss about nothing, and you will end after you have taken the rune token. If you really feel uncontrollable during the match, crush the jade token and you will be sent out. , Of course, this is tantamount to surrendering."

There are two jade talisman at the entrance of the Xumi space when Yi Tian looks up, and everyone who enters will take one. Later, I saw Heavenly Demon Clan Dugu Yufeng first flew forward to the nearest ring and took a copy of the jade talisman and fell into it.

After three breaths, he only saw his figure shrunk to one-tenth of its normal size. At the same time, the ring was extremely spacious, and at least he didn't feel a sense of space cramped when he moved around at random.

Immediately, the remaining Divided Spirit Stage cultivators who played in the battle also all ended, and Yi Tian was the last one. I glanced over Yan Lei's hazy car and didn't hear any other instructions from him, then his silhouette flew to the entrance of the final Xumi space ring, reached out a jade talisman, and slowly fell into it.

Fortunately, he has already had the experience of fighting in the Xumi space, so after entering, Yi Tian took out the Demon Soul flag and the heavenly demon bell gently.

There is no advantage of time and place to fight in such a Xumi space. It is a real test of the cultivator's own strength. And the ordinary person can't forcefully break through Heaven and Earth, unless they are stronger than Yan Lei or proficient in Formation to penetrate the barriers of the Xumi space in the Demonic Artifact from the inside.

After looking over it, Yi Tian took the Xiao Jiujiu in his heart away. If he really did this, the old ghost in the abyss of appearance warfare would be the first one to stand up and jump out.

It didn't take a moment for the divine sense to find that the spiritual pressure fluctuations that are not weak have entered this Sumi space, and after three breaths, a burly silhouette appeared not far in front of him.

Yi Tian's gaze swept over the recent slight draw, which turned out to be the last time he met Tu E during the interception. At this time, the source power of his body is faintly separated, and he has already sacrificed his body refinement, and he can make shots anytime, anywhere.

Sumi Space Outer Flame Prison Demon Race, Yan Lei’s illusory shadow in the air stretched out his hand to close the entrance of the ring in front of him, and then opened the mouth and said: "You guys fight inside, I am against the abyss The old ghost will look at the ability to use it as much as possible."

The old ghost on the opposite side of the abyss added: "It doesn’t matter if you go to the ring, you must crush the jade talisman out or die. On the ring, you can do it."

As soon as the words were over, several strong spiritual pressure fluctuations suddenly rose in the middle of the Xumi space ring. Among them, Heavenly Demon Clan was the lonely guardian. The wind is the strongest.

On the opposite side, Demon Race and Dark Demon Race also each have a distracting late stage cultivator showing a not weak imposing manner, almost comparable to Dugu Yufeng.

On the contrary, the Demon Race cultivator, as the host, was weaker in the imposing manner when it came up. The strongest imposing manner came from the people who were discharged from Yan Lei. The old ghost in the abyss in the illusory shadow said with a smile: "I am the clansman who came out in large numbers, and didn’t expect to rely on more people to win. It seems Yan Fellow Daoist in your dynasty There is no successor."

Who knows that Yan Lei is not angry, but just faintly replied: "How about not equal to me?"

"Yan Fellow Daoist since If I’m interested, I’ll accompany myself?" The Abyss Old Demon said with a smile: "How to play?"

"Since Fellow Daoist jokes about no one in my clan, let’s bet not equal to me and win in the end. How about the four race cultivator or my Demon Race?" Yan Lei illusory shadow Feng Danyun said lightly: "As for the bet, how about using the gold and sulfur of your abyss Demon Race?"

"Yan Fellow Daoist really domineering, so soon I was worried about the treasures of my family's specialties, the gold and sulfur, but the old man still has a copy in his hand, but what is Fellow Daoist to bet against?" The abyss old ghost said in an angry voice.

"Heavenly Grade treasure bet must naturally have something to match. I have a copy of the Flame Demon Crystal in my hand. It is enough if I want to come," Yan Lei replied.

"It's a deal," the abyss old ghost listened to not even think and accepted it directly.

When the two Integration Stage cultivators talked in the air, there was a change in the Xumi Space Arena below. Although these Divided Spirit Stage cultivators did not know the external situation, they could However, the divine ability of the technique is not happy even if I have sacrificed it early in the morning.

What's more, the abyss Demon Race where Heavenly Demon Clan's Dugu Yufeng is located, the opponent has been forced to retreat steadily. At this time, he had to crush the jade talisman in his hand and force it to send out. But Dugu Yufeng was also a major event when he didn't spare the opponent's withdrawal. The spells in his hand took out again, and two magic lights fiercely hit the protective cover and forcibly broke it and hit the opponent.

After the aura flew out of it, I saw two bloodstains on the body of the abyss Demon Race cultivator leaking out of the defensive magic armor, and the entire person's imposing manner was also depressed. It was obvious that he had received internal injuries.

Fortunately, the winning percentage of Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator is not included in the bet of the two Integration Stage cultivators. The old ghost of the abyss is only slightly frowned, and then it is quietly lowered and sound transmission. Support the wounded and return to the warship behind.

Facing Tu E in the Xumi space where Yi Tian is located, he just felt a little surprised that's all. When he shot himself last time, he saw it in his eyes and wanted to come and must be in order to brother. Only then would he choose his own side to avenge that arrow.

The silhouette of the opponent suddenly disappeared in the air and reappeared on his right side again, and then he threw his fists out of his nagant force, mixed with the sound of the wind, and moved towards his protective shield.

It's just that Yi Tian's face showed an inadvertent smile, and in his mouth, the spell of Qi Jue Devil Sound was chanted quickly. In an instant, the sound wave emerged within three feet of the whole body to form a domain space.

I saw that Tu E's hands penetrated into the range of three feet away from Yi Tian, ​​and he could no longer advance an inch. At the same time, he was trapped in the defensive space of Qijue Moyin, and the movements of the whole person and the operation of the spiritual power in the body were invariably affected.

Under the shock, Tu E wanted to pull away, but the curse heavenly demon bell on Yi Tian's head shook rapidly, doubling the formidable power of Qi Jue Demon Voice.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take out the Demon Soul flag, and then several black mists dispersed from the top to swallow Tu E's body.

I've seen myself make such a move before, Tu E's eyes showed a trace of determination, and the spiritual power on his body violently violently opened the sonic domain and withdrew from it.

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