After the battallion team arrived, Yi Tian realized that it was not just his own missing one spot, but also the Fourth Prince and Seventh Prince had been eliminated.

These three places were naturally taken by the commander-in-chief Yan Lei, and when the battleship of Heavenly Demon Clan came along with the battleship of Liaoyuan City, everything became clear.

Wait until Yanlei's frame flew, besides the subordinates of Liaoyuan City, there was a team of Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator to follow. Among the three Divided Spirit Stage cultivators leading the team is the old acquaintance Du Gufeng, but it seems that she is not a person in charge either. Behind them were ten Heavenly Demon Clan's Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator. Among them, the silhouette of Youdao attracted Yi Tian's attention.

I took a closer look at this person who was the Heavenly Demon Clan Young Patriarch Solitary Isolated Sect I saw before in Liaoyuan City. In the morning, his arrival naturally caused the Demon Race cultivator here. Among them, Fourth Prince and Seventh Prince showed horror. After all, the last time they competed in Liaoyuan City is still vivid.

Now that Solitary Isolated Sect comes to the competition in the morning, it is a good idea, and he can be said to be the most powerhouse below the Divided Spirit Stage, the well-known incarnation period Number One Person, he is in Hell The cultivator of Demon Race will definitely be suppressed by him in the buried Holy Land.

Yi Tian originally had some doubts about this, but he figured it out in a blink of an eye. This matter must be the Demon Sovereign unable to bear the pressure of Heavenly Demon Clan and finally compromised. As for these three places, they were replaced with no small conditions.

But after meeting Yan Lei again, Yi Tian always felt scrupulous, after all, he had made a lot of benefits in his land last time.

The sound transmission that followed also made Yi Tian helpless. It was obvious that the tears had been spotted for a long time, but the last time he slid so fast that he didn't give him a chance.

Now I will not miss the opportunity to meet him again. It seems that Demon Sovereign's immediate change of mind this time has also beaten him completely unprepared. It is estimated that he is thinking about how to maximize the benefits, and he can't say that he has to be used as a tool by others.

Later, I only listened to Yan Lei’s remarks from the obscure car again: "With the help of Heavenly Demon Clan this time, the victory of my Demon Race will naturally be even greater. ."

In spite of that, the heart of our staff is dripping blood, and the good places are all taken up by the other party. Concubine Yan and the two emperor brothers naturally understood in their hearts, but these people naturally knew how to deal with the big scenes calmly.

The smiles of approval appeared on all faces moved towards the hazy car salute, Qi Qi replied: "I wait and listen to the commander's deployment."

Yi Tian looked at the three people's expressions but also helpless Sighed, I'm afraid that the three of them must be dissatisfied. Even in the buried Holy Land, there will be conflicts with the Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator, but now Yan Lei is pressing everyone to dare not make that's all.

"But the other party seems to have found a helping hand this time. It is said that the dark demon patriarch also sent a team of people to help." The voice in the car paused and then continued: "Dugu Yufeng, do you think you want to fight against clansman or the abyss Demon Race cultivator?"

The first half of the sentence is with everyone, and the second half is to ask Heavenly Demon. Clan leader. I saw Young Patriarch Solitary Isolated Sect walking up to a cultivator behind Chen, who was the leader before.

I saw that he replied after thinking about it: "A guest will comply with the wishes of the host, a guest will comply with the wishes of the host. Please also the commander-in-chief Yanlei to arrange. I, Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator, no matter who I meet Question."

Some words are also arrogant, so that the distracting cultivator of all around the Hell Demon Race can look at it, and there are many whispers among the crowd. After three breaths, Dugu Yufeng slightly let go of the breath on his body. Immediately, the cultivators on the side of the Demon Race in the Hell closed their mouths, and at most they only talked about sound transmission in private.

Yi Tian only listened to the sound transmission of the dark Xichen behind him: "This person is stronger than me. It is estimated that he is half weaker than Fellow Daoist Yi."

" Secretly thought friends are overpraised, I think it’s slightly better than me by a half," Yi Tian slightly smiled replied.

"Fellow Daoist Yi is humble. I have practiced a divine ability spell to find out the hidden strength of the cultivator. Although I can't get a glimpse of the true strength of this person, I can still see roughly eighty to nine points. "Dan Xichen shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "And my divine ability has never failed."

There is such a secret technique of Divine Ability, Yi Tian can't help but listen to his face Unchanging heart was extremely surprised, and then sound transmission asked: "I don't know how secretly thought friends can see through?"

"Less than 30%, mainly Fellow Daoist Yi, you hide too deeply. I guess there is no one here except Integration Stage cultivator, Yanlei is your opponent," said An Xichen.

"The secretly thought friends may also look away. That Dugu Yufeng must cultivate the divine ability of the secretary of Heavenly Demon Clan, and there are some unknown secrets left on him. Once he shows his strength, he can reach the peak of the Divided Spirit Stage. ," Yi Tian said modestly.

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Yi is worse than him if he does his best," An Xichen smiled and replied.

When the two of them were chatting privately, a little light from the sky lit up again, and they flew from the other side of the battlefield towards the forbidden edge of the Bone-Buried Temple. Needless to say, the number of light screens is not less than that of Demon Race, and it is generally led by the Integration Stage cultivator.

There are dozens of Divided Spirit Stage cultivator behind him, and more than 30 incarnation stage cultivator grandiose rushed to the back of the escape.

When the opponent's horse flies to a close distance three miles away and stabilizes in the air, the left and right sides line up and look at the aggressive moved towards here.

After ten breaths, there is an illusory shadow in the middle of the opponent's crowd. It slowly rises to mid-air and turns into a giant abyss Demon Race outline. Needless to say, this person is the Integration Stage cultivator in the opposing faction.

At the same time, there is also an illusory shadow on the hazy car behind him, which rises and flies into the air to confront the abyss Demon Race on the opposite side. After three breaths, I only listened to the tears in the illusory shadow opened the mouth and said: "The old ghost of the abyss, when you are all here, let's start."

"I heard about the Demon Sovereign this time. Heavenly Demon Clan helped the punch, and the old man also asked the patriarch of Demon to ask for some help," the abyss old ghost opened the mouth and said.

It is true that which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted. Everyone is forced to compromise under pressure to allow other races to join in. Now when it comes to his mouth, he has become looking for someone to help with the punch.

Yan Lei was impatient after hearing this: "Time is running out. Let's do it quickly as we said before."

"For the sake of fairness, I think it is still a lottery. Okay, then it will save a lot of time to perform the competition at the same time. What do you think?" The Abyss Old Ghost suggested.

Yan Lei sighed replied: "You still don't forget the virtual space arena of this seat, but this time I will reluctantly use it. Ten people at the same time duel will save time," said Yan Lei illusory Open your mouth in the shadow and spit out a three-inch square Demonic Artifact. After encountering the wind, it suddenly grows into a half-mile round stone platform, which is divided into ten separate spaces of neat and tidy by several black demonic energy. .

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