In the cave, Yi Tian suddenly joined the battle and instantly reversed the situation.

Although I don’t know the details of the other party, since Jiudhara keep on saying, dísciple Yi Tian, ​​who claims to be the evil Buddha, naturally does not dare to be careless. The nanmu wooden fish was taken out as soon as he shot, and the Acquired Lei eight-tone secret law mantra was quickly recited from his mouth.

I held the wooden fish and knocked it quickly. This nanmu wooden fish was made by infusing it with the power of Tianlei eight-tone Buddha for the second time. The use of the secret technique in conjunction with the eight-tones of Tianlei will increase the reason by as much as a third.

For a time, the entire cave was filled with golden sound waves. Under deliberate control, the attack points were aimed at the blood refinement body protection armor.

After ten breaths, the flesh and blood in the outermost layer of the armor could not withstand the purifying power of the heavenly thunder and eight sounds bursting open. Under the loud sound of'puff puff puff', the flesh and blood spattered in all directions.

The concealed seal on one side came back to his senses at this time with a fierce look on his face, and then took out a few Icicles to control the moved towards and flew to the place where it fell off.

'ka ka' made a loud voice, and his attacks were also very targeted, all aimed at the deep red core pieces of flesh and blood. After that, the cone pierced it and destroyed it directly, but the remaining pieces of meat could not be recovered again.

Juthara, who was so in the flesh and blood armor, exclaimed: "How can you find the weakness of my blood refinement body, stop it."

Unfortunately, the more he is like this It is said that the faster the secret seal can start, it is obvious that while he is sick and killing him, the spiritual pressure fluctuation of each core flesh and blood Jiudhara is weaker.

Yi Tian is also not afraid of reciprocating the sky thunder eight-tone secret technique in his mouth to suppress it. Over a long period of time, as the blood refinement, the demon flesh continuously peeled off from him, revealing the body that had fallen off.

The four Icicles flying in the air seem to have found the target, and they moved towards the other side in unison under the control of the secret seal.

The sound of'ka-cha' continued to sound. Three Icicles directly pierced the magic armor and were directly stuck by the strength of blood refinement magic flesh. Coincidentally, the fourth branch happened to be the center red heart pierced from the weakest shoulder, and the white Icicle suddenly oozes bright red bloodshot eyes.

Under this supposedly good situation, Yi Tian's face showed an abnormal grave expression. After three breaths, he hurriedly retreated, and shouted: "Defensively, the situation is not good."


After finishing speaking, I stopped the nanmu wooden fish in my hand, took out the dragon scales shield and put it in front of me, and the secret seal was also quick to know that the situation was not good, and then I set back and sacrificed the ice wall for defense.

In front of him, a trace of black spiritual power overflowed from the Jiudhara, and then the whole person began to burn from the inside to the outside. Those four icicles were completely evaporated before ten breaths under the black flame.

In addition, the blood refinement magic flesh that was originally attached to the body was turned into coke under the burning of the black magic eye.

This move is to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, but Yi Tian carefully looked at the next and faintly realized that the demon fire on the opponent's body was not simple. After thinking about it, I realized that this magic fire didn't seem to be the Divine Ability he cultivated himself, but the divine ability that someone left on him.

At this time, a black aura lit up on Jiudhara's forehead, just like his Nascent Soul was out of the body. And Nascent Soul's hands converged the magic fire all around after the fast knots and finally converged to the forehead to form a reverse swastika.

Then Nascent Soul Spirit Physique flew back to the Niwan Palace, but at this time, the imposing manner of Jiudhara was much weaker than before.

Yi Tian looked a little puzzled in the center of his eyes, this reversed swastika logo was exactly the same as the mark on the primitive token in his storage ring. There must be an inseparable relationship among them, and I don't know where Luo Fei of the Feiyu clan found this token at that time.

In other words, he and the forces of the evil buddha have been lurking in the buddha realm and are willing to act as a minion for him.

In an instant, many undesirable thoughts rise in the mind, and Yi Tian's immediate actions are also half a shot.

The concealed seal next to him is to put away the ice wall defense and then take out an unremarkable porcelain bottle. After opening the lid, pour the liquid in the bottle into the mouth and immediately the temperature of the whole person is all around. When he descended, even the shoes he was wearing all around condensed a layer of frost.

Although I don’t recognize such tricks, the predecessor of Kudhara in front of me is nether runes clansman. Naturally, I know that this is very powerful. On the spot, he shouted in a deep voice: "Ice Crystal is really exposed, you really are an important figure, even the most top-ranked treasure in this clan."

Speaking of which, his figure is not slow at all. The whole person pushed back and stretched the distance, but the red arc flashed on his hands even on the ten fingers after printing.

Yi Tian took away the dragon scales shield and sacrificed the nanmu wooden fish again. This time the frequency of knocking was significantly increased by three points, and the eight sounds of thunder in the mouth were also gathered into a beam of sound waves moved towards Cover the area where the opponent is.

I only felt that face-to-face attacks were too wasteful of spiritual power in the previous Secret Art, but now the road that Jiudhara pushes to the entrance of the passage to be sealed off is also known as the target of concentrated attack.

Under the golden halo, his movements are obviously not as smooth as before. Jiuduoluo stared at Yi Tian angrily, but couldn't stop it. The tricks to be performed by the insinuations in front of him might cause fatal damage to him, so he had to guard against it.

After half a moment, it seemed that the secret preparation was finished, and he reached out and gestured. When Yi Tian saw the silhouette, the nanmu wooden fish in his hand flashed to one side, and he was beating them continuously in the air. Then the right hand took out the Taiyuan sword to transport the cultivation technique of the Dahijin Sutra and quickly injected it into the sword.

Suddenly sealed the silhouette and shook and teleported to the left side of the passage, opened his mouth and pointed at the Jiutala who was more than ten feet away in front of him, and spit out tiny drops of water.

Then who lived in the sky quickly flew out, and instantly turned into a white snowflake-shaped moved towards Jiudhara's body under the cover. The temperature of all around dropped sharply, and a thin layer of frost was quickly spread across the cave, using the hidden seal as the origin.

After the frost spreads to the blood refinement meat on the ground, it directly freezes the minced meat that is still moving into ice.

Juthara turned around and swept all around, the white snowflakes should seal his back road to death. Just as he wanted to close the door and hit the dog just now, now he has become a trapped animal in a cage.

It's just that there is no hesitation on his face, and he stretches out his hand to take out ten red arcs to come all around and form a grid of balls to help each other.

After falling, the white snowflakes attached to the surface of the electric ball were still condensed, and were directly evaporated by the inner arc.

As more and more snowflakes fall, they seem to want to gather on the electric ball, but how could Jhudra let the secret seal continue to use the arc to consume it. The scene turned into a deadlock for a while. At this time, the sound of'sou sou' sounded from the right side, and the sword light in Yi Tian's hand followed immediately.

The secret seal is to reach out to a one-foot-sized gap with a finger to let the sword light pass through fiercely from the snowflakes and hit the protective grid of Jodhara.

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