In the depths of the Fallen Land, the three people stealth all the way to the cave. Fortunately, there is a thunderweed bamboo about two feet long.

It’s just that this thunder-stripe bamboo seems to be used to ban an ancient corpse that suppresses a nether runes clan, and Yi Tian feels strange to it. But Zhongbao had no reason to let go in front of his eyes, and when the four spirits were laid down and the corpse was surveyed and the corpse was indeed completely dead, Yi Tian took the courage and walked forward to try to pull out the thunder pattern bamboo.

Who knows that the ancient corpse just released from the state of being suppressed by the thunderweed bamboo reveals a strong primitive atmosphere and extremely powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations.

Yi Tian asked himself to have seen the Old Ancestor of Houtian, the integration stage cultivator that the old green-haired monster only left, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations revealed by the corpse in front of them were not weaker than them. You must know that this is an ancient corpse that has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years. Even if it is dead, it can still have such a strong strength. You can imagine how strong it was before life.

Before I had time to investigate, I suddenly felt the cold air behind me, and a strong sense of crisis spontaneously emerged. Secretly said in one's heart, Yi Tian hurriedly pulled out and output the protective cover to the maximum of the spiritual power. With a'bang', I only felt that there was an ice attribute technique around him hitting his protective cover.

Too late to take out the dragon scales shield defense, clenched the teeth directly displayed Buddhist Sect body refinement golden sun. Suddenly, a bright golden light burst into the whole body.

The ice sharp thorn pierced the protective cover without any suspense and then pierced Yi Tian's body, pushing the whole person fiercely to one side of the wall, and then several Icicles struck Yi Tian directly Nailed to the wall.

"Who are you?" The one who spoke secretly sealed Elder. At this time, he also realized that the dark moon in front of him was a bit wrong. The aura of the whole person soared to directly break through the boundaries of the incarnation of the cultivation base, and then climbed all the way to the top-level state of the Divided Spirit Stage.

At this time, the dark Fairy Maiden Yue showed a strange smile on her face, and the eyes in her eye sockets turned red like blood. Looking at the secret seal, he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips and said in a deep tone: "This seat is the evil Buddha of the mixed world sitting down Head Disciple Jiudhara, you two juniors are greedy for this seat's inheritance and don't want to hit by mistake. Pulled out the seal for me, how can I thank you all?"

Hearing that the secretly sealed face here becomes very embarrassing, it turns out that his younger generation Darkyue has long been possessed by this Jiudhara. . Everything is to pull the seal out of the two.

Faced with an opponent whose strength is superior, Secret Seal is also extremely regretful at this time, and the situation that should have been great has now become extremely passive. If it is two-to-one, there is still hope of getting away, but it is difficult to get benefits in front of this old monster in a heads-up decision.

If I want to go back, it is also not to be outdone that the spiritual power of the whole body is fully operated, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the body are released immediately, and they seem to be only half weaker than the opponent. He took out four white bone cones and manipulated them in his hands, and raised hand took out Spiritual Artifact without waiting for the other party to have any more words, and moved towards the person in front of him at four angles.

"such insignificant ability, your nether runes cultivation technique, I have learned it thousands of years ago. If the combined cultivator uses this technique and it is worth seeing, you are indeed far away," Yuta Luo said in a hurry, and at the same time, the spell in his hand kept offering a thick thick ice to block him in front of him.

'puff puff puff,' after a few dull sounds, the bone cones that came in were blocked, but at this time, the hidden silhouette standing on the spot turned into a remnant of Tao and passed directly over the Jiudhara. Fleeing by the road.

Who knows that Jiudhara doesn't seem to care at all, but with a hint of sneer on his face, he looked at it secretly.

After three breaths, I saw the blue escape and replied, and fell on a side of the cave with a secretly surprised face and said: "Those blood refinement foreign objects are all part of your body. This is not the nether runes cultivation technique. Who are you?"

Jitura raised his head and smiled a few times: "Of course this seat is nether runes clansman, but it was listed by the clan. Driven out of the Nether Realm for the traitor."

"Nether runes traitor, it turns out that you are the dark one twenty thousand years ago. You didn’t expect to escape to the Buddha world." Seal turn pale with fright.

"The name Anwuri hasn’t been heard for a long time," Jiudhara waved his hand and said, "That’s my name before I was infused with demonic energy, and now I’m the evil buddha sitting down. Head Disciple Jiudhara, don’t call the wrong kid again."

After talking about the two hands together, the seal was quickly formed. The blue light in the hands appeared and two hands were condensed together. three chi long A sharp ice blade three inches thick comes. After the silhouette flashed, Yingdala moved, and his speed was darker, and after a three-point flash, he came to the front. With both hands interlaced in turn, he moved towards Anfeng's body and greeted him.

With a crisp sound of'bang', the secret seal was also defended by the same ice wall, and a series of runes flashed on his ice wall to instantly strengthen the defense spell.

"Don’t just do unnecessary struggles, obediently surrender. You have brought these tricks to the point of perfection thousands of years ago. The trifling nether runes ice wall can’t resist me. It’s Extreme Cold," Jiutala said in his mouth that he kept his hands, and the ice blades on his hands made a mark more than three inches deep on the nether runes ice wall.

'ka-cha', the ice wall couldn't stop the continuous fierce attack and cracked a gap from it. The dark cover behind it was as dead gray. His strongest defensive ability didn't even last for a moment. It is about to be breached.

Juthara laughed and moved forward and did not slow down. He was about to break through the defense and take the secret. Suddenly listening to the sound of'crash-bang', the ice wall was chopped into countless slags, but before Jiudhara continued to shoot, golden rays of light suddenly flashed on the side.

Then several sound waves spread out to shook Judasara on the verge of collapse. In the golden light, another thunder arc flashed under Judasara’s feet and then pulled back and looked back. Look at avoiding this fatal blow.

"Secretly thought friends have been waiting for a long time, here is here to help you," the speaker was Yi Tian who was sealed on the wall by ice thorns just now. At this time, the golden light gleamed from the whole body to reveal the Buddhist Sect golden sun figure, holding thunderweed bamboo and nanmu wooden fish in his hands, staring dignifiedly at the Jiudhara in front of him, and then sternly shouted: "Evil demon evil man. If you are condemned by others, you are a scum of Buddhism when you sit down as the evil buddha. If you think that the thunderweed bamboo can restrain your body, then my Buddhist Sect cultivation technique will definitely restrain your spell.

After speaking, I opened my mouth and said the mantra, and at the same time I picked up the nanmu wooden fish in my hand and knocked it. That day, the sound wave of Lei Bayin suddenly exploded under the blessing of Spiritual Artifact moved towards Jiudhara.

Suddenly, the entire cave was shaken violently, and Jiudhara's mouth also revealed a heart-piercing cry: "blood refinement bodyguard," his hands kept forming seals to seal the blood in the passage. The refinement flesh and blood summon came over and directly covered him with scarlet flesh and blood armor.

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