The Feiyu tribe’s pursuit was repelled, but afterwards, Wan Bo's evil expression was so deep that he couldn't see any joy.

After the two returned to the cargo ship, Wan Jiaolan directly took over the control and personally piloted the flying boat and began to traverse the rest of the alien region at the fastest speed.

At this time, Yi Tian followed Wan Bo E back to the main cabin. After the two of them sat down, Wan Bo E was impatient to open the mouth and said: "This time many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi shot with justice, I thought there would be a fierce battle."

"Wan Fellow Daoist is polite, if you didn’t attract the other party’s attention, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to succeed in one blow. "Yi Tian replied politely.

Wan Bo's evil face finally showed a little smile, and then asked: "See Fellow Daoist Yi's tricks contain abundance of righteousness, and the decisive killing should come from Spirit Realm's famous and authentic. ".

"It's not just the Inner Disciple of Spirit Realm Taiqing Pavilion, it's just a coincidence that it's all in the Buddha world," Yi Tian said with a smile, in fact, this is not at the worst. As spiritual cultivators, especially sword cultivators, there are a large number of people, and battle strength is usually the strongest among them.

It’s just that after listening to Wan Bo’s disgust, there seemed to be a skeptical look on his face: "As far as I know, the most powerful in Spirit Realm is Lihuo Palace, followed by Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, Taiqing Pavilion It’s ranked third. It’s just that Fellow Daoist Yi’s methods look like the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect’s fame and outstanding skill, Ling Yaohua Qian."

Didn't expect the other party can actually find the source of their tricks, Yi Tian couldn't help but look at him a little high. Then he thought about whether the other party was suspicious of his self-reported identity, and later replied: "Actually, in Spirit Realm, he killed the dísciple of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and then he had no choice but to go far. Going away from home to avoid disaster."

The look on Wanbo's evil face got better after this. It is common for the Prison World Barbarians to fight and kill. As for they only admire powerhouse, as for various reasons, they don't bother to consider it.

Wan Bo sighed in admiration for a few times and then said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, you know that we are now in danger. Once Luo Fei, the leader of the Feiyu tribe bandit, learns that today’s situation is bound to be violent. Angry."

"Wan Fellow Daoist is afraid that the other party will catch up?" Yi Tian asked in a counter: "We have now gone deep into the alien region, but it won't take long to drive away at full speed."

"Things are by no means that simple. Luo Fei is also considered a person with a face among the alien races. And I heard that his strength is infinitely close to the Divided Spirit Stage, as long as he calls other aliens a little bit to intercept Our merchant ship has a chance to catch up," Wanbo said with a worried expression on his evil face.

so that's how it is, but Yi Tian also has an idea in his heart after hearing the other party's cultivation base. Even if Luo Fei's face is great, the rest of the Foreign Race people will not do too much under interception at best. At least the Chamber of Commerce can open from Prison World to Buddhism. I don’t believe that Wanbo Evil can only do it by moving his lips.

Yi Tian said resolutely after her lazy face was reduced: "Fellow Daoist has a good strategy to retreat from the enemy?"

"I have three strategies of high, middle and low, but this The price is not cheap," Wan Boye said after hesitating.

Needless to say, these three policies must have a great relationship with me, and judging from the current situation, I may not tolerate my disapproval. Immediately, there was not much to say, silently nodded, beckoning the other party to continue.

So I tried to open the mouth and said: "The first one is that we escaped smoothly without encountering the obstacles of the alien race. That is everyone's joy. We don't need to bother."

"What about the other two situations?" Yi Tian asked.

"With a little bit of luck, we met you and I forcibly broke through after being blocked, and it was naturally the best that Luo Fei did not catch up afterwards," Wan Boyi explained, and his face straightened. He said earnestly: "The worst plan is that the area where we continued to break through the alien handle was later caught by Luo Fei, who was catching up from behind."

"I roughly understand the meaning of Wan Fellow Daoist. "Speaking of this, if Yi Tian didn't understand it, it would be really vain. The other party's meaning is also very clear. I hope that he can stay alone and delay for a while to cover the evacuation of the merchant ship of the Chamber of Commerce.

Just staying and delaying the battle is not an easy job. The danger is great, but Yi Tian looked at Wanbo's evil after indifferently asked: "Then I don't know what Wan Fellow Daoist will pay. The price of this is not simple. I believe that my strength is far superior to the same level, but I am not stupid enough to provoke the Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator."

I stretched out my hand and wiped the sweat from my forehead. Accompany said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Yi makes sense, and I also want to plan for the worst. As for the price, as long as the price you offer, I can get it out of Chamber of Commerce, and that's naturally no problem."

"Okay, like Fellow Daoist, Kuairen Kuaiyu, it seems that I shouldn't inherit it, and it won't work," Yi Tian thought about it and said: "Before this, I have to figure out what Feiyu clansman said in the mouth of'attracting spirit seizing' Soul'What the hell is it?"

"Never mind, since you are involved at this time, it is natural to make it clear that the attracting spirit seizing soul is just a drug primer," Wan Boe explained: "I know the reincarnate and recultivate method used by the Great Ascension cultivator of the Buddha Realm. Naturally, no additional medicine pill is needed for the Taoist monks. As for some cultivators with a slightly lower cultivation base, they need to take a kind of cultivator called'Wake Up'. Meng Dan’s medicine pill is here to assist in retrieving past life memories."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian naturally understands that the attracting spirit seizing soul of emotion is the main medicine for refining Xing Meng Pill. The Chamber of Commerce in front of it is naturally closely related to Shenguan Temple in Shenguan City.

As for the Feiyu clan bandit's gaze on the Chamber of Commerce, it must be without a target. Needless to say, this naturally involves the balance of power in the Buddha world.

For the Great Ascension Sect, Awakening Pill is a must, and the biggest beneficiary at this time is the Secret Sect forces. I didn't expect that not long after I came to the Buddhist world, I was involved in the interests of the two sects, and I thought of it with a helpless smile on his face.

The scene fell into immersion for a while, and Wan Bo felt that Yi Tian had an eager look on his face no matter how much he cares about gains and losses. Then he stretched out his hand and took out a glass box and said: "This kind of True Fire marrow is my last stock."

The meaning is also very clear, but Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching Said with a smile: "Does the fellow Fellow Daoist just prepare this thing and let me haunt Luo Fei? You have to be sincere in everything, know that this is a matter of life and life, no matter how good the treasure is, there must be Just enjoy your life."

Wan Bo Evil was at a loss for words, and after three breaths, he muttered and said: "I also know that this is difficult for Fellow Daoist Yi, it is better to come to Shenguan City afterwards. Chamber of Commerce, I will give you one free of charge as long as you can see the treasure or the Spiritual Artifact."

Although it was a verbal condition, Wanbo Evil actually took out a jade token quickly. Carved today's promise, and finally branded his personal mark.

Wan Jiaolan walked in panic as soon as the hatch door opened before it was handed over to me, "The uncle is not good, there is a terrestrial clan setting a card three hundred miles ahead, how can we? Do?"

"Make a detour, faster, I guess the Feathers chasing soldiers behind are already on the road," Wanbo evil not even think directly ordered.

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