From the main cabin, I had a conversation with the two principals of Chamber of Commerce, and Yi Tian got up and left and returned to the VIP room where he was.

Turn on the protective Formation again, sit down and start cultivation silently. Although there is no need to worry about the stability of realm after this advancement, I will seize every minute of my free time for cultivation.

Wan Bo Evil also briefly explained the situation of Shenguan City during the chat just now. There is the site of the Great Ascension parcel, but Secret Sect also has a dedicated resident contact point.

As for Secret Sect and Great Ascension sects, they complement each other, and they are secretly competing with each other. Yi Tian also felt a little incomprehensible about this, but since the two sects can live in peace in the Buddhist world for hundreds of thousands of years, there must be a deep-seated reason.

These are not the sect Xinmi that I can come into contact with at this level, so I quickly converged my mind and started cultivation by running the cultivation technique.

At the same time, in the main cabin, Wan Jiaolan asked with a puzzled look: "Uncle Clan, do you think there will be any accidents during this trip? After all, if the manpower in charge of the guards is not enough now I’m afraid that there will be trouble if we grow out of the branches in the middle of the festival."

"Isn’t there an accident?" Wan Bo said with a wicked look, calm and composed: "If you have come, you will be safe, although the guards are not available, but I feel that this easy cultivator colleague may be able to turn peril into safety."

"Then you are too high on this Yi Tian," Wan Jiaolan said disdainfully: "He 'S strength is just higher than my First Rank. If you want to fight, you may not be able to withstand my tricks, and I haven't known it."

Wan Bo just showed helpless expression after hearing it badly: "You are still too self-confident in yourself, but there is one thing I can conclude that you are definitely not the opponent of this Fellow Daoist Yi."

"How can a clan uncle grow other people's aspirations to destroy one's prestige," Wan Jiaolan Reluctantly said: "Isn't he just a rank higher than me? I have the secret treasure of the clan, body protection and other leisure Deity Transformation Early Stage cultivator, but they may not be my opponent."

"That's all, I I can’t explain to you the reason for this, but it’s actually such an easy task against the Spirit Transformation cultivator. You can’t always use this set of artifacts when you meet the Spirit Transformation cultivator. That’s the last body protection symbol given to you by Old Ancestor. Used to play," Wan Bo evil complexion slightly changed reprimanded.

So Wan Jiaolan didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, just lowered her head and said softly: "What the clan uncle taught is that Jiaolan remembered it."

Wan Bo is evil Only this eldest niece proud and arrogant is the first-class expert in the clan, and those young and talented people don't like it. In order to avoid suspicion, I followed the Chamber of Commerce to the Buddhist world.

Then she waved her hand to preside over the operations on the cargo ship, and then Wan Boyi slowly closed her eyes in the main cabin and started to rest.

The cargo ship also drove smoothly all the way, probably under the control of Wanjiaolan to avoid areas where alien bandits might appear. I haven't encountered any cultivator for four days along the way.

Until the morning of the fifth day, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the VIP room and suddenly found that a spiritual light flew from outside the door. After opening my eyes and reaching out to remove the prohibition of Formation, I saw that the aura was stopping in the middle of the room.

With a light finger, he took the jade talisman and placed it in his palm. After the divine sense passed, I saw it said that the speed to the main cabin was hostile.

Standing up, reaching out and opening the hatch, Yi Tian flashed his silhouette directly into the hatchway. After the ten breaths flashed several times, they came to the main cabin. At this time, Wanboye and Wanjiaolan were sitting. After seeing Yi Tian's arrival, Wan Jiaolan hurriedly stood up and said, "Yi senior is here, we are in trouble this time."

"Do not panic when the situation comes slowly," Yi Tian Go forward to calm and composed road.

Wan Bo Evil stretched out his hand and gestured to the seat next to him to sit down and talk, and then said with a solemn expression: "There are three Feiyu cultivators who followed after the flying boat. The distance will stop us in one hour."

After sitting down slowly, Yi Tian nodded replied: "How is the opponent's strength?"

"Three Deity Transformation Early Stage cultivators, but Feiyu clansman is extremely fast, even though If we can't rely on innate talent and can leave calmly, we can bear it now," Wan Jiaolan hurriedly replied.

When I heard such a lineup, Yi Tian's face showed an extremely relaxed expression and said: "Since this is the case, even if we run away all the way, it will not help, then it is better to stop and wait for the protection of the merchant ship to rub the other party's spirit first. Make more plans."

A glint flashed in Wan Boye's eyes, and this remark coincided with his thoughts. He was originally afraid that Yi Tian would push three and resist four. Since everything is said, he naturally went downhill with a donkey.

After three breaths, he said: "In this case, let's take the initiative to attack."

The cargo ship galloping in the air suddenly lowered its speed, and then two auras flew directly from the ship. Concealed outside the merchant ship, it is divided into horns on the left and right sides.

Seeing that Wanbo evil took out the Spiritual Artifact and was actively preparing for the battle, Yi Tian consciously couldn't be too sloppy in making moves, but he still needed to avoid exposing his true cultivation base.

Within less than half a moment of Acquired, three rays of light appeared and flew towards the merchant ship's location. After ten breaths, three foreign race people with bird heads appeared in front of them. Just listen to the person in the head of the other party shouting: "The cultivator of the Barbarian Horned Clan handed over the'attracting spirit seizing soul' to give you a way out."

Yi Tian's expression remained unchanged, but Xiao Jiujiu was in his heart. Since the three of them dared to catch up brazenly, they also said the name of treasure. Naturally, I have done enough work. It seems that there must be no spies sent by the other party in this Chamber of Commerce.

Suddenly I only heard Wanbo evil shouted in a deep voice: "There is nothing to talk about with the bandits of Feiyu tribe, Fellow Daoist Yi, let's do it." Two auras flew out from his sleeves and hovered rapidly in the air before moving towards the other side and hit directly.

The three clansman flying feathers took their hands out after waving their hands. The gray whirlwind spell moved towards surrounded by aura.

After the four spells collide with each other in the air, there will be bursts of spiritual pressure fluctuations and strong winds. With one enemy and three opponents, Wanbo fell into the wind immediately, turning around and just about to speak, suddenly saw the sky full of sword threads falling from the sky.

It was Yi Tian who took the opportunity to take the opportunity to display Ling Yao Hua Qianhou Zhao these three flying feather clansman indiscriminately overshadowing the past.

'Ziz' sounded loudly, and after the sword thread fell, it instantly pierced the three people's protective shields, leaving densely packed holes on them.

Then blood splashed out of these small air and immediately dyed them red.

A spiritual light flew from the forehead of the headed person and escaped from Nascent Soul. Yi Tian didn't want to reveal his true strength and let him go.

Fortunately, Wan Bo, who was on the side, looked shocked and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, we will return to the ship and leave the area controlled by the alien as soon as possible. It will be too late."

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