After coming out of Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, Yi Tian only used divine sense to sweep the three wisps of ground inflammation True Fire in the storage ring, and he was naturally extremely happy. Before that, Wan Bo evil still looked down upon the Demon Sword Double Blade he took out.

But when he inspected the whole person’s attitude changed 180 degrees. Obviously, these two Demonic Artifacts are a complete set, but the high-priced treasures mixed in after refining are sufficient. There are two kinds.

To be honest, with my own eyesight, I can only find out that there is a bit of abyssal black magic concentrate in the two blades of the evil spirits. On the contrary, Wanbo found it with the professional method of Treasure Appraiser and mixed it into it. Two more Qilin True Blood.

Yi Tian didn't show any surprised look after knowing this. Originally, this thing was the treasure made by Qilin Zi for the Blood Lin. It must be the spirit blood of the demonic beast of Qilin's level, and most of it is his own.

The Spiritual Artifact is obviously demonized after training, so it becomes a Demonic Artifact. For a Monster Race like Blood Lin, the Spiritual Artifact Demonic Artifact is naturally indifferent, as long as it is used smoothly.

The meaning of Wanbo's evil is also obvious. He wants to use two strands of True Fire marrow in exchange for two Devil Blades. As for the nanmu wooden fish, it doesn't seem to arouse the other party's interest at all.

In the end, Yi Tian still exchanged two for three based on the value of Demonic Artifact, but Wanboe claimed that the value did not match. In this way, Yi Tian can only use Spiritual Artifact to offset the account, but he will no longer take out any high-level Demonic Artifact to avoid revealing the other party's prying eyes.

After discussing it, I still put on an Earth Grade Spiritual Artifact to stop Wanbo's mouth. After putting away the Nanmu wooden fish and Sanluodiyan True Fire marrow, Yi Tian slipped out of the back door of Chamber of Commerce.

When I arrived on the street, I faintly felt that I was being followed before I found out, and I was naturally a little unhappy. But that felt erratic when it was strong and weak, and he couldn't lock the opponent's exact position for a while.

After walking through a few streets, Yi Tian still pretended to wander around and try his best to go to places with few crowds. After a while, he left the two-yard city and then moved towards the south of the city and flew away.

My own retreat speed is not fast, it seems that I am waiting for the other party to come. After flying fifty miles away, my brows tightened and I felt as if I was being stared at.

But the divine sense can't detect it. As for the map in the storage ring, it starts to become restless again. This time the jitter frequency has increased. It should be due to the fact that the other party is approaching quickly.

Then the head of the cloud fell down and found an empty place on the top of the cliff below, and he simply waited in place.

After a moment, two gray clouds appeared in the sky, one on the left and the other around the valley. After the cloud faded, two alien cultivators appeared, Yi Tian carefully looked at the opponent and both of them were Deity Transformation Middle Stage cultivation base. She was about the same height as herself, she was wearing the same clothes and she had a handsome face with pointed ears, but her skin was a little gray, as if she hadn't been exposed to the sun for a long time.

So Yi Tian took the lead to break the silence and said: "I don't know what kind of race the two are, what are the attempts to sneak behind them like this?"

The person on the left glanced over and said: "We From the Netherworld is the clansman, Fellow Daoist has something we want, please hand it over otherwise,"

"Otherwise?" Yi Tian said with a smile disdainfully: "You think Did you eat me two-on-one? Although I don’t want to cause trouble, your attitude really makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

The man standing on the right yelled, "What are you talking about? We Nether Shuangsha are afraid of whom, so we dare to bargain and kill and search again."

As soon as the voice fell, the azure light flashed out on Yi Tian and spoke to the right."

The man was covered. The sound of'Ziz' sounded that under the conditioned reflex, the person found that he was attacked by someone. After less than three breaths of the gray protective cover on his body, he was beaten into a sieve by the azure sword wire.

After the rays of light flashed by, this person's body became weak and fell down. Even the Niwan Palace on his forehead fell down without opening the Nascent Soul header in time.

In addition, clansman blurted out immediately after his bad insights: "You are not Deity Transformation Early Stage, at least you have the cultivation base for the peak of the late stage." In the final analysis, the whole person does not move slowly and directly kicks the show. The escape technique flew in the opposite direction.

It's a pity that Yi Tian's speed is faster than him. After the azure glow flashed, he was directly stopped on the way he escaped. Then the Taiyuan sword in his hand took out again and the solid sword light pierced the opponent's body directly.

'pu chi' with an extremely sharp Taiyuan sword easily split the opponent's defensive Spiritual Artifact, and also split the opponent's body in half at once.

I saw a young Spirit Physique appearing after the gray aura escaped, but before it flew far, it was struck by the Dao azure sword wire that fell from the sky.

Yi Tian flew forward to stare at the Nascent Soul Spirit Physique and asked: "Where did you come and why you want to follow me?"

Nascent Soul's face at this time Slightly helplessly lowered his head and said dejectedly: "Fellow Daoist calms down, we only found that the nether figure fragments are sensitive, so we will chase it straight."

"Nether figure?" Yi Tian took out the 1/4 in the storage ring.

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