After completing the formalities in the Tongwen Hall, Yi Tian looks at the time and thinks about it. During this period, I can’t find a suitable place to meditate and rest. It’s better to go shopping in Shuangyuan City. visit.

Now I finally understand the origins of this dual courtyard city. Simply put, it is named after the Great Ascension Sect and Secret Sect. However, the two sects cultivator can also be regarded as abiding by the sect precepts and will not go to the other side to provoke privately.

Yi Tian has been very interested in this Great Ascension Lesser Stage dispute along the way. In fact, it can't be regarded as a real struggle, but the two schools' doctrines are different that's all.

In the single and double courtyard city, what I think is most interesting is the area where the aliens gather. Here you can see no less than dozens of races living peacefully on the Buddhist Sect site.

Or some low-level cultivators dare not cause trouble, and along the way, few of them have seen the cultivation base reach the Divine Transformation Stage. When I was walking, I suddenly felt in a daze that something was reacting in the storage ring.

Secretly stretched the divine sense in and checked it, and found that it turned out to be a scroll that looked like a map trembling non-stop. Take a closer look at the map that I brought up from the Lower Realm, originally found in Qianlingzi's storage ring.

With a little question in his mind, he thought: "This thing should have been a Spirit Realm thing, but when I found it, I found that it was neither water nor fire can approach, and I couldn't leave any marks on it."

At this time, I have the induction that there are other fragments in the vicinity, and I was thinking about suddenly discovering that all around youdao divine sense swept past my body and disappeared. Then the induction of the map scroll disappeared and returned to a silent state.

Yi Tian still knows that at this time, I am afraid that he has been caught by a cat, but he just considers that it's all that he can't do it on the street. I'm afraid that someone was staring at him secretly now, and then after corner of mouth twitching, he began to wander around in the alien area.

Although it was just walking around, my divine sense did not slack off and swept everyone around me secretly, but unfortunately I didn't find anything. It just faintly felt that the staring eyes had never been far away from him.

Unconsciously later, I walked to the large Chamber of Commerce mansion, and looked up at the four big words "Chamber of Commerce" written on it.

I secretly remembered the task she had taken. Wasn't Wan Jiaolan the Vice-President who claimed to be the Chamber of Commerce, she had arrived at her place without a mistake.

Thinking about the tail behind him, Yi Tian smiled lightly on his face and walked in directly. Not long after that, the person at the door stepped up and respectfully took himself to the backyard of Chamber of Commerce. Among.

At this point, Yi Tian realized that the gaze behind him had disappeared, and it was because he wanted to enter the Chamber of Commerce on the excuse that the other party would not dare to follow along.

In a blink of an eye, the waiter in front of you can't buy anything after you come in, and the Barbarians, as a large race in Prison World, naturally controls many unique resources.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand for a copy of the catalog and opened it and looked at it in a glance. I only knew that the most valuable of the wild horns were the wild horns left behind after the clansman's fall. I didn't expect that such contraband can be seen in both courtyards. If it's big, it's five inches thick in half chi long. On the cultivation base, only the wild horn clansman of the Spirit Transformation order can have horns of this size.

After looking at it, he asked jokingly: "These horns are your status symbols for clansman. Isn't it that you are not afraid of patriarch to blame for such a deal?"

" Senior didn’t know, my wild horned clansman was cremated with the corpse after the fall, even in Prison World," the waiter explained: "But those who fell in other interfaces are not affected by this. As a limitation, in fact, there is also a special product of the wild horns, True Fire marrow, which is also a rare thing. It is suitable for reconciling the Yin-Yang Two Extremes True Fire in the Fire Element cultivator, and also has the effect of tempering True Fire."

"Di Yan True Fire marrow, this is the first time I have heard of this. I don't know what the exchange price is?" Yi Tian asked with interest after hearing this.

"Junior is only responsible for the introduction. If the senior wants to redeem, I need to wait a moment for the Chamber of Commerce Vice-President to come in person. As for the exchanged items, Buddhist Sect Spiritual Artifact or Demonic Artifact is required. Only then," the waiter hurriedly replied.

These are these things again. It seems that Chamber of Commerce also wants to secretly get along with the Buddhist Sect cultivator to keep collecting them. Compared to that of the True Fire Buddhist Sect cultivator, it doesn’t need it, so even if the Barbarian Horn tribe brings good things, it can’t be exchanged for it.

I want to stop Yi Tian reaching out to take out the nanmu wooden fish and two black enchanted double blades. The wooden fish was refined in the style of preventing thunder pattern wooden fish, and when refining it, the mantra of the eight-tone character of Tian Lei was injected into it. So when you knock it, there will be a faint eight-character mantra slowly mixed in the sound of the wooden fish, and the two black magic blades are the weapons of the blood lin.

When I saw that this double-edged blade could leave a mark on the black turtle dragon scales shield, I knew that it was not a common product, and the thick bloody spirit left on it was simply an unknown weapon. The waiter was stunned by his imposing manner just by looking at it, and couldn't say a word for a while.

We will retire in a hurry later, please wait for a while, he will invite Vice-President to come to Jianbao.

Yi Tian sat in the room and waited for less than a quarter of an hour before the door was opened, and then walked in a Deity Transformation Middle Stage cultivator of the wild horn tribe. Seeing that the person here was not Wan Jiaolan, she felt a little relieved, so Little Lass supercilious might not be able to detect the pros and cons even if she put something in front of her.

When the man came in, he glanced over the Spiritual Artifact on the table, and his eyes flashed with brilliance, and then he saluted: "Dare to ask Fellow Daoist the name of Gao, the Barbarian Horned Clan is evil and polite. "

I don't want to be a rude person, Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and replied: "Spirit Race loose cultivator Yi Tian has seen Wan Fellow Daoist."

The two people divided the guest and the host and sat down on the back door. He was closed by the waiter, and then Wan Boyi asked: "I heard that Fellow Daoist has a Buddhist soldier and a magic blade on hand and wants to sell the two pieces in front of me."

Yi Tian hearing this It seems that the waiter did not inform the other party of his true intentions, and then replied: "It's not for sale. I heard that the nobles have the True Fire marrow and need to be exchanged for Buddhist soldiers or Demonic Artifact, but the next one deliberately asked the Fellow Daoist. The beauty of being able to grow up."

Wan Bo was stunned when he heard something on his face, but looked towards the Three Spirit Artifacts but swallowed the words alive. It took a long time to replied: "It's true, but the true fire marrow is Heavenly Grade material. There are only three strands in my Chamber of Commerce. As a person in charge, one can be exchanged for Three Spirit Artifacts."

"Slow, I'm a bit black-hearted when I change the three-wan Fellow Daoist," Yi Tian said with an unpleasant expression on his face: "This magic double blade is also mixed with Heavenly Grade treasures, in terms of value Not under the true fire marrow of Diyan, Fellow Daoist can inspect the goods and then talk about it."

Seeing that Yi Tian didn’t let Wanbo be evil or irritable, he reached out and took the double-blade of the evil spirit. He weighed it carefully. Soon at first, the contemptuous color in his eyes was replaced by a solemn look.

Although his face didn't show any expressions, the surprise in his eyes had already revealed his excitement.

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