Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 404: Big Mouth (Part 2)

The ambulance picked up the other wizards who fell to the ground. The two that were knocked off by Carney didn't fall too hard, but one of them had a big red handprint on his face.

Now there was one more person. The ambulance picked up the person and scanned him. He was just unconscious and not serious.

"Oh, that's really rude." Ratchet looked at his big red mouth, it must have been extremely painful.

Just when Carney wanted to continue, he found that the other two wizards had already moved a long way away from him, and disappeared without appearing again.

"Everybody hold hands, their support will be here soon." Carney didn't think they would just leave like that.

Now the wizards have begun to attack the aliens, but it seems that there are not enough manpower. If the ten wizards are ordinary Transformers, they should be able to handle them easily. The Autobots are small in number, but they are indeed elite soldiers. Warrior.

This time everyone was more obedient and held hands with each other. Bumblebee and the two fat Autobots knew what they were going to do next, while the other Autobots looked confused and wanted to see what Carney was going to do.

Carney thought of a place to go, the place where Bumblebee was hiding before, and immediately jumped on Bumblebee, preparing to apparate.

"Everyone is ready," Carney reminded, having already sensed the arrival of a wizard's apparition.

After a large number of Aurors arrived, Carney had completed his apparation and disappeared before their eyes with a snap.

The Autobots who landed on the ground were in a state of confusion, but they had experienced better things.

"A temporary place to stay." Carney put away his wand.

"What kind of technology is this? Space jump?" Ratchet raised his tattered arm and illuminated the virtual map. "It jumped a full thirty-six kilometers. How was this done? It is impossible for human technology to accomplish it."

"Magic," Carney said simply. "Do you believe I can help you now?"

"Those people can also do magic?" Optimus Prime asked.

"Yes, ours is unknown to Muggles. Please keep what you see confidential. If there is a screen recording, please do not upload it to the Internet. Thank you." Carney said.

"Muggle? A kind of fruit?" the silver Autobot said.

"No, that's just a collective term for us Earthlings who can do magic to Earthlings who can't do magic." Carney explained.

"Thank you for your help, Carney Stellan." Optimus Prime said sincerely, "We will keep the matter of magic a secret."

"Then now can you introduce yourself." They never had names, and Carney didn't know who was who. He guessed which ones there were, but now there seemed to be one more, two big guys, which one was Ironhide?

"This is Jazz, my assistant." Optimus Prime said and the silver Autobot stood up. "It's really bad like this now. Why can't you three see any traces?"

Jazz could no longer tell that it looked like a sports car, it looked like the tires were all suffocated.

"Magic." The fat black Autobot said, pointing at Carney.

"This is my weapons expert, Ironhide." The fat black Autobot Ironhide showed off his big and strong weapon.

"My medical expert, ambulance." The yellow ambulance has already begun to repair itself.

"My scout, Bumblebee." Bumblebee hammered his chest.

"My signal expert, Inspector." Optimus Prime introduced the last one, the fat green Autobot.

"It's really strange. My signal detector keeps reminding me that there is another signal source." The detective knocked his head and looked around. "Maybe it was broken."

"It's possible. I'll show it to you after I repair myself." Ratchet said.

"Hello, my name is Carney, and I am a wizard." Carney transformed back into his original appearance, a thirteen-year-old child.

"Oh, is this a magic trick, or does it have the ability to disguise and transform like us?" Ratchet was surprised.

"This is my original appearance. In order to disguise myself, I changed into other appearances. Unlike your transformation ability, we can basically change into anything." Carney turned around and transformed into a bumblebee, and then Transformed into Optimus Prime.

"This transformation only changes the appearance. Your fire, language, weapons, etc. cannot be changed." Carney fired a pistol, and the air was shot out.

Despite this, these Autobots were still shocked. The appearance looked perfect, and it even moved.

"Autobot! Transform!" the fake Optimus Prime shouted sonorously and forcefully. This voice was very similar to Optimus Prime.

"It's so similar. Even the holographic projection doesn't look so similar. It's still solid." Jazz stepped forward and tapped the fake Optimus Prime's arm with his hand, making a clanging sound.

"Magic is so amazing. I didn't expect there to be such a group on earth." Optimus Prime also sighed.

"But this is difficult. I'm just gifted. I can't replace those people before. Everyone has their own strengths." Carney released the transformation technique.

"So, you are actually a child of fourteen or fifteen years old?" Optimus Prime looked at Carney who had turned back into a child. He didn't expect that the person helping them was a little kid who was not even an adult.

"Almost thirteen years old." Carney is still in the second grade.

"We were actually saved by a child just now. It's so embarrassing." The detective covered his face.

"Although I am a child, don't underestimate me. I am very powerful. If it weren't for the fact that the source of fire cannot be apparated, I would have already obtained it." Carney shrugged.

"Indeed, it is impossible to transport a radioactive giant energy body like the Fire Source with the way you move." Ratchet agreed.

"So what are your plans?" Optimus Prime asked.

"I can take you directly into the Decepticon base. We sneak in, catch them off guard, and then dismantle Megatron and get back the Fire Cube." Carney's idea was simple.

"It is indeed feasible. This way we can avoid the enemies in the city and fight Megatron directly." Ratchet said.

"I can't wait to take off Megatron's head and use it as a ball." The fat black Autobot rubbed his hands.

"Are you sure the source of the fire is within the Decepticon base?" Optimus Prime asked.

"Of course, - I'm sure." Carney said while raising his watch and looking at it. The position of the fire source had not changed.

"You seem to know us Cybertronians very well." Optimus Prime said, his intuition telling him that this human did not know them from Bumblebee.

"Yes, I can't say I understand, I just know a little bit," Carney said. "I have always been a fan of yours, Optimus Prime. You are my idol and object of admiration, yes."

"Why is this?" Optimus Prime was confused. He didn't think he was very famous on Earth, and he didn't even spend much time on Earth.

There had never been any activities with the Decepticons on Earth before, let alone making public appearances. He had never done any deeds, so how could he have fans.

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