Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 403: Big Mouth (Part 1)

"Bumblebee!" Carney apparated to the three retreating cars. When they saw that the attack had stopped, they all morphed back.

"It's so weird here. There is no way out at all, and the way out will run by itself." The fat green Autobot said. They had already driven in several directions, and even hit the wall. They just had to use missiles to clear the way.

"Optimus Prime, we're fine, please let me know..." The fat black Autobot paused for a moment as he didn't seem to remember Carney's name.

"Carney Strang." Carney introduced himself, wondering if the Autobots had a bad memory.

"Thanks to that human being, we are fine here. I will meet you later." The fat black robot said.

"Copy that, but we have to wait a while, these people haven't gotten rid of them yet." Optimus Prime has already turned on the maximum power, on the deserted road, but they appear suddenly every time.

"Need help?" Carney cast two repair spells and repaired the two robots with uneven bodies.

"Wow, what kind of magical thing is this? I'm still worried." The fat green Autobot said.

"Magic." Bumblebee said in a radio voice. There was nothing wrong with his body. With his magic resistance high, ordinary blows were fine. He hid in a good position as soon as the wizard appeared.

"Oh, yes, you can do magic. What is magic?" said the fat green robot.

"What just attacked you was magic," Carney said.

"Hey, everyone, we have to go resource Optimus Prime." The fat black Autobot interrupted their discussion, "Let's blast a way out, let me do it."

"Wait, wait, wait." Carney stopped him, "You hold hands, I will use magic to take you there, very quickly."

"I think we can give it a try." The fat green Autobot said, and stretched out his arm, and Bumblebee took it.

"Then try it and see how fast it is." The fat black Autobot also reached out and grabbed Bumblebee's other hand.

"Okay, let me check the position." Carney jumped on Bumblebee's neck and raised the watch on his hand. After Carney met Optimus Prime's position, Sound Wave had started tracking in real time.

"Everyone, hold on tight." Carney said and began to apparate, and the three Autobots disappeared with a snap.

"Oh!" The fat black Autobot shouted, "What kind of magic is this? It's so dazzling to see."

"The signal from Optimus Prime and others has been detected, and they are approaching us." The fat green Autobot picked up the iron flue that fell on the ground.

Bumblebee made an unknown noise and pointed to the road in the distance.

"It's Optimus Prime. It's really fast enough." The fat green Autobot exclaimed, "Okay, what should we do next?"

Optimus Prime had no intention of harming humans, otherwise there would be no point in escaping, so there was nothing they could do now.

The Aurors tried their best to keep Optimus Prime and the others out of the way. No matter whether it was fire paving the ground or solid ice blocking the road, these three alien cars rushed over with flat tires.

These aliens are really unambiguous in dodging attacks. Although they are large, they are extremely flexible.

After transforming into a vehicle form, the magic was put on the car's camouflage, greatly reducing the damage to the Cybertronians inside.

"Hell, they can still fly. What's the flying principle of that stick?" Ratchet saw that they no longer appeared suddenly, but took out a broom from nowhere and chased them.

At this time, the outer shell of the ambulance was almost smashed, turning it into an open ambulance.

"It's terrible. I hate flying in the sky. I really want to knock them down." The silver sports car complained. He no longer looked like a sports car.

"Optimus Prime, if we don't fight back, we will be responsible for this." The front of the ambulance was hit by magic again, and the front hood was opened and split.

"I know." Optimus Prime was also making a decision.

"Wait a minute, the hornets and their signals have been detected in front of us." The ambulance dispatcher reported that he had already contacted them, "It's them."

"How did you get rid of them? And you ran ahead of us?" Ratchet asked.

"It's not us, it's some human kid, he can deal with them."

"Autobots, move forward at full speed with maximum horsepower." Optimus Prime and the others used full power, but they only temporarily opened some distance. After the broom accelerated, they immediately caught up.

As the convoy approached, the Aurors also spotted Carney, and magic attacks immediately came at full speed. Bumblebee blocked the attack with a raised hand.

Optimus Prime and the others also stopped. They already knew that they couldn't run away at all. These humans were more difficult to deal with than the Decepticons.

"Leave it to me." Carney apparated and disappeared, appearing in the sky the next second.

Before he could attack, five magical attacks hit him, and he had to apparate again.

If the location where you are apparating is sensitive to magic, you will be able to detect that a wizard is about to apparate around you.

The Aurors gave up attacking the aliens, and instead focused on dealing with the wizard who had come out halfway.

Carney apparated to the other side. The moment he appeared, he shot out a magic spell, hitting a flying wizard, and then immediately apparated to another location.

The Aurors' attacks just couldn't hit Kani, but once the Aurors' reactions came up, Kani couldn't succeed, and his attacks couldn't hit the flying target.

For a moment, brilliant beams of light shot back and forth on the side of the road. Anyone driving by would think it was some kind of fireworks display.

Carney himself felt the frontal power of the Aurors. Sometimes he had to disapparate again before he could take action. Fortunately, Dumbledore had learned the lesson, and he was able to cope with it in a short time.

This time, Carney apparated directly to the wand behind a wizard. It was easy for him to lock the position, knock him out with a slap and throw him from the air.

When the attack came, he immediately apparated behind another wizard. Unexpectedly, he was predicted and the broom was thrown towards him.

Then the broom was broken and hit Kani hard. When he put his elbow down, the broom was cut off in the middle. The wizard's eyes were full of shock, and then he saw a big slap covering his entire sight.

It’s useless for you to predict me.

Carney apparated and disappeared again. As long as he apparated behind the Aurors, the other Aurors would not swarm to shoot him.

Several other Aurors also played Apparition, put away their brooms, and played a game with Carney. You can't hit me, and I can't hit you.

The next step is to predict each other's predictions to see who can predict them accurately. Carney's level has reached the point where he can predict their predictions.

After Carney apparated several times, he had mastered the approximate location of their apparation. Under his magic eyes, their magic power fluctuations revealed the location where they were about to apparate.

He rushed over and slapped the phantom after it appeared. Another wizard fainted and fell to the ground with a big red mouth on his face.

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