Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 294: Bumblebee in the Tent (Part 2)

Bumblebees are not surprised that Carney has such magical things. They accept things very quickly and become proficient after going in and out a few times.

"Okay, we have to try again with you inside. I'll take down the tent to see if you'll be hurt inside." Carney asked Bumblebee to change back to the room where the car was parked at the door.

"Okay, stop, don't be afraid, this thing won't hurt." Carney floated outside and untied the fixed point of the sleeve, and started to dismantle the tent from the back, so that he could still see the situation inside from the tent opening. .

Through the open tent door, you can clearly see that the buildings and ground inside have been squashed, but they only look flat and not damaged.

Bumblebee almost drove out, but stopped and saw that the space behind it did not collapse.

Bumblebee's car butt to the door of the cab was also squeezed, but it didn't seem to be anything wrong. Bumblebee was still playing music. Apparently he felt that his half-normal body, half-flat body with only an apple-sized lower body was very interesting.

"I'm going to dismantle them all. I keep my mouth open. If you think it's okay, blow the whistle three times. If you think it's not okay and can't stand it anymore, blow the whistle once. You should have that time." Carney said with his left and right hands. Control one corner of the tent, and if you let go, the tent will fall to the ground with a snap.

After Carney let go, the tent fell to the ground. The music from the car could still be heard. The tent mouth was still open, but the inside could no longer be seen.

"Bee~ beep~ beep~! Bee~ beep~ beep~! Bee~ beep~ beep~!" Bumblebee whistled inside. It seemed to be fine, as it could whistle so many times.

Carney refloated the tent roofs on the left and right sides of the door. He could see that only the front of the Camaro was normal. The other parts were squashed, but there were no other abnormalities, such as disconnection, cracking, splitting in two, or Turned into a pile of scrap metal or something.

The condition inside is just like the Knight Bus that Harry rides on. It can be squeezed flat and the people inside don't feel anything. The bus is very cool, but the cost of the bus must be high.

"How was it?" Carney asked.

"Awesome!" said Bumblebee.

"Okay, then you'll stay in there for the time being. You'll be able to arrive in England in a few days. That's no problem. Do you need to recharge in advance?" Carney asked.

"no problem."

"By the way, please don't ruin it. I will come in from time to time and won't bore you." Carney said thoughtfully.

"\u0026#@¥!" Bumblebee issued a burst of unknown Cybertronian language.

"I just think you are thanking me." Carney put down the tent and pulled out the nails nailed to the ground. He folded the tent and put it back in the box.

"By the way, how do you hitchhike in New York?" Carney came to the side of the highway, stretched out his hand and gave a thumbs up.

A jeep came roaring by without any intention of stopping. The air flow caused by the car speeding past blew Carney's hair.

"Is that so?" Carney looked at the second oncoming car, turned his hand 180 degrees, and pointed his thumb down.

Then he saw a middle finger sticking out of the window of the car, and then it sped past without any intention of stopping.

"It's impossible that the middle finger means to stop the traffic." Carney took back his hand and did not intend to continue to be naive. He continued to wait on the side of the road and walked ten kilometers away.

It was already a problem for him to have a child standing on the side of the road. Someone would probably stop within a few cars of passing. Carney thought about waving when he saw a car approaching on the roadside, and the people in the car waved to him, and then waved while passing by.

Carney resisted the urge to cast a petrifying spell on the car. If you don't stop, you're waving your hands and wasting my smile.

In the end, Carney finally got a taxi. It was a family of three returning from a self-driving trip. They refused Carney's offer of a small fare and warmly entertained Carney.

"A good man has a safe life." Carney held the box and waved to the car driving away.

"Where is that entrance?" Carney looked around. He remembered that there was an entrance to the wizarding world, and it took him a while to find it.

It was the side of a staircase, with a faint trace of a door.

The map only shows features in the wizarding world, not the Muggle world.

As Carney approached, the trace became deeper, and then extended and transformed into a door. The people going up and down the stairs around him couldn't see the door, nor could they see Carney standing on the side of the stairs.

He opened the door and entered the wizarding world. He had also walked on this street, just in front of where he bought the magical beasts atlas.

Carney returned to the room and was surprised to find an old aunt knocking on 208's door in the corridor. It was an old aunt she had never seen before.

"Clean the guest room!" the old aunt shouted.

"No need to thank you!" came a voice from the door. This is very common. Wizards don't like others to clean their rooms, but there are still some lazy wizards or wizards who are not good at cleaning spells who need this service.

However, compared with specialized cleaning tools, the cleaning spell consumes more magic power and is more troublesome.

Carney has a deep understanding when cleaning a room. It's not just a matter of pointing at the room and saying "Clean it up." It's very simple to clean clothes, shoes, and tables, but it's a little inconvenient to clean a room.

Although some TV shows that a dilapidated room becomes brand new with a wave of the hand, believe me it is only temporary or a disguise.

When I point at the clothes to clean, I mean to clean up the dust; when I point to the table to clean up, I mean to clean up the graffiti on the table; when I point to the rusty keys, I mean to clean up the rust.

Of course you point at the room to clean up the trash, but you need to worry a lot about what is the trash, so you need to cast it several times to clean it up. If you want to remove dust, the dust removal spell will do.

To be honest, Carney still wants to buy some magic items for cleaning, but he is living in school now, and there are house elves in the school and he doesn't need to clean them by himself.

It's not a good idea to have these things in a Muggle home. If neighbors or anyone sees them, you'll be in trouble.

"Excuse me, my room doesn't need to be cleaned, 213, thank you." Carney didn't want to wait for someone to knock on the door suddenly, so he informed in advance that Professor McGonagall's room was 211.

"Oh, by the way, 211 doesn't need to be cleaned, thank you." Carney remembered to help the professor.

"Oh, okay." The aunt who was cleaning the room nodded to express understanding, and then knocked on the door of 209 opposite 208 with cleaning tools, seemingly asking if the other room wanted to be cleaned.

When Carney returned to the room, he opened the suitcase, spread out the tent, and opened the tent door. Before Carney could fully open it, he heard loud music playing inside.

"It seems that you are living well here. I am in the room now and cannot put up the tent. I can only force you to stay here for a while."

Carney stretched half of his body in, and the Bumblebee was still in the shape of a car. It looked like it should be, maybe, maybe. Carney could only see a twisted yellow thing, which probably meant that the Bumblebee hadn't run away.

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