Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 293: Bumblebee in the Tent (Part 1)

At this time, the shop owner was lying comfortably in the rocking chair. Although he didn't make a profit, he still made a profit, but he just wanted to pretend that he made a profit and Carney lost a lot.

For no reason, he just wanted to make that brat Kani feel that he was at a loss, and the more he thought about it, the more he would lose, which would make the whole person feel very uncomfortable. But he is comfortable.

"Boss." Carney suddenly ran back.

"What's the matter?" Dave, the store owner, wondered if the boy felt he had lost money and wanted to return it. This was not possible. He immediately said, "Once sold, it will not be returned or exchanged."

"No, I want to ask, can pets be put in here? I just put the pets in after setting it up, and then dismantle the tent and take it away." Carney asked. He came back just to ask this, otherwise what if? I can't pretend that Bumblebee is not blind. Although I am happy, but what if this tent is so unique?

"If you don't want your pet to suffocate to death, it's okay. It's okay for a short time, but not for a long time." Dave, the store owner, was relieved when he heard that he wasn't returning the product, and then continued to smile.

"Where's a car in there?" Carney thought that Bumblebee probably didn't need to breathe.

"Car? Are you talking about a Muggle car? Of course you can. Otherwise, how would you put furniture in the tent? If you put a stove like this, it won't get crushed. Don't worry." Dave, the owner of the store, promised.

"Oh, okay, thank you boss." Carney rushed to the bell tower immediately after getting the news.

Although it was still early before the scheduled ten o'clock, Carney still wanted to go early. Indeed, last night was not a dream.

He would feel relieved when he saw the driverless Camaro appear in front of him. His current mood was just like Harry's first day at Hogwarts, fearing that he would wake up and find it was a dream.

Then I was late the next day, which was a lesson in tears.

Carney arrived at the clock tower and went directly into the clock tower, and then appeared in the clock tower in the Muggle world. When Carney left the clock tower, he saw a Camaro parked beside the building.

"Bumblebee!" Carney shouted.

"Didi!" The Camaro honked its horn and flashed its low-beam headlights several times. Carney had taken a driver's license test and knew that those were low-beam headlights. This was undoubtedly the Hornet.

Carney walked over to the car door, opened it and got in. The seats were still familiar, and the familiar Cybertronian Bumblebee accent was familiar.

"Bumblebee, go to a place with few people." Carney said, setting up a tent here is not possible.

Bumblebee roared all the way, and Carney stopped the car halfway to buy breakfast.

"Bumblebee, what do you usually eat? Gasoline? Motor oil? Electricity?" Carney said, lying comfortably on the seat with his seat belt on, drinking milk and biting into a burger.

"Usually it's electricity, and sometimes we take in a small amount of gasoline. We usually don't eat, and we don't charge much." Bumblebee said.

"That's great. I found a treasure. My family heirloom is also very expensive. You know what I mean." Carney choked his burger and continued, "That allows you to hide in it, perfectly hidden, and also It’s easy to carry, but you have to stay inside and don’t break anything.”

"Of course, I'm the best." A child's voice came from the Bumblebee radio.

"This thing is very expensive, and of course it works very well. The Decepticons can't scan you inside, nor can the Earth's instruments. I haven't tried it on your space battleships, but it's enough for now."

"Great, great." Bumblebee drove to a suburb. There was no one here, and there was no monitoring equipment.

"Can't you find a place closer to the city? At least I can go back alone." Carney looked at the city building ten kilometers away, which was just a small rectangle.

"*\u0026%@#¥%¥*" Bumblebee let out a burst of incomprehensible Cybertronian language and shrugged.

Okay, I'll just take it as you trying to force your defense. Carney ignored Bumblebee, but opened the box and took out the tent iron frame and ground nails.

After putting the frame on the tent, he started to nail the fixing points of the tent. Bumblebee put his hands on his hips and watched Carney working alone. From time to time, he poked and opened the tent to look at it.

Doesn't it understand that an ordinary tent on Earth is a family heirloom? How could he be hidden in such a small tent?

"Don't move. I'll figure out how to install this right away. If it affects my performance, I blame you." Carney took out the instruction manual from the box and started to read it. He encountered a small difficulty.

This tent doesn't seem to be easy to set up, and he doesn't know the magic of the shop owner who waved his magic wand to put the tent in place. Can the tent be set up by himself?

Don't be ridiculous, there is an alien high intelligence watching from the side, how could he give up? This is his family heirloom.

"Okay, I know how to do it, Bumblebee, you grab that side, yes, be gentle, don't break it, put it through the hole." Carney studied the manual for a while before he finally figured it out, the iron frame Divided into exterior decoration and interior decoration, passed through the hole

"Perfect, that's it, don't underestimate it." Carney looked at the tent that was finally put up and said with satisfaction.

"Come in, turn into a car and then come in." Carney unzipped the tent entrance. The tent's thoughtful design of internal and external zippers made the tent entrance large enough for the bumblebee to enter.

"Boom~" Bumblebee turned into a Camaro and let out the roar of the engine.

"No, come in slowly, I have to make sure you can enter." Carney directed from the front, "Come in, come in, come in, come in, point to the left, okay, come in."

Bumblebee entered the tent and immediately transformed into a robot shape, but the entrance to the tent was not high enough.

"Get down! Get down! Don't break the ceiling." Carney looked distressedly at the bulge in the ceiling caused by Bumblebee's head. Fortunately, Bumblebee half-lying down and lowering his head, the ceiling became flat again.

"Come on, come out of the house. The open space in the middle is high enough, even Optimus Prime can fit in it." Carney motioned Bumblebee to climb into the open space in the middle.

"Cool~~~~!" The bumblebee made a long sound. It was obviously very satisfied with the tent.

"Bumblebee, are you okay?" Carney began to ask.

"I'm very good!" Bumblebee jumped, stepping on the ground with his big feet, and Carney's eyes almost popped out.

"No, don't jump, at least don't jump before I install the carpet." Carney was afraid that he would be trampled by the hornets. It seemed that the purchase of the carpet was urgent.

"Wait a minute, my signal can't connect to the outside, and I can't get online." Bumblebee tapped a spot on his shoulder and touched the side of his head.

"It should be, but we can't be found outside. Earth's technology isn't enough to find the perfect hiding place, and even you Cybertronians can't find it." Carney was very satisfied, "Bumblebee, there's nothing else Is there any discomfort or squeezing feeling?”

"No." Bumblebee waved his hand, and then started to choose among the small rooms on the floor. It was going to choose a small room of its own, or a personal parking lot. It was already planning to make this place its own home.

Or a base, an Autobot base, or a Bumblebee base. Bumblebee put his hands on his hips, and the blue eyes in his eyes had already begun to plan which building was which.

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