Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 784: “small adult”

The match against Hufflepuff was hardly suspenseful.

Gryffindor conceded a few goals in the early stages.

But after seeing McLaughn's gloating and greasy expression on the bench, until Harry caught the Golden Snitch and the referee declared the game over, Ron was like an iron wall blocking the goal. Not a ball was missed.

This somewhat disappointed and annoyed McLeon.

But McLaughan still held his temper, gritted his teeth and went up to congratulate Ron—

Just like other players do.

Almost every Gryffindor was happy, almost all—

Except Ron.

Harry saw Ron pulling Lavender Brown into a corner where there was no one with a nervous expression on his face. Harry swore that when Ron took the initiative to talk to Lavender Brown, Lavender Brown's face was still full of anger. With that expression called shyness, happiness and anticipation.

But when Harry heard a few extremely violent and sharp noises, the expression on the face of Lavender Brown, who ran out from the corner, changed to one of shock, anger, and heartbreak.

"It's nice to be young." A voice suddenly came from next to Harry's ear, "It's nice to feel the tingle of love."

"Oh! Tierra!" Harry was taken aback, and he gradually calmed down when he saw a Tierra who didn't know when he was standing beside him, "When did you show up?" ? I was taken aback by you."

"Just here." Tierra said with a smile, "Congratulations, Harry, you are one step closer to this year's Academy Cup."

"Ah... thanks, thank you..." Harry said with some joy and inexplicable.

"What's wrong?" Tiera asked curiously.

"Oh... no, no, it's nothing, it just feels a little strange. You were so busy a while ago that you didn't even have time to talk to me in private, but now you suddenly appear here to congratulate me on the Quidditch match Win." Harry said softly.

"No matter how busy I am, I can spare time to congratulate you, right?" Tierra asked gently, "Besides, I'm almost done with my work recently, and Professor Horace Slughorn's Sorcerer's Stone is almost finished refining. Now, there is only the last bit of finishing work left, and there is no need for so many Tierras to participate, and he is completely sure to complete it by himself."

"So you're free now?" Harry asked in surprise.

"That's right, but..." Tierra paused, and said hesitantly, "But Voldemort is a little restless now... I have information that he seems to be preparing to participate in this year's International Association of Magic Chairman election, and... from his various behaviors, I have reason to believe that he is also preparing for the ceremony of becoming a god."

"Success, the ceremony of becoming a god!?" Harry was even more shocked, "He, he, he also, also..."

"Who doesn't want it? Eternal life, almost endless power, this is the most perfect form of eternal life, who doesn't want it? Especially a wizard like him who is extremely afraid of death." Tierra said lightly.

"Then, then...then we have to stop him!" Harry said anxiously.

"I have to stop him." Tierra said with a faint smile, as if looking at an immature child, UU reading www. uukanshu.com "You just need to study hard, train hard, and enjoy your campus life. These things are my business."

"I'm as old as you!" Harry said angrily, "I also have the ability to protect myself."

"It's great, then protect yourself and don't run around." Tierra raised her hand and patted Harry's head, then disappeared with a smile, "Then I'll go first, my little lord, I will return tomorrow." There is my class."

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