【Harry Potter and the Great Old Ones】【】

"Seriously, Ron, you've got to go talk to Lavender," Harry said to Ron, wearing his Quidditch amulet, the morning of the match against Hufflepuff. If you want to break up with her, just say so."

"You can't let Lavender bother me like this anymore."

"Is she still bothering you?" Ron was also wearing a Quidditch amulet, chewing on fried bacon with eggs, "I thought I ignored her, she gave up a long time ago."

"Honestly, Ron, don't you think you're doing a little... um..." Hermione was also eating breakfast next to her, thinking about her words, "A little... ...Scumbag?"

Because of today's Quidditch match, it was rare for Hermione to sit with the group of young talents from Germany and discuss their scientific research plans at breakfast, but sat next to Harry and Ron, serving them Come on for the Quidditch match.

"Seriously, Ron, if you don't like Lavender, I think you'd better talk to her quickly before it takes too long, and she'll bring you a potion of love potion too," said Hermione.

"Hermione's right," echoed Harry.

He was really tired of Lavender dragging him to talk about those boring topics that were all about me and me every day.

And nine times out of ten the words are exactly the same.

"Ahem... ok ok... I, I, after the Quidditch match is over I will... I'll make it clear to her... .” Ron also said distressed and embarrassed, and then looked at Hermione with a little embarrassment:

"Well... Hermione... just... I have a favor... just... just can you... Can you..."

"No." Before Ron could finish speaking, Hermione interrupted mercilessly, "Fix your own affairs, don't keep thinking about using me as a shield."

"Please, Hermione, you must help me. You don't know how crazy Lavender is. If I just break up with her, she will definitely give me a love potion!" Ron wailed.

"If she really gave you the love potion, I will definitely give you the antidote." Hermione said, "Besides, no matter how crazy she is, you recruited it yourself."

"Hey! She kissed me first!" Ron argued dissatisfiedly, "What do you want me to do in that situation?"

"You can calm down and think about it, and think about whether Lavender Brown is the girl you want to spend your life with."

"The initiative is in your hands, you can choose to refuse." Hermione ate the last bite of breakfast, and then tapped the fork on the table, "Okay, I'm done eating, let's go to the Quidditch pitch first Great position, come on you boys."

After speaking, Hermione picked up the book next to her, and walked out of the auditorium without looking back.

"She's ruthless," muttered Ron.

"It's your own trouble after all."

"Oh, yes, there is also McLaughn!" Harry said again with a headache, "Ron, you must give me a good performance this time!"

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【Harry Potter and the Great Old Ones】【】

"What's the matter with McLeon?" Ron asked puzzled, obviously he hadn't turned around from what happened to Lavender Brown just now.

"He didn't know where he heard the news that you got the love potion, and then he started pestering me every day, saying that your brain was poisoned by the love potion. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com hopes that this competition can be successful He came to block the goalkeeper."

"This McLeon!" Ron slapped his fork on the dining table angrily. "It's outrageous! How could he say that! Harry, you must kick him out of the Quidditch team."

"He didn't make any mistakes." Harry said, "Even if I'm the captain, I don't have the right to expel a substitute who didn't make a mistake, so I hope you will perform well this time and let McLawn stop bothering me."

"Of course, good brother." Ron said confidently.

Apparently he already knew that the "Fulling's Reagent" that Harry dripped into his glass last time was just fruit juice.

"And get the Lavender thing done quickly!" Harry said, "You have no idea how annoying those two have been lately!"

"Oh...Okay, okay, I, I'll take care of it after Quidditch." Ron became listless in an instant, and said weakly.

"You must remember!" Harry unconsciously put on Hermione's expression, and said to Ron a little madly, "If you don't solve it again, I won't guarantee that I will be really happy under the indiscriminate bombardment of Lavender. Accidentally considered McLeon's suggestion to give him your keeper!"

"I know, I know, I will definitely tell Lavender Brown!" Ron also put down his knife and fork. He rarely left half of the fried egg on his plate, and even the milk in the glass Before I had time to drink, "Let's go, let's go, it's time for us to play."

"Must remember!" Harry solemnly ordered after standing up.

"Okay, okay, I know, I know..." Ron hurriedly pushed Harry towards the Quidditch pitch, as if he didn't want to continue this topic.

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