Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 623: How to persuade a 1.5-year-old bear

"Ah? Oh, oh..." Harry replied perfunctorily, he still felt very uncomfortable, the scar on his forehead now made him not in the mood to think about what Hermione said about the first and the second. , What does three works mean.

"I, I'll do it tomorrow." Harry shoved back the handouts and drafts he had just taken out of his bag.

"Mark them in your homework planner!" Hermione suggested, "so you don't forget!"

Harry and Ron exchanged glances, and he honestly took out the plan book from his bag and opened it carefully.

"Don't say you will do it in the future, you second-rate!" The book scolded, Harry scribbled down Tierra's calculations, and Hermione smiled with satisfaction.

"I, I'm going back to sleep first." Harry tucked the homework plan into his bag, thinking he would throw it into the fire whenever he got the chance.

He crossed the common room to the quiet cool stone staircase leading to the boys' dormitory.

Harry feels bad right now, like being sick, but worse than being sick, Harry also feels an inexplicable sense of loneliness...

Harry thought maybe he'd be better if he lay down for a while, and it was seven or eight o'clock anyway, just in time to get some sleep.

Harry woke up early the next morning and glanced sideways at the alarm clock—

It was only half past six, but Harry himself was not sleepy, so he had to get up, put on his clothes, and reluctantly put on his schoolbag, ready to have breakfast first, and then read a book for a while.

After a night of sleep and rest, although Harry felt that the fatigue and pain on his body had diminished a lot, the feeling of loneliness became more unforgettable.

Especially when I saw the bed that originally belonged to Tiera, but was now filled with all kinds of debris by Ron, Neville, and Seamus.

This feeling of loneliness only intensified.

When Harry came to the auditorium hall, it was still a little empty, except for Harry, there were only two or three fifth graders, and the students who were about to face the exam just like they were last year were working hard, eating breakfast and watching Books, even on Sunday mornings, are reluctant to relax.

Because of the education reform implemented by Tierra, the .ls exam that this class of students is facing has never happened before, so their pressure is unprecedented.

After all, the review materials of seniors and sisters in the past are basically useless.

Harry is very fortunate that he got a fairly good grade in the last semester when the .ls was not reformed, and the new .ls grade and the old .ls are the same in the current Magic Federation.

Harry took a random seat and sat down, ordering a tuna sandwich, a fried egg, and a glass of orange juice from the house-elf roaming between the dining tables.

When the pointer pointed to 7:04, it suddenly became noisy outside the auditorium hall.

This is a strange thing, because very few people want to get up early on a Sunday morning, even if there are more than ten times more people at Hogwarts than before, except in the case of Quidditch. Many people prefer to get up early on Sunday mornings.

The noise outside the door gradually pushed in, and then the door of the auditorium hall was pushed open——

A group of Tierra, about twenty people, chatted and laughed, and walked in from the door while having a heated discussion.

"Hi, Harry." Tiera, who was in the lead, greeted him after seeing Harry.

"Good morning, Harry."

"Good work, Harry, getting up so early."

"Good morning Harry."

"Good morning, you have to work harder, Harry, it seems that Snape touched you a lot."

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Harry."

Valley Flower



Tierra after Tierra filed in, one by one sitting on the long table where Harry was.

There was a lot of noise around Harry in an instant.

This noisy scene instantly dilutes Harry's sense of loneliness and alienation.

"How was Snape coaching you last night?" One of Tierra sat down next to Harry and ordered an orange juice and a tuna sandwich.

"Hey, don't be stupid, is there any need to ask? Look at Harry, can't you get the answer just by looking at his face?" Another Tiera sat down near Harry, and sighed heavily. He patted the previous Tiera on the shoulder and said, "Learning Occlumency must be very difficult, and I don't even think about how much I had to suffer to learn it."

"Yes, also..." Tiera said embarrassingly.

"But I believe in you, Harry, you can definitely learn." Another Tiera, who didn't know where she came from, put his arms around Harry's shoulder from behind and said confidently.

"Ah? Oh... thank you, thank you." Harry replied a little embarrassedly.

"But... mention, Tiera... can't you really teach me Occlumency?" Harry finally put forward his own thoughts, and then looked at Tiera with great anticipation, his eyes full of expectations, "Even other teachers can."

"Oh...Harry...Harry..." Tiera looked at Harry kindly and said, "I know you and Snape have different personalities and hate each other. In fact, Dumbledore and Hora were in the beginning. I also refused and hesitated when Sslughorn proposed to have Snape teach you Occlumency, but then I thought about it..."

"Perhaps Snape is the best teacher to teach you brain defense," Tiera said.

"What, what? Why?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Let me guess, Snape's way of teaching you brain defense is to constantly legimize you, right?" Tiera asked.

"Ah, yes, yes," said Harry.

"So you see, I'll say Snape is a very good teacher." Tiera felt like a ruthless blow machine now. "He knows how to teach according to his aptitude."

"What? Teaching students according to their aptitude?" Harry asked inexplicably.

"Look, the teacher you hate the most is Snape." Tiera said, "So Snape will legimize you as soon as he comes up, and this situation will definitely arouse the disgust and resistance in your heart. , these visceral disgust and resistance will translate into your magical powers...you remember the black magic theory."

"Remember, remember," Harry replied, then suddenly realized something.

"Yes, this strong power will combine with your magic power to form a black magic power, which is extremely powerful and can help you resist Snape's Legilimency." Tiera said, "I guess The first time Snape gave you Legilimency, did you wake up all at once?"

"Hmm." Harry nodded.

"That's it." Tiera said with a smile, "This shows that you have the power to resist Snape's Legilimency, but you just haven't mastered the correct skills, so you can temporarily resist Snape with pure power. of Legilimency, but will soon be deciphered by the experienced Legilimency master Snape due to his complete lack of skill."

"Then you mean I need to use more Legilimency skills now?" Harry asked eagerly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ What should I do to improve my brain defense skills? "

Anything that could get Harry away from Snape's brain defenses as quickly as possible made Harry eager now.

"All the techniques of brain defense have been written in the book I gave you." Tiera said helplessly, ""Brain Defense: How to Disguise Your Brain"... But obviously, that book You can't watch it at all, can you?"

"Um... well, that book... too, too esoteric..." Harry said hesitantly.

"Then get in touch." Tiera shrugged and said, "Then there is only practice. You will naturally be able to master the skills after being violated by Snape a few times."

"But, but, but can't it be a different person?" Harry asked in frustration.

"No," Tiera said with a smile. "Snape works best."


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