"Did you just want to use the Sting Charm?" Snape asked coldly, condescendingly.

"No, no," Harry replied with a hint of resentment, getting up from the ground.

"I think so too," Snape said contemptuously. "You let me in too deep, and you lost control."

"You, did you see it all?" Harry wondered if he wanted to hear the answer.

"Some clips," Snape said, curling his lips. "Whose dog is that dog?"

"Aunt Maggie's," Harry whispered, already hating Snape.

"But, fortunately, it's not too bad for the first time." Snape raised his wand again, "You finally stopped me, even though you wasted time and energy yelling and teaching, and this time. ...you have to focus, resist me with your brain, no magic wand."

"I'll try!" Harry said angrily, "but you didn't tell me how!"

"Courtesy, Potter, polite..." Snape said fiercely. "I thought Tierra had taught you the basics."

"Tiera only threw me a book." Harry said in a lost voice.

"Heh." Snape laughed in a low voice, "It seems that Mr. Potter is not a student who likes to read books."

Harry was silent.

"Now, I want you to close your eyes," Snape said after taunting.

Harry gave him a stern look before he complied.

He didn't like standing there with his eyes closed, especially when Snape was standing in front of him with his wand.

"Get rid of distractions, Potter," Snape said in a cold voice. "Throw away all feelings."

But the anger at Snape was still pounding his veins like venom. Let go of anger?

Wouldn't it be easier to lose a leg?

"You didn't do it, Potter, you need to restrain yourself, focus, start!" Snape's cold voice came out again.

Harry tried to clear his mind, not to think, not to remember, not to feel.

"Come again! I count to three, one-two-three-legimacy!"

A black dragon was showing its teeth and claws in front of him...

His parents waved to him in the magic mirror...

Tiera slumped to the ground weakly, lying in front of him, staring at him blankly...

"No—!" Harry knelt on the ground again, his face buried in his hands, his head hurting, as if someone was about to pull it out of his skull.

"Get up!" snapped Snape. "Get up! You didn't do it, you didn't work hard, you're giving me your weapon by showing me the memory you feared!"

Harry stood up, his heart beating wildly, as if he had really just seen Tiera die in the cemetery.

Snape looked paler and angrier than usual, though far less angry than Harry.

"I--try--str--" Harry said through gritted teeth.

"I told you to drop your feelings!" Snape reprimanded.

Gu Ye

"Really? I find it hard to do now," Harry growled.

"Then you'll be easily exploited by the Dark Lord!" Snape said cruelly, "Proud, emotional fools who don't control their emotions, indulge in sad memories, make themselves so easily stimulated —In a word, weaklings, they are vulnerable to his magic! It's easy for him to invade your mind, Potter!"

"I'm not weak," Harry murmured, angered, thinking he might hit Snape in no time.

"Then prove it! Control yourself!" Snape reprimanded. "Control your anger, control your brain! Here we go! Get ready! Legilimency!"

He watched Uncle Vernon nail the letterbox...

A hundred dementors floated towards him from the lake...

Harry threw himself on the floor of Snape's office again, his scar piercing like a needle.

Snape was disappointed, and looked at Harry condescendingly as if expected.

"Let's come here first today," Snape said coldly, "I hope you will come over at the same time next Saturday, and we will continue to practice."

"Okay, okay," said Harry, impatient to leave Snape's office to find Tiera.

"You get rid of all your emotions every night before you go to bed—make your mind blank and calm, understand?" Snape said.

"Understood," said Harry, but he hardly listened.

"Be careful, Potter, I'll know if you've practiced," Snape warned.

"Yes," Harry whispered, and then he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked quickly towards the door.

He looked back at Snape as he opened the door, his back to Harry, picking his thoughts out of the Pensieve with his wand and putting them back carefully into his head.

Harry closed the door gently, the scar still throbbing, and ran out of the gloomy, damp basement as if fleeing.

Harry found Ron and Hermione in the library, Hermione was calculating something, and even Ron was working on a book.

The other students were also sitting at the lit desks, their noses on the books, and they were writing frantically with their quills.

These are almost all students who have taken Tiera's dark magic class, most of them are freshmen from the slow and regular classes. They are frowning and scrambling to calculate the large number of calculation problems that Tiera has arranged.

The sky outside the window was already completely dark, and the only sound in the library was the soft click of Mrs. Pince's shoes.

She patrolled the aisles menacingly, breathing down the necks of those who touched her precious books.

Harry shivered a little, the scar was still sore, and he even thought he might have a fever.

As Ron sat down opposite Hermione, he saw himself in the window filled with darkness—

He looked very pale, and the scar on his forehead seemed to be more prominent than before.

"How's it going?" Hermione whispered, then looked worried. "Are you all right, Harry?"

"Um...no, it's fine...I, I don't know." Harry said irritably, frowning from the scar on his forehead. "Where's Tiera?"

"He's still calculating some conditions~www.wuxiamtl.com~" Hermione replied, "He presets several gravitational environments and time flow rates for sigma-solid seventy-seven, gamma-solvent thirty-one, Gamma - solid No. 14, Delta - the effect of gas refining on No. 4, so he first preset several possible models through mathematical calculations, and Tiera is now experimenting which of these possible models to use The model has the highest refining efficiency for these components, and then a standard can be explored. Anyway, we have no shortage of materials at all, so we should take this opportunity to explore and discover more..."

Hermione looked extremely excited, chattering about sharing Tierra's latest research results with Harry.

"Tiera said that he not only hopes to successfully refine the magic stone, but also hopes that through the refining of the magic stone, the original refining method can be improved, and a new method with a higher success rate and better For the simple method of refining the Philosopher's Stone." Hermione said obviously a little too excited, "and he promised me that I would make three articles on the overall industrial process! I would make two articles on the improvement methods of several solvents. Work! And, and, and, most importantly, he can give me some top-secret information... the kind of internal information that allows me to write an essay on the Philosopher's Stone as a work. A roundup article on the history of refining!"


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