Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 167: naysayers

The boxes of letters every day were either courtship letters sent by witches, or invitations from various publishing houses and magazines to him—

In order not to miss important letters from the Ministry of Magic or Dumbledore, Tiera's daily work before going to bed is to sit in front of the fireplace with Dobby. Even in the middle of summer, the fireplace in Tiera's room is often burning with blazing fire——

"Letter from Pansy Parkinson." Dobby picked up a letter from the surface of the letterbox, opened it, and said, "She said she wanted to visit her classmate Tiera, and she was worried about Tiera. Will there be any sequelae after Ra was petrified, she said that her father was a witch doctor, and she had a tonic that she wanted to send to Tiera."

"Any explicit expressions of love?" Tiera asked, sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

"No." Dobby replied.

"Then burn," Tiera said.

"The next letter is from Mrs. Sylvie..."

"Mrs. Sylvie? That married woman who is madly infatuated with Lockhart?"

"This letter is great," Tiera said after stroking it for a while. "The words are explicit, and there is a love spell on it. It's the perfect sacrifice for summoning a succubus. It's great, Raven, received locker A-06. Inside, it will be used when the succubus is summoned."

Tiera handed the letter to Raven, who was standing beside him. Raven took the letter in his mouth and fluttered to the side of a heavy black wooden cabinet on the second floor.

Raven pawed open the door of Cabinet A-06 and placed the new letter with the dozens of letters already inside.

"Sir, here is an anonymous curse letter." Dobby handed another letter to Tiera and said.

Tiera felt it silently.

"The curse letter is placed in the A-04 cabinet, which can be used as a sacrifice to summon the little devil instead of corpse oil or baby's bone meal." Tiera handed the letter to Raven next to him.

"Sir, here's a letter..." Dobby turned the envelope around and said, "Sir, here's a letter from The Quibbler."

Dobby took it apart directly—

Tierra's privilege, all letters from magazines and publishers, Dobby, can be opened, read and then handed to Tiera.

"Sir, they want to make an appointment with you." Dobby said after a general glance.

"A naysayer?" Tiera, who was sorting out the letters, put down the letter in her hand, took the letter from Dobby and read it——

The handwriting is sloppy, the prose is naive, and the grammar is full of loopholes.

Tiera jumped straight to the inscription of the letter—

Luna Lovegood.

Sure enough, Tiera made a cameo appearance at Gilderoy Lockhart last semester and met Luna Lovegood when she was teaching a first-year Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

It was a thin, thin little witch with platinum blonde hair.

Contrary to her thin body, Luna Lovegood is a rather strong and stubborn girl, with the intellectual curiosity of Ravenclaw and the courage and tenacity of Gryffindor.

I'm afraid it's not only Luna Lovegood who would make such a move of writing a letter to Gilderoy Lockhart in the name of his father's magazine.

"Dobby, take this letter and write a reply letter for me, politely decline..."

Tierra paused, then suddenly said that she had stopped Dobby.

"Wait, Dobby, I'll write it myself," Tiera said, "Dobby, help me sort out the drafts of the first few chapters of my Harry Potter and the Vanishing Philosopher's Stone, and write them together with the reply later. send it."

"Okay sir, are you ready to promise her?" Dobby asked.

"Hmm." Tiera sat back on Gilderoy Lockhart's desk and put the letter on the typewriter—

First, Tiera was too lazy to write, and secondly, in order to cover up the fact that her handwriting was different from Gilderoy Lockhart's, all of Tiera's replies were recovered with a typewriter, so Dobby could do it for him in many cases.

"Dear Miss Luna Lovegood,

It is a great honor to receive your invitation to make a manuscript. I have heard about The Quibbler for a long time, and I think that I can reach a friendly and mutually beneficial cooperative relationship with The Quibbler.

As it happens, based on my knowledge and experience at Hogwarts, I have already prepared the title of my next novel - "Harry Potter and the Vanishing Philosopher's Stone".

Several chapters have been completed and sent to the editor-in-chief of your magazine for review. I look forward to further cooperation with you.

Good luck.

Gilderoy Lockhart"

After Tiera finished writing, she called Raven Raven and handed the reply to Raven together with the first few chapters of "Harry Potter and the Vanishing Philosopher's Stone".

"I don't want to go!" Raven said, squatting on the desk. "It's too late. I have night blindness."

"Then go tomorrow." Tiera said helplessly, "I must remember tomorrow."

"Ah! Don't worry." Raven said, "You can rest assured when I do things, ah!"

Tierra's adaptation and re-creation of the novel "Harry Potter and the Vanishing Philosopher's Stone" is a double-male plot.

Tiera started copying from the beginning of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" at Dursley's at No. 4 Privet Drive, copying the original text word for word, until Hagrid picked up Harry Potter, and began to import The second male lead, Tierra.

What Tiera just prepared to send to "The Quibbler" is that this part of the story ends here.

Although the influences of Yoggsothoth and Shabu Nicholas counteracted each other, they eventually spilled over from each other and affected Tierra's body, just like two homogenous, same speed, and completely opposite directions of movement in physics. The non-ideal state of the object collision is the same.

Although the two objects will stop, there will still be energy loss——

This lost energy acts on Tiera.

The effect of this energy is slowly manifested as time goes by——

Tierra's spiritual dimension and material dimension undergo dramatic changes under the action of this energy.

As if a memory palace was gradually taking shape in Tiera's mind——

It was built together with the spiritual wall of the seventh floor.

After Tiera recovered from the petrified state, the principle and configuration of the seventh-layer spiritual wall that had already been analyzed and completed were gradually branded into his rapidly growing spiritual dimension~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I believe that soon, Tiera's The seventh layer of the spiritual wall will be completely constructed.

With the benefits, Tiera gained memory, comprehension, and computing power beyond ordinary people—

To put it bluntly, as long as Tiera wanted to, he could reproduce every word he had read, and recall every scene he had ever experienced.

This is also Tierra's biggest reliance on "writing" the book.

And the influence of Shabu Nicholas has been fully reflected in Tiera's material dimension——

Tiera gained a powerful vitality.

Tiera's manipulation of her body is as simple as manipulating a piece of text—

Tiera can cut, split, reorganize, multiply her body, and change her form at will.

Unless Fiery Fire, Spiritual Fire like burning magic or Avada Suo Life Charm like black magic that can completely wipe out all life in a very short period of time, nothing can kill him.

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