Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 166: official opening

"Accurately speaking, I hope you—" Tiera pointed to Ador Kent, a mysticism enthusiast, said, "can sort out the folklore of Central Asia, especially about the trade of demons, Leng Yuan in bizarre costumes Legends or news about the disappearance of residents and entire villages, to our computer expert Gillen Williams."

"And you—" Tiera pointed to archaeologist Judy Wilson and said, "I want you to look for artifacts similar to this gold coin, or the patterns on this gold coin, in all the artifacts unearthed in Central Asia. , look for similar gods to worship, determine their origin, and hand them over to Gillen Williams along with the information compiled by Ador."

Saying that, Tiera took out a gold coin from her pocket and put it on the table—

The reverse of the gold coin features a trident entwined with a crown of double fish and an olive branch, and the obverse features the face of a majestic old man composed of countless lines and geometric patterns—

This is the common currency for Cardas and most of the Dreamland, from the two bags of currency that Merlin left behind.

When Merlin was alive, he traveled far and wide, not only the places of interest and mystery on Earth, but also the Dreamland, the main spiritual world, the far side of the moon, among the stars, the Hyades, the Arcturus and other places.

Therefore, the two bags of ancient coins that Merlin left behind did not only contain ancient coins on Earth, but even those of other worlds, galaxies, and civilizations.

Among all the currencies of different civilizations, the currency of Dreamland Kadath is also used.

When Tiera first left the orphanage, although she went to a **** shop to **** a few ancient coins in order to make a living, they were only ancient British coins from the British period.

Those strange-looking, or at first glance not human civilization currencies, Tierra, were kept intact.

The pattern on the front of the cardas currency is the lord of the abyss of fantasy, the leader of the old gods and the gods of the earth, the powerful old **** occupying the fifth dimension, Nordens.

The trident on the back is the power symbol of light, sanity, healing, seal and abyss held by Nordens.

The patterns on both sides of the gold coin, together with the three Nordence mantras engraved on the side edge of the gold coin, together form the "Mark of Nordence" that can shelter all rational creatures in the dreamland.

"And you—" Tiera pointed to computer expert Gillen Williams and said, "I hope you can use statistical methods to determine May, based on the information provided by Judy and Ador, to determine this roll of sheepskin. The approximate extent of the possible existence of the cave on the ancient paper."

"Then—" Tiera pointed to geographer Mitchell McGhan, "After Gillen has determined the approximate area, I need you to help me narrow the area further based on your knowledge of geography, and finally determine where the cave is located. Specific locations."

Several experts looked at each other, and an awkward and silent atmosphere spread in Tiera's office.

"Mr. Lockhart..." Finally, archaeologist Judy Wilson pondered and said, "With all due respect, I think we should study the British literary atmosphere at that time based on this 13th and 14th century fantasy novel. And the wind and rain—”

"Pause, please," Tiera interrupted, then sighed, "I think I'm still a little unclear."

"Let's put it this way." Tiera sat back in the office chair and took out four dozen fifty pounds of notes from the drawer—

Twenty-four cards per dozen for a total of £4,800.

"As long as you help me find this cave, the four of you can carry £2,400 each in your pocket."

"Yes! Make sure to complete the task!"

The four of them made a promise.

Tiera leaned back on the seat, picked up the teacup and took a sip of the cold hot water.

Wouldn't it be over sooner?

Alas, the life of the rich is so unpretentious and boring.

With Tiera's promise, the reluctant experts were as motivated as chicken blood.

However, this work is indeed too cumbersome and complicated. There are too many factors that can cause interference in Central Asia, so the progress is slow. In addition, the entire research group is indeed understaffed, and the research group has been stuck in the data screening and sorting stage since the opening of the topic a week ago.

After preliminarily arranging everyone's tasks, Tiera can finally be a hands-off shopkeeper, calm down and devote herself to the intense and exciting study life.

Tiera gets up at nine every morning, washes up, and eats the breakfast Dobby prepared for him.

At 9:30, he turned into Lockhart's appearance. He came to the gate of the Uwich campus of the University of Greenwich through the Gate of Light, said hello to the old security guard, and then entered the campus, saying that although he bought this professor, But I still love my job.

After entering the campus, Tiera went to the coffee station on the campus to buy five cups of coffee every day, and delivered it to the experts of her research group, showing the image of an approachable dog.

After a round of tours, Tiera brought her own books, books, and scratch paper to the library of the University of Greenwich——

Tiera is still used to self-study in the library, and he also needs to frequently read books such as "Linear Algebra", "Advanced Mathematics", "Analytical Geometry" in the library, so he simply studies in the library.

Every day at 12:00 noon, Tiera would go into the toilet of the library, go home to eat through the door of light in the empty compartment, take a nap until 1:30, and then go back to the library through the door of light.

In the afternoon, I studied in the library until 5:30, packed my things, went back to the research group to have a look, checked the progress, and went home for dinner.

After 6:30 in the evening, Tiera freely arranges, and sometimes continues to study "Solomon's Little Key" and "Fifteenth Century Demonology~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I am really tired of learning." Tiera will write two sentences " Harry Potter and the Lost Philosopher's Stone.

"Sir, your letter." Dodoby took out a basket of letter paper and said--

Since Gilderoy Lockhart defeated Voldemort, Gilderoy Lockhart's fame has risen to the next level.

Tierra knew that several articles had been written in the Daily Prophet, making him a great wizard like Dumbledore.

Tierra knew that these must have been Cornelius Fudge's idea to divide Dumbledore's fame and influence by creating another hero.

Tiera had expected Cornelius Fudge to throw an olive branch to him soon--

But Tiera did not receive any invitations, or anything that could be called an olive branch—

Not even a single letter from the Ministry of Magic.

But in order not to miss important letters from the Ministry of Magic or Dumbledore, Tiera took a little time every day to sift through letters before going to bed.

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