Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 164: Research group established

Yes, Tiera is going to Dreamland.

Tiera will use gold, gems, and slaves, and the moon that dwells on the far side of the moon in the dreamland, the easy-flowing silver, the copper of the pillars, and the gold of the sky—

These are the three irreplaceable elements recorded in Merlin's notebooks in the ceremony of becoming a god—

Flowing silver is only produced in a lake on Pisces Australis Prime

The copper of the pillar is produced in the underground volcano of Alpha Taurus.

And the gold of the sky is made by condensing gold and other magical substances through the unique craftsmanship of the moon beast——

Only the Moon Beast Clan knows the specific formula, and about every fifty grams of gold can be refined into thirteen grams of sky gold.

That is to say, the price of 13 grams of sky gold is definitely not less than 50 grams of gold in the moon beast.

At least one hundred and twenty grams of sky gold is enough for the ceremony of becoming a god. The more the better, the upper limit is not capped.

Otherwise, why would Tiera shamelessly knock on the school's bamboo pole?

If there is no other way, who is willing to start with the treasures of their own school?

Since "Guidero Lockhart" was just a bought professor, the University of Greenwich did not provide Tierra's laboratory with a researcher position——

That is to say, Tiera can only be recruited as a laboratory assistant at the University of Greenwich.

To put it bluntly, a temporary worker at the University of Greenwich.

So the first person to apply was a security guard, or an old acquaintance of Tiera——

Jason Downe, Manton Moriah, Peter Freeman, Cha Richard Wick, and Joe Forrest.

The high school dropout quintet who often roams the streets of London, started out with their own petty theft or organized street children petty theft.

But since becoming obsessed with washing powder, she began to sell it, and Tiera helped them transport contraband when she was wandering on the streets.

"Professor Lockhart, it's not me telling you, there are five of us. Those were all just retired from military service, we—" Jason Down, the leader, sat across from Tiera's desk, eloquently about to speak. blow.

"Okay, you guys have been hired." Tiera interrupted directly. He really didn't want to listen to Jason Tangder's bragging anymore. Anyway, although these people were addicted to washing powder and couldn't extricate themselves, they looked quite strong. It should persist until entering the plateau of cold.

"Really?" Jason Down said in surprise, he didn't expect it to be so easy.

"Really." Tiera took five fifty-pound notes from her purse and handed them to them, then said, "But you are not used here for the time being, so the daily wages of each of you are fifty pounds a month. You can do your own business, but make sure you are always on call, leave your contact information here, and I will contact you again when there is work, and the extra work commission will be calculated separately."

The little gangsters looked at each other in surprise. Jason Down, who was the leader, grabbed the £250 in Tiera's hand and nodded excitedly.

Obviously, they didn't expect the money to come so easily.

"Okay, okay." After distributing the money in front of Tiera, the five left their contact information, and then left the office in agreement——

By the way, he teased Aitakandi who was sitting on the secretary's desk.

As if he had just negotiated a big business of tens of billions of dollars.

Tiera sat behind her desk and sighed—

They, like me, are still too young to understand that all the gifts of fate are implicitly marked with prices.

Tierra's second recruit was Gillen Williams, an undergraduate computer science graduate from the University of London.

He was a tall, thin boy with thick hair.

Tiera asked him to estimate which, if any, places might be home to supernatural creatures by using the location and frequency of British paranormal sightings around the world.

Although Gillen Williams looked disgusted and looked neurotic, he still did as he looked at the high salary offered to Tiera——

In just half an hour, Gillen Williams handed Tiera an estimate.

Tiera looked at it, and it was alright, yes, it basically coincided with the location of the forbidden forest behind Hogwarts, so Gillen was hired on the spot.

Then came to apply for the University of the Arts London Master of Divinity - Ador Kent, is a strong man, slightly bald.

Ador Kent brought a classmate of the Supernatural Society of the University of the Arts London by the way——

Judy Wilson from the Department of Archaeology, a girl with short, capable hair and a medium build.

The last one is a graduate student from the Department of Geography at Durham University - Mitchell McGhan, a quiet girl with long hair, thin arms and thin legs, who laughs like a flower girl everywhere on the street.

But Tiera knew by reading her mind that Mitchell once won the third place in the All England University Women's Taekwondo League.

Tierra:  …

Boss, boss.

society, society.

Tiera originally wanted to add a character set with rich lustful attributes and rich stupid dogs to "Gidero Lockhart".

Think about it or forget it.

Perhaps because of Tiera's high salary, the entire research group took only a week and a half to find all the people.

When it was mid-July, Tiera had already held the first group meeting in her office——

The group meeting went well.

Like facing Aitakandi, Tiera threw out Merlin's stick figure and declared—

"This is our project! We're looking for the legendary city of dreams, Kadath."

Tiera could see the MMP's heart beneath everyone's smiling faces.

"With all due respect to Mr. Lockhart," archaeologist Judy Wilson said after examining the front and back paintings with her professional and vicious eyes, "I think this painting has great artistic and collectible value, but I don't think it is of practical archaeological significance."

This is the pen and graffiti of a down-to-earth painter from the 13th and 14th centuries. It is better for you to take it to auction than to put it here for us to study——

A voice from archaeologist Judy Wilson.

Although Judy Wilson joined a paranormal association during her college days, for her, the so-called supernatural means visiting a haunted house at night, or divination with tarot cards for today's fortune.

But this-

This so-called dream-seeking city of Kadas.

This has moved away from the supernatural and into the realm of wishful thinking.

Tiera knows that almost everyone thinks this way~www.wuxiamtl.com~ No no no, dear, don't be too assertive, here-" Tiera took out another roll of parchment and put it in front of her and said, "Here is the travelogue of the painter—"

Here's another volume of Merlin's notes.

Yes, Merlin has visited Dreamland.

After the death of King Arthur, Merlin sacrificed a finger first, and learned the ritual of becoming a **** by praying to the outer **** incarnation of Yoggsothoth-Umr At Tavel.

Then I first found the city of Nacket in the desert of Western Australia, and determined the entrance to the dreamland through dozens of maps of different eras collected in the city of Nacket——

The map and specific locations, Merlin did not write in the diary, but several pages of text descriptions like travel notes.

Although there were some identifiable topographical features in it, it was not enough for Tiera to find the entrance to the dreamland by herself.

"It's Old English..." Archeologist Judy said, turning to the side at the same time, giving part of it to her classmate, theologian Ador Kent.

"This is Old English around the fourteenth century, but the grammar and phrases still carry a bit of customs from the early twelfth century." The archaeologist judged, "What does it mean, I need to go back and look up the fourteenth century. Old English-Modern English Dictionary."

"Don't be so troublesome." Tiera said, turning the parchment around, placing her fingers on the paper, and reading aloud:

"I followed a group of *** merchants into the Timurid Empire, through an endless grassland, I came..."

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