Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 163: Recruitment

When Aitakandi stepped into the office on the Uwell campus again a week later, Aita was taken aback.

Aitakandi silently exited the office and glanced at the house number——


It's Professor Dog Otto, and Gilderoy Lockhart's office is correct.

But the office at this time was very different from when she came a week ago.

The original set of office desks and chairs and a set of dilapidated sofas and coffee tables in the outside have all disappeared, but five neat new wooden desks have been placed——

Aitakandi could almost smell the fresh leaves and the forest from the glossy desks.

The five desks are arranged in a relaxed arrangement of two on the left and three on the right, leaving an aisle in the middle of the entire office, and a business card stands on the last desk on the right—


Apparently the location of Aitakandi.

There is also a computer, a fax machine and a printer on it.

Next to Aitakandi's desk is the door to the inner room, Gilderoy Lockhart's office.

Behind the last desk on the left stands a tall floor-to-ceiling bookshelf of the same material.

The side of the bookshelf where the books are placed faces the door leading to the interior, and a small tea stove and refrigerator are placed between the bookshelf and the door against the wall.

Aitakandi stepped into A-212 again, stepping on the soft carpet—

Only then did Aitakandi realize that the ground was covered with a carpet, and the dark red background was covered with golden flower-like patterns.

Luxurious, prestige...and sassy - a rug from Gilderoy Lockhart's.

And the baroque chandelier overhead.

And desks, office chairs, and bookshelves too—

Tiera only needs to insert a desk in the back garden of Gilderoy Lockhart's house, and then use "Parasite" to tamper with the authority to repair life——

Wooden tables and chairs soon came back to life, growing wildly in Gilderoy Lockhart's back garden.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight—

Then Tiera burned three with fiery fire, and the remaining five moved here through the Gate of Light.

The bookshelf is also from Gilderoy Lockhart's house, and it is empty, with only a thin handwritten book on it——

The Necronomicon

From Tiera's wand-written version, stripped of all spells, all rituals, all alchemy—

Only the descriptions and rumors of the innocuous outer gods, the old gods, the ancient gods, the old rulers, the ancient races and the dreamland are preserved.

"Professor Lockhart?" Ettakandi walked around the bookshelf and knocked on the door into the inner room.

"Ha, Miss Candy, right?" Gilderoy Lockhart's hearty voice came from the room, "Please come in."

Aitakandi pushed open the door—

But then wanted to quit.

Because Gilderoy Lockhart's office is so messy-

The carpet is the same dark red with gold flowers as the outside.

In the center of the room is a large desk with a large window to the left of the desk.

On the right is a row of bookshelves.

And on the wall behind the desk—

Hanging a huge, gold-framed self-portrait of Gilderoy Lockhart—

The self-portrait shows Gilderoy Lockhart in a dress only worn by medieval nobles, holding what looks like a wooden stick in his hand, and wearing the greasy smile Ettakandi has ever seen in his life.

This is a big dog with a problem in his brain--

Tiera immediately judged when she saw Aitakandi.

"Mr. Lockhart." But Ettakandi smiled.

"Miss Candy, you came just in time—" Tiera said. "You must have seen the desk outside, didn't you?"

"Yes, Mr. Lockhart," Aitakandi said politely.

"Then you should realize what we're going to do right?" Tiera asked.

"You... are recruiting?" Ettakandi asked cautiously.

"Yes, Miss Candy!" Tiera said excitedly, "Our great journey to explore the strange and unknown ancient world is about to begin, and our discovery will reveal a heavenly civilization."

With all due respect, your professorship was bought—

Tiera saw Ettakandi thinking this way, but he didn't care.

Since he dared to buy, he was ready to be scolded.

Anyway, he's playing a stupid big dog who just pays people to work and follows his **** to reap the end result.

"So I have a task I want to give you." Tiera took out the job posting he had written a long time ago, walked around from behind the desk and handed it to Aitakandi, "Help me change this job posting. , and then post it."

Aitakandi picked it up and read page by page—

One Historical Consultant: A graduate degree or above in the Department of History or Archaeology is required, with research on the cultures, legends and ancient relics of Central Asia. A little bit of occultism, good physical strength, able to travel long distances and survive in the wild.

One Geographical Consultant: A graduate degree or above in the Department of Geography is required, with in-depth research on the geology and geomorphology of Central Asia, at least two visits to Central Asia, familiarity with Central Asia, and a little understanding of local myths and legends and ancient ruins Hunting, good physical strength, able to travel long distances and survive in the wild.

One occult consultant: Bachelor degree or above in history or theology is required, with in-depth research on mysticism around the world, especially the ghost legends in Central Asia, with good physical strength, and able to travel long distances with the help of others and survival in the wild.

One data processor: Education is not limited, and it is required to be familiar with the big data estimation method and the limited algorithm of maximum likelihood value.

The monthly salary for the above positions is 1,600 pounds, and the remaining bonuses and benefits are interviewed.

Another number of security guards are recruited: there is no education limit, and it is required that they have killed people on the battlefield, committed crimes in prison, and have outstanding physical strength, and can carry at least one person for long-distance travel and wild survival. Salary interview.

"With all due respect, Mr. Lockhart." Aitakandi asked, clapping a few pieces of paper in his hand after reading it. "What exactly is our research project?"

"It's this, Miss Candy." Tiera frantically took out a roll of parchment from the drawer and spread it out on the large desk—

It was a stick figure drawn in unknown ink.

But even though it was so crude and abstract, Aitakandi could still tell that it was a magnificent city.

Nearby are straight and eerie high-rise buildings, and in the distance is the setting sun, and strange ships moored in the harbor.

In the middle of high-rise buildings are creatures that are far beyond human imagination~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Those creatures that seem to exist only in **** or in the deepest dreams of human beings.

The painter stood on a high place and used vigorous and powerful brushwork to draw a city so grand that it should only exist in imagination——

This is the only one of all Merlin's notes that is entirely composed of pictures—

Cardas of Dreams!

"Kadas of Dreamland!" Tiera said excitedly, "I have reason to believe that the interface between this fantastic city and the real world is in Central Asia."


Tiera heard Aitakandi curse in her heart.

But in the end Aitakandi moved his lips slightly and said--

"Okay, Mr. Lockhart, I'll post it right away."

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