Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 146: Summon Yog-Sothoth

Nine forty-five.

"It should be almost time." Tiera said to herself.

Thousands of miles away, in Hogwarts Castle, five cursed worms quietly poked their heads out of the clothes, cuffs, and slits of the jewelry of the five remaining people on Tierra's list, silently. burrowed into their bodies.

The five little wizards were petrified almost simultaneously.

Since her "heir" stayed by Gildero Lockhart's side for a few months, Tiera has completely mastered the rules of Gilderoy Lockhart's life.

When there is no class, Gilderoy Lockhart usually wakes up between 8:10 and 8:30——

Considering that Tiera gave him a stupor last night in order to prevent Gilderoy Lockhart from waking up suddenly, Gilderoy Lockhart should have woken up around 8:30 this morning.

Lockhart usually spends half an hour washing up and dressing up, putting on makeup by the way—

Taking into account the concept of "dressing up" that Tiera implanted into Gilderoy Lockhart last night, Gilderoy Lockhart's dressing time should be a little longer than usual today, and Tiera predicts that it will take about five years. about ten minutes.

In other words, normally Gilderoy Lockhart should have left his room around 9:20 today.

But at this time, Hogwarts no longer provides breakfast, which means that Gilderoy Lockhart will go to the Hogsmeade village below the mountain for breakfast, and then directly from Hogsmeade village through Transfiguration Apparitions come to the Inner Hebrides.

From the iron gate of Hogwarts to Hogsmeade Village, it takes about twenty minutes for Gilderoy Lockhart's foot strength, which means that Gilderoy Lockhart will arrive at Hogsmeade around 9:40. village.

Gilderoy Lockhart would enter the Three Broomsticks wine pipe at the entrance of the village for breakfast.

The length of time Gilderoy Lockhart has breakfast depends on the time he and the beautiful owner of the Three Broom Tavern, Ms. Rosemerta, boast about, usually ranging from ten to twenty minutes.

The length of this period of time is really difficult for Tierra to calculate, so Tiera's cursed worm trigger magic left in Hogwarts Castle was triggered by him at 9:45, resulting in the petrification of five students.

This will lead to great riots within Hogwarts. Tierra believes that the Ministry of Magic officials and the Auror investigation team headed by Lucius will not miss this opportunity and will surely stumble upon it. Dumbledore, and the teachers and students at Hogwarts who might be suspicious of Gilderoy Lockhart.

This will leave enough time for Gilderoy Lockhart to disappear to get rid of possible stalkers--

Other stalkers are not afraid, as long as it's not Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape, or Flitwick.

After another ten minutes, Tiera suddenly felt a magic wave on this endless and unremarkable sea—

Tiera took out her watch again and looked at it:


Gilderoy Lockhart appeared on the island more than 270 nautical miles away from Tierra with a black diary in one hand and a suitcase in the other.

"Dobby," Tiera said.

"Dobby is ready." Saying this, Dobby held Tiera's "Heir" in his arms.

Then Tierra stretched out a tentacle—

Put a pale grey cursed worm inside Dobby.

Sight, hearing, smell, and touch are all stripped away—

Dobby hugged the "Inheritor" tightly, curled up in the center of the ceremony, curled up inside the "Old Seal".

After that, the worms that Tiera transformed into enveloped Dobby—

The composition of "Parasite" comes from the three flames that become cursed worms -

Fire has always been one of the most violent and irrational forms of existence in the universe.

And the cursed worms came from the skills Tiera obtained from direct contact with the Outer God——

The composition of "Parasite" comes from the irrational fire, gathered together by the power of another outer god.

That is to say, when Tiera uses the "parasite" as his body, his resistance to the outer gods will be much higher than that of using his own body.

This is why Tiera can petrify herself without any scruples.

Anyway, even if it wasn't petrified, Tiera wouldn't be able to fight in person.

After wrapping Dobby, Tiye stretched out his tentacles, held Merlin's staff, and then his senses were completely connected with Dobby's—

Gradually, Tiera also fell into darkness.

I don't know how long it was in the dark, maybe a minute, maybe two minutes, maybe an hour, maybe two hours—

Tiera felt the light.

This is a rather wonderful feeling. Tiera has connected all his senses to Dobby. He should be completely engulfed in darkness like Dobby, like a stone on a reef island, or Like a piece of garbage, it shouldn't have any senses—

But he still felt the light.

Tiera felt the light.

Tiera felt the concept of light.

Tiera felt—

Huge authority, beyond all logic, beyond all rational power.

A huge and terrifying force, accompanied by the appearance of endless light, shrouded the entire sea area where the Inner Hebrides are located——

The sphere that gathered billions of brilliance protruded out of the void—

Even if Tiera seals all his senses, even if he leaves himself in complete darkness, his spiritual dimension, his spiritual dimension, and his material dimension can still feel that absolute, The power of authority.

That is direct contact from the highest dimension.

It is a force that cannot be described in words, like a landslide, like a tsunami, like an erupting volcano, like the meteor shower that destroyed the dinosaurs.

Like an erupting solar storm, like a black hole that destroys everything.

In a short moment, Tiera seemed to have experienced the destruction of billions of stars and the collapse of countless universes.

Tiera felt as if she was suddenly thrown into an endless ocean of light and knowledge tens of thousands of meters deep—

And the only thing that wraps him and protects him is his own six-layer spiritual wall, the outer two layers of ritualized spiritual wall and a layer of Nakht's wall.

All of Tiera's protection was at stake under this force, like an oxygen tank squashed by water—

Infinite light and knowledge oppressed these protective measures, making Tiera feel a trembling feeling from the deepest part of her soul—

That is the most instinctive response to the infinite knowledge, the ultimate truth of the universe——



Dumbledore, who was helplessly accompanying the officials of the Ministry of Magic pulling Sippi, suddenly stood up and ran out of the Hogwarts castle in a hurry—

But suddenly, Dumbledore stopped.

"Ah..." Dumbledore sighed wearily and walked back to the castle slowly.

"What's the use of me going?" Dumbledore said to himself.


The Alpis Mountains, the highest level of Nurmengard.

An old man described as withered suddenly raised his head and looked out through the narrow prison window, with an undisguised shock on his face.

"Will it be him? Will it be him?" the old man muttered to himself, "It must be, it must be!"

"Hahaha, too bold! Too bold!" The old man's hoarse and frantic laughter came from the cell.


The sea of ​​light over the Inner Hebrides didn't last long before it suddenly faded.

The sphere that gathered hundreds of millions of radiance quickly pulled away as if it had encountered something disgusting.

Soon, the sea returned to calm.

Tom Riddle has fulfilled his long-cherished wish—

He was resurrected.

Without any protection, Tom Riddle, without any protection, completely accepted the power of Yog-Sothoth's gift.

He became stronger and mad.

From the open diary, a pale flame rose, the flames extended upwards like smoke, and gathered in mid-air into a huge, deformed, noseless baby wrapped in flames.

Tom Riddle, his figure is not an illusion, but an entity, like a burning sun, full of destructive power.

He already possessed an entity completely, an incomparably powerful, almost perfect entity.

The great power of Yoggsothoth allowed Tom Riddle to cross a dimension in an instant and accomplish what countless alchemists have dreamed of throughout the ages——

Tom Riddle became a god, Tom Riddle became a god.

But at the same time, he was also completely insane.

It was from his mouth that the meaningless melody came, singing in a hoarse Parseltonian the wonderful poetry of infinite knowledge.

At this moment, Tom Riddle is unparalleled in strength and unparalleled vulnerability.

He received a gift from Yoggsothoth, and he gained power beyond the limit that the entire human race could understand, but he was extremely fragile.

The truest face of the universe completely drove him crazy, those terrifying knowledge, those blasphemous powers filled every corner of his soul~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He forgot all his ambitions and hatreds, forgot all His intrigue and pursuit, now he is left with only eternal truth and never-ending fear.

Thanks to the brooch given by Tiera—

Benefit from the three-layer spiritual wall and the "Seal of Wien".

Gilderoy Lockhart still maintains the most basic sanity——

But Gilderoy Lockhart was terrified. He couldn't understand what just happened. The only thing Gilderoy Lockhart could do was to recite the "Expulsion Spell" he learned from Tiera's mind——

Gilderoy Lockhart recited over and over again, like a frightened child, trying his best to grab all the power he could.

Gradually, as Gilderoy Lockhart recited the incantation over and over again, the surrounding sea area was filled with a restless power—

The color of the sea gradually turned pink, then light red, and finally dark red, and the dark red water spread out from the island where Gilderoy Lockhart was located—

This is the manifestation of the excessive proliferation of microorganisms.

The vegetation on the small island is vigorously growing, mutating, and evolving. In just a few seconds, the originally barren island has become like a virgin forest.

The oxygen content of air and water is drastically reduced.

The bodies of countless "creatures" suddenly appeared in the sea—

Some of them are like fish, some are like terrestrial creatures, and some are like birds, but they all have some of the characteristics of fish.

These "creatures", their cells are constantly wriggling, growing, developing, mutating, and evolving—

These creatures have never been so energetic, their bodies are torn apart, evolving in different directions, their cells are scattered, gradually mixed with microorganisms, fused, and co-evolved—

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