Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 145: Ready to work

At 4:30 in the morning at Hogwarts, a bright red robe quietly sneaked into Gilderoy Lockhart's room through the chimney of the fireplace.

Gilderoy Lockhart, who was lying on the bed, had completely fallen into the fantasy that he was about to replace Dumbledore as the uncrowned king of the magical world, and did not notice Tiera's arrival at all.


A Lucius' wand sticks out from inside the robe and points to Gilderoy Lockhart.

Lockhart, who was already sound asleep, slept more soundly.

Then a small diary flew out from under Gilderoy Lockhart's pillow, turning into a huge 666-page hard-covered book in mid-air, circling around Tiera like a puppy.

Tiera waved her sleeves, and the real Tom Riddle notebook slowly flew out of her body and landed on the table in Gilderoy Lockhart's room.

At the same time, Tierra stretched out a thick tentacle and patted the Inheritor.

The "Heir" opened the page, revealing the page he had the Dark Lord's mark on.

Tiera's tentacles rolled up and tore the page directly from the "Inheritor".

"Woo-" The inheritor whimpered very anthropomorphically.

"Be patient." Tiera said, "You don't feel any pain."

Tierra stretched out another tentacle and wrote and drew on the page.

Then Tiera waved her tentacles and shook the page above Tom Riddle's diary.

The pages turned into a dagger of golden flames.

The dagger stabbed lightly on Tom Riddle's diary, and then all the flames suddenly went out as if all the fuel had been burned out.

Tiera used a page of "Inheritance" to ignite the fire of spirit with a part of her backup. The Black Magic Principles of the Necronomicon has a very detailed explanation of the anchor of black magic, and it naturally introduces how to cut off each anchor. link between anchors.

The spiritual fire ignited by one's own spiritual dimension, coupled with a little special ancient runic help, can easily cut off the connection between the not-so-strong black magic anchors——

That's right, I'm talking about you, Voldemort. After being split seven times, the connection between Voldemort's Horcruxes has become as weak as spider silk.

Tiera didn't pay much at all—

Tiera cut off the connection between Tom Riddle's diary and Voldemort's body and other Horcruxes at no cost to the "Heirs".

Tiera reached out another tentacle, wrapped around Tom Riddle's diary, and tucked it next to Gilderoy Lockhart's pillow.

Through the brief contact just now, Tiera read Tom Riddle's inner feelings——

I only felt a chill for no reason, and then it seemed that everything became dull.

Before leaving Gilderoy Lockhart's room, Tierra stretched out her tentacles and tapped the brooch that Lockhart had placed on the bedside table, setting it up as soon as she took it on Gilderoy Lockhart's body tomorrow. Activate the mental fence.

Then he put one of the tentacles into Gilderoy Lockhart's head and wrote two sentences in his spiritual dimension——

"Today will be a grand ceremony. I will wear a brooch and dress up to attend."

"Um... I... um, I'm going to bring a... brooch and dress up to attend." Gilderoy Lockhart muttered in his sleep.

"Today's ceremony will take place in the Inner Hebrides."

"Well... the Inner Hebrides..." Gilderoy Lockhart hummed again.

Tiera pulled the tentacle out of Gilderoy Lockhart's mind with satisfaction.

When using the "parasite" with spiritual fire as the basic constituent element as her own body, Tiera can use her own magic training combined with the characteristics of the "parasite" to perform some simple exercises on the spiritual dimension of others. Revise--

The premise is that this cannot conflict with the cognition of others.

Gilderoy Lockhart himself is a person who likes to show off, so asking him to wear a brooch tomorrow is totally fine.

The Inner Hebrides itself was also his chosen location for the ceremony, and Tiera was just preventing him from temporarily changing his mind tomorrow.

After all, now that the real Tom Riddle diary and the real Gilderoy Lockhart have turned, their communication is no longer monitored by Tiera—

Tiera didn't dare to use other means to monitor her. The one they were going to summon tomorrow was Yogsothoth, one of the three pillar gods. Tiera was afraid that if she used other means to monitor her, she might be caught by Yogsothoth. Toth's mighty power also affected by the way.

In other words, between now and tomorrow when they summon Yoggsothoth, Tiera will be completely unaware of their communication.

This is also the reason why Tierra did not dare to make too big a difference between the perceptions of Gilderoy Lockhart and Tom Riddle when he acted as an intermediary before.

As for some small details, Tiera believes that Tom Riddle and Gilderoy Lockhart will not go into the details of major events at all, and will definitely go step by step according to the script they had laid out a few months ago.

Therefore, Tiera needs to make sure that Gilderoy Lockhart will appear at the place she designated tomorrow.

In this way, even if they found some differences in details, it would be fine, as long as they summoned Yoggsothoth, then everything would be a foregone conclusion.

After doing all this, Tiera rendezvoused with Dobby and Slytherin on the edge of the Black Lake behind Hogwarts Castle.

"Sir..." Dobby said nervously, "Dobby is ready."

"Let's go Dobby." Tierra stretched out a tentacle, wrapped around Slytherin, and the two suddenly disappeared in place—

The next moment, Slytherin and Tiera appeared on the planet tens of thousands of light-years away at the same time——

Appeared in the medicine garden above the library.

During the few months in the Slytherin Chamber, Tiera completed the analysis of the spell on Merlin's ring.

When traveling through the interstellar space, it can freely anchor the landing position within a radius of several hundred meters with the library as the center.

"Hey...you have...a nice garden..." Slytherin said after glancing around.

"Just wander around." Tiera ordered in Parseltongue, "I'm very sorry that I didn't prepare enough food for you due to the lack of time, but there seems to be a small animal that is similar to a mouse and a rabbit combined nearby. You can try grabbing a few bites."

Slytherin nodded honestly.

Then Tiera disappeared from the planet again and reappeared next to the black lake at Hogwarts, stretched out a tentacle, pulled Dobby and said, "Let's go."

"Okay, sir." Dobby snapped his fingers and disappeared together with Tiera.

At the same time, on the west coast of the Scottish Highlands, a relatively large desert island in the Inner Hebrides, Tiera and Dobby suddenly appeared.

It is remote and desolate, and the connection with the mainland of the United Kingdom is only connected by a sea-crossing bridge built on Angel Island.

Here, for wizards and Muggles, it just means a deserted island next to the tourist attraction Angel Island——

But this is where Gilderoy Lockhart's book, "Vacation with the Doge" takes place.

It is also the location that Gilderoy Lockhart chose to hold the ceremony.

After Gilderoy Lockhart chose this place as the ceremony site, Tiera has brought Dobby here to investigate many times.

And during the last exploration, Tiera set up a large ritual altar in ancient runes, ancient Latin and oracle bones throughout the entire desert island.

Tiera and Dobby, who had teleported over, checked the altar of the ceremony again~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After making sure there was no problem, Tiera asked Dobby to teleport him to the west seventy-seven degrees, two Another desert island a hundred and seventy nautical miles away—

To be more precise, it is actually a super-large reef that sticks out of the water.

If there is any merit to this reef.

That is, it is flat enough and wide enough for Tiera to set up three-tiered rituals on it—

The outermost wall of Nakht, the strongest spiritual protection that Tiera can arrange now.

The ritualized protection of the spiritual wall on the second layer can add a protective effect similar to the two-layer spiritual wall for any creature within the scope of the ritual.

And the innermost "old seal".

After finishing all the arrangements, Tiera and Dobby sat cross-legged on the ground, repeating their plans to Dobby over and over again, finalizing it bit by bit, until it was confirmed that Dobby's understanding was exactly the same as his own. Only then did Tiera pull out a non-marking extension box from her body, pulled out Merlin's wand, and then took out the Lucius' wand she was using now and a box of thermite bomb bottles he had made. Hand it to Dobby.

"Remember, the blue one contains fiery fire, and the yellow one contains spiritual fire." Tiera urged again, "Throw the spiritual fire first, then the fiery fire, one by one, and then the yellow one. The blue one, don't throw it all at once."

"Okay sir, Dobby remembers it."

"The floating spell, the Ten Thousand Arrows Charm is also proficient?"

"Yes, sir, Dobby has mastered it."

"Okay." Tiera said, took out a watch from inside the body made of worms, and glanced at the time, "Now let's wait."


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