Harry tilted his head in confusion, looking at Dumbledore.

Although Harry also speaks Parseltongue, it is the ability brought by Voldemort's Soul Fragment, not his own skills, so Harry is often not able to distinguish the difference between normal speech and Parseltongue.

Therefore, in Harry's voice, Dumbledore's words have changed a bit-

An old man over 100 years old with a low voice and a naive smile said to Tiera—

"Tiella~I'm hungry~"

Harry shivered for no reason.

"Never heard of it." Tiera immediately denied it, and at the same time resisted the urge to do other unnecessary actions, such as touching her hair and licking her lips, but continued to cut the fish in front of her without any hassle. Row.

"Really..." Dumbledore seemed to believe it, and took a bite of a cheese sandwich at hand—

Then suddenly asked, "Then why is it calling your name?"

"Name? What name?" Tiera asked in confusion.

"Oh, no, it's nothing." Dumbledore stroked his long beard and said, and continued to enjoy the cheese sandwich in his hand.

The whole Christmas Eve dinner, Tiera was on pins and needles—

Meanwhile, Malfoy Manor.

Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy sat on the pale green sofa, and Draco Malfoy stood across from the sofa—

On the wooden brown coffee table in front of the sofa, there is a small black box tightly wrapped.

"Master said he wanted one of the three of us to hand over this box to Dobby?" Draco Malfoy asked.

"Yes." Draco nodded.

"The original words?" Lucius asked again.

"Yes." Draco nodded again.

"Master also said that this was one of his experiments?" Lucius asked again.

"Yes," Draco Malfoy said, "but when I asked why I gave this to Dobby, the master sternly... replied: 'When do you need to ask me about my experiment'."

After Draco answered, the entire living room of Malfoy Manor fell into a suffocating silence.

There was only the sound of fingers tapping lightly on the armrest of the sofa.

"The master also said that we are not allowed to open it?" Lucius Malfoy asked again.

"Yes," Draco replied again.

Lucius picked up the box from the coffee table again, shook it by his ear, and tapped some box covers again.

"Master, and say--" When Lucius wanted to ask something again, he was interrupted by Narcissa Malfoy who was sitting beside him.

"For Merlin's sake! Stop torturing Draco!" Narcissa said, grabbing the black box, "Give this box to Dobby and let him get out of our house."

"Debbie! Go and call Dobby!" Narcissa shouted loudly at a sallow and thin female house-elf standing at the door.

"Yes, master, master right away." Debbie slowly stepped back and disappeared into the shadow of the corridor.

When Debbie appeared again, she was still stooping, and behind her was a young and strong house elf whose hands were full of cloth strips - Dobby.

Dobby wasn't as dead as other house-elves, and there was a bit of agility and brilliance in those big round eyes.

"Dobby, come here!" Narcissa said.

"Yes, yes, Mistress, Doo, Dobby is here."

Dobby's back seemed to bow even more, almost dropping his head under his arms.

"Here, take it! Take this!" Narcissa shoved the black box in her hand under Dobby's nose, then quickly put her hand back as if she had touched something disgusting.

"Mistress, this, what is this?" Dobby stretched out his hand to use the black box, and when he was about to open it—

"Idiot!" Narcissa drew out her wand and gave Dobby a flickering whip--

"Um—" Dobby was drawn and rolled around on the ground, still holding the box in his arms.

"Do you want to kill us?" Narcissa roared almost hysterically, "Get out, get out of the manor and open it again!"

"Yes... Master, yes, Dobby is going here..." Dobby got up from the ground, picked up the black box from the ground, bent over, and slowly stepped back——

"Hurry up! Don't linger!" Narcissa waved her wand again, leaving a scar on Dobby's left shoulder.

"Yes, yes, Mistress." Dobby quickened his pace a little, but in the eyes of the Malfoys it was still slow--

Lucius Malfoy stood up, strode in front of Dobby, and kicked Dobby in the stomach.

Dobby rolled on the spot, then quickly got up, turned around, bowed his waist, and stepped out of Malfoy Manor.

But Dobby still ushered in a kick—

He was kicked to the ground by Lucius Malfoy again.

"Dad! I'm kicking too!" Draco Malfoy shouted.

"Come on son!" Lucius Malfoy turned his body, Draco Malfoy ran from behind him, and then kicked Dobby again—

Dobby rolled forward again some distance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The box landed in Dobby's hand.

Dobby got up and walked forward again—

"The box! The box! You idiot! The box!" roared Lucius Malfoy.

"Yes, yes." Dobby picked up the box again--

But then he was kicked in the back.

By the time Dobby stood outside the gates of Malfoy Manor, he was covered in bruises and scars from the curse—

Ordinary wizard families would not torture their house-elves like this—

After all, in the eyes of most wizards, house-elves are tools and animals—

No farmer wants his tools or livestock to be damaged unless necessary punishment.

But probably the Malfoys felt that Dobby would definitely not survive tonight, so they tried their best to release the pressure they got from Tiera on Dobby, as long as Dobby could open the package anyway.

"Why are you standing still? Hurry up and open the box!" The Malfoy family, on the third floor, stood inside the iron gate of Malfoy Manor, and ordered Dobby through the iron gate's fence.

"Yes... yes..." Dobby took a deep breath, the light in his eyes gradually disappeared, and with both hands, he tore open the black wrapping paper wrapped on the outermost layer, and opened the white carton on the lower layer. .

Dobby's eyes gradually lit up with a layer of light—

That is the light of hope.

"What is it? What is it? Dobby? What's inside?" Narcissa looked out from the iron fence curiously.

"Master... The master provided Dobby with clothes!" Dobby took out a certain wizard hat and a reduced version of a wizard robe from the box, the size was just right for Dobby's figure.


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