Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 131: Tentative

Of course, Tiera didn't think Dumbledore had a crush on Gilderoy Lockhart, but—

Tiera asked Gilderoy Lockhart's "heir" to hide herself as best she could.

After Dumbledore and Gilderoy Lockhart talked for a while, he didn't seem to notice anything. Under the strong hint of Mag's eyes, he had to silently turn his head back and start enjoying the dessert in front of him.

After the Christmas dinner, it was time for crazy fun. Even Tiera put down all books except Tom Riddle for a while, and followed Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the Weasleys at Hogwarts. Jump up and down inside the old castle.

Perhaps because Tom Riddle was frightened by Dumbledore's sudden conversation that night, Gilderoy Lockhart left Hogwarts the day after the Christmas dinner—

As a result, the ritual of summoning Yog-Sothoth requires some materials, and neither Tom Riddle nor Tiera are worried about purchasing these materials through owls and letters.

Secondly, Tom Riddle, who was tortured to the point of collapse by Gilderoy Lockhart's learning speed, was ready to give Lockhart a powerful medicine——

An all-around master of spells, black magic, alchemy, potions, and transfiguration, Tom Riddle intended to invent a potion during his time in power to elevate those who followed him, but were stupid because of inbreeding The wizard's talent, IQ and strength to create a true invincible division, Tom Riddle, or Voldemort invented a magic potion, not yet named, because he only in Bellatrix Ras Trange had experimented once and was crippled by Lily Evans' juvenile protection law.

The effect of this kind of potion is quite remarkable. Bellatrix has indeed become a lot more talented. Before that, she was just an innocent, kind, and stupid girl who couldn't even use an Imperius Curse. .

But since he drank Voldemort's potion, his waist didn't hurt and his legs didn't hurt anymore. He played the forbidden spells one by one, but at the same time, he went crazy.

Tiera wasn't sure whether it was the effect of the potion or the result of Bellatrix using too many forbidden spells.

But what does this have to do with me?

Anyway, Gilderoy Lockhart is just a tool man, as long as he can use it.

Time quickly advanced to the morning of Christmas Eve, and the little wizard of Haohaotangtang loaded his luggage and set foot on the train home.

"Goodbye! Ron, goodbye! Hermione, goodbye!" Harry and Tiera stood on the train platform watching their friends go away, until the train completely disappeared from their sight, Harry and Tiera put down their waving arm.

Just like last year, the two little wizards without a home snuggled together in the cold snow and set foot on the rugged mountain road back to Hogwarts Castle.

The Hogwarts Christmas Eve dinner that night was a bit deserted. Except for most of the teachers, only a few young wizards stayed, most of them were senior students, who stayed in the school to prepare for the N.E.W.T and O.W.Ls exams.

The younger wizards were impatient to rush home and spread the word to their family about the embarrassing events that happened to the famous Gilderoy Lockhart during his class at Hogwarts.

"Oh, my God." When Dumbledore appeared that night, he glanced at the auditorium and found that there were only a few people on the four long tables. Dumbledore sighed and waved his wand.

The five plates filled with fruits, vegetables, beef, cakes and cheese on his seat floated up gently, following Dumbledore to the long table in Gryffindor—

Dumbledore sat down beside Tiera.

"The number of people this Christmas is too small." Dumbledore put five plates on the table, and then waved to the professors in the bench, "Come on, everyone, sit down and gather together It's fun, isn't it?"

Saying that, Dumbledore's hand touched the top of Tiera's head—

Tiera's body froze, Occlumency and the mental fence were working to the extreme—

But to Tiera's surprise, he didn't feel any spiritual shock or prying.

Dumbledore gently touched Tiera's head like an ordinary old man looking at his grandson.

This touch made Tiera even more uncomfortable.

"School... Mr. Principal?" Tiera asked uncertainly.

"There's nothing Tierra, I just came to see our talented little wizard—" Dumbledore said with a smile.

With Dumbledore taking the lead, although the other teachers were reluctant—

That's right, it was Snape.

Although Snape was reluctant, most teachers, especially Dumbledore, did so, so Snape had to sit at the long table in Slytherin.

"Then, tell me about it, Tiera." Dumbledore crossed Tiera an egg **** and asked, "How's this semester going? Did you encounter anything interesting?"

"Uh... no ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Principal..." Tiera said after pretending to think for a while, "Does Professor Gilderoy Lockhart count? I think Professor Gilderoy Lockhart is very interesting. "

"So that's why you gave him the gift?" Dumbledore asked.

"Oh, you said that brooch! Yes." Tiera said, "It's a magic item I made myself, on it..."

"Oh, um, yes." Dumbledore tapped his fingers on the table while listening to Tiera talking about how to make that brooch—

Tiera omitted the "Seal of the Old God" and the "Spiritual Wall", leaving only the outermost part of the sobriety spell—

And deliberately started from how he learned how to make magic items in the first place, Tiera behaved like an innocent child, chatting a little with Dumbledore, hoping to feel like finishing this dinner——

"That's great, Tiera." Dumbledore praised after Tiera finally had nothing to say, "It's rare to learn how to make magic items at your age."

"I also heard Hagrid say you like Fantastic Beasts very much." Dumbledore asked again with a smile.

"Well, yes, yes, watching them grow and reproduce is just satisfying." Tiera replied.

"Very well, I see your reverence for life." Dumbledore said, "Please forgive my old man's nagging, but I recently... I always heard some strange noises when I got up to the toilet in the middle of the night, like this--"

Dumbledore's voice suddenly became hoarse—

"Tiella...I'm hungry...(Parseltongue

Harry almost instinctively stopped the food in his hand.

Tiera couldn't help but froze.


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