Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 125: Draco Pot King Malfoy

Tiera was kicked out of the infirmary along with the Gryffindor Quidditch players and other housemates who came to find his foretold classmates.

"It's amazing!" said the lanky Hufflepuff boy at the door of the school hospital, "It's amazing! You predicted another one correctly!"

"Oh, no no no—" Tiera hurriedly denied, "This is just an inevitable event, you are so noisy, Madam Pomfrey will definitely drive us out—"

"That's amazing too!" Fred said.

"Quick Tierra, quick, give us another prophecy—" Fred handed Tiera another gold Galleon.

"Oh...about you, I seem to have a prophecy--" Tiera accepted the twins' Galleon, while thinking "you will open a Weasley joke shop in the future" and "between you two" One must die" going back and forth--

"I saw—I saw you guys leave school—we're going to open a Weasley joke shop together—" Tiera finally chose the first—

After all, according to what Tiera did to Voldemort, Tiera doubted whether the resurrected Voldemort still had the ability to attack Hogwarts.

So I chose the more secure one, so I made a prediction about Weasley's joke shop——

Voldemort's resurrection is the general trend——

This point has been settled by Trelawney, the true master of prophecy.

In other words, Voldemort would eventually be resurrected when he was in fourth grade, and Tiera was powerless and did not want to stop—

Tiera believed that, in response to the serious and unethical behavior of Tom Chuer Riddle's resurrection, Dumbledore and his old man must have a hundred ways to crucify his coffin board——

Then Tiera won't make a mess, just in case he accidentally knocks off a nail and prevents Voldemort from dying—

Natiera had to randomly throw a Horcrux other than Harry into the palace of the blind and foolish god.

There is a trick in the "Book of Unknown Sacrifice" called "Giving a Gift to Chaos Procore". Tiera didn't ask Chaos Procore to give him anything. Tiera just looked at Chaos Procore as an old man who was bored, so he sent Voldemort to relieve his boredom. .

"Cool!" George said.

"Maybe we'll name our store Tierra's Joke Shop in the future—" Fred Weasley laughed, "Wouldn't your prediction fail?"

"It doesn't matter." Tiera shrugged and said, "Anyway, this joke shop is run by the two of you, so it doesn't matter what it's called."

Then Tiera struck while the iron was hot and collected two gold Galleons—

Predicted his latest severe diarrhea for the lanky Hufflepuff boy at the beginning.

Predicted a doomed love affair for another Gryffindor girl——

Because this is a love affair that originated from a love agent, Tiera believes that even if she doesn't destroy it, the boy's abnormal performance will definitely soon attract the attention of the Hogwarts professor.

"And your relationship—" Tiera said again pretending to be a ghost, "it will bring you unexpected disasters!"

"What, what disaster?" the girl asked nervously, obviously she suddenly realized how stupid it was to drug her classmates at Hogwarts—

"I can't tell." Tiera smiled meanly, "But if you stop in time—this disaster may be avoided—"

Before Tiera could finish speaking, the girl's face suddenly turned pale, she didn't even say thank you, she turned around and left.

"What happened to her?" Fred asked.

"The bitterness of cultivating love~" Tiera almost sang.

Thanks to Gilderoy Lockhart's lame healing magic, Harry had to stay in the school hospital until the next morning.

This gave Tiera a rare alone time. She didn't have to hide from Harry, she could openly spread the scratch paper for calculating the magical configuration on the table, and she didn't have to sneak up on the dark magic books under the pillow to read.

Tiera has already completed the calculation of the magic configuration of the fifth-layer spiritual wall. Taking advantage of this undisturbed good time, Tiera integrated the magic configuration of the fifth-layer spiritual wall, and on that night , completed the construction of the fifth layer of spiritual walls——

This should be enough to resist any non-divine spiritual infection and erosion.

It's a pity that this kind of upright good time only lasted for one night, because Harry was discharged from the hospital the next day and went straight to find Tiera.

"Tiella! I met Dobby again last night! That house elf." Harry said angrily, "So he did the Bludger!"

"I know." Seeing Harry running over, Tiera silently pulled Alchemy of Death and Life under the table and stuffed it into her wizard robe, leaving only a copy of Transfiguration Elementary on the table. Tutorial II"

"How did you know?" Harry asked in surprise.

As soon as Dobby entered Hogwarts Castle, he would be sensed by himself, but Tiera knew that Dobby was in the school hospital for a while yesterday, but Tiera said—

"I had a prophetic dream last night."

"Did you dream of me?" Harry asked excitedly.

"I also dreamed that Dobby was talking bad about me again." Tiera didn't understand why Harry was so excited.

"But I don't believe it!" Harry hurriedly defended, and then said angrily, "That Dobby is too much! If I can catch him, I will definitely teach him a good lesson!"

"Forget it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Dobby is also a poor... house-elf, have you seen those scars on his hands and body?" Tiera said, "It was his master who beat him. Yes, as Dobby said, their status in wizarding society is equal to that of slaves."

"But, but he spoke ill of you..."

"There are too many people who speak ill of me to Harry. You can't just define him as good or bad just because of his words, right?" Tiera said earnestly.

"But he still wants to kick me out of Hogwarts!" Harry complained again.

"Oh, well, um...he did it a little too far..." Tiera said, "but I believe he meant it well, maybe we can sit down and talk when he's free. Talk, I believe Dobby's nature should not be bad."

"Freedom?" Harry reacted. "Oh, yes, every house elf has a master. Do you know who his master is?"

"The Malfoys," Tiera replied.

"Ha! I knew it!" Harry exclaimed, as if he had figured out something, "I knew it must be the Malfoys! I wonder why Malfoy didn't trouble us this semester, so he I brought my dog's legs to school!"

Tiera opened her mouth, then closed it again—

"Um... um, yes, you... Harry, you are so smart, you guessed it at once..." Tiera echoed.

Yes, why didn't he think of putting the blame on Malfoy?

Anyway, the Malfoy family is already synonymous with despicableness in the hearts of most wizards.

Tiera touched her chest—

Oh, it turns out that my conscience hasn't died out.

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