Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 124: rubber hand

It's the Golden Snitch!

Harry quickly turned his broom and flew towards the golden light, but—


While Harry was chasing the Snitch, the Bludger finally hit him, hitting his elbow so hard that Harry felt his arm snap.

A burning pain made Harry feel a little dizzy, and he slid to one side on the rain-soaked broom, one knee still hooked on the broom, and his right hand dangling unconsciously beside his body.

The Bludger hit him a second time, this time targeting his face.

Harry veered sharply from his original direction, only one thought firmly occupying his already dull mind:

Catch the Snitch!

Harry's uninjured hand let go of the broom and reached out to grab it hard—

He felt his fingers grip the icy Snitch, but since he was now only holding the broom between his legs, he fell straight down to the ground, trying to keep himself from passing out, when he heard the crowd below There was an exclamation.

With a thud, the water splashed, and Harry fell into the mud and rolled off his broom.

His arm hangs there at a very strange angle. In bouts of excruciating pain, he heard many whistles and shouts, as if they were coming from a great distance. He took a closer look, and the Snitch was firmly clutched in his wounded hand.

"Aha!" Harry shouted excitedly, but the rain quickly choked down his throat, "We won! We won!"

Then he lay down heavily on the arena, with the rain pouring on his face.

But the Bludger obviously didn't let Harry go, and fell heavily from the top of Harry's head—

Then Harry was dodged again, and the Bludger slammed heavily on the mud between Harry's legs, creating a big hole.

Harry only felt a chill in his crotch.

I saw the Bludger flew up again, and then slammed down heavily—

Only this time it didn't fall, because Tiera arrived in time.

But Tiera did not draw out her wand, but tossed the black "diary" in her hand upwards—

"Diary" hovered in mid-air and automatically turned to a certain page—

Five big Chinese characters appeared in the book, and the five Chinese characters connected into a destructive thunder light, which poured out from the book and slashed towards the Bludger—

The lightning at that moment seemed to illuminate the entire stadium—

For a moment—

For a split second, Harry saw the strange, hideous greed in Lockhart's face running towards them—

Then Harry saw a row of gleaming teeth—

Lockhart was already squatting, Harry was sick, and he drew his wand—

"Oh! No, no, no you." Harry groaned, looking desperately at Tiera—

"He doesn't know what he's talking about," Lockhart said aloud as Harry was surrounded by anxious Gryffindor students.

"Don't worry, Harry. I was about to heal your arm." Lockhart pressed his wand against Harry's broken arm.

"No!" Harry shouted, "let it be this way, thank you..."

He wanted to sit up, and he saw Tiera running towards him, but was blocked by a wall of Gryffindors—

Harry saw the panicked expression on Tiera's pale little face—

Harry was desperate—

He seemed to understand a little bit what the second half of the prophecy meant.

Lockhart twirled his wand, and a second later, he aimed it at Harry's arm.

A strange, unpleasant feeling like lightning shot from Harry's shoulder to the tips of his fingers.

It was as if his arm was being evacuated. He didn't dare to see what was going on, he closed his eyes and turned his face to one side.

However, when the people around were gasping for air and Colin Creevey was busy taking pictures frantically again, he found that his worst fear became a reality. His arm doesn't hurt anymore—

But it feels like he can't feel his arm at all!

Protruding from Harry's sleeve looked like a thick, flesh-colored rubber glove. He tried moving his fingers, but there was no response.

Lockhart didn't take Harry's bones. He removed all the bones.

"I also saw—your rubbery right hand—"

The second half of Tierra's prophecy resounded in everyone's heart at the same time.

Everyone present looked at Tiera. They were so shocked by this precise prediction that they forgot to blame Lockhart.

Harry was carried into the school hospital by Tiera and Ron.

But obviously Madam Pomfrey wasn't happy to see Harry like this.

"You should come to me directly!" she said angrily, holding up the poor, lifeless toy, which was a free arm just half an hour ago.

I can connect the bones in a second, but to make them grow back—"

"You would too, wouldn't you?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Of course I will, but it will hurt a lot." Madam Pomfrey said sternly, throwing Harry a set of pajamas. "You'll have to stay here for the night—"

Harry pulled the curtains around the hospital bed, and Tiera and Ron helped him change into his pajamas, while scrubbing the rain and sand from his body and hair.

Hermione had to wait outside.

It took a lot of work for them to tuck the rubbery, boneless arm into the sleeve.

After getting dressed, Madam Pomfrey walked around the curtain.

Madam Pomfrey held a large bottle in her hand with the label "Bone Spirit" on it.

"It's been a tough night," she said, pouring out a steaming mug and handing it to Harry. "Long bones is a hard thing to do. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Drinking raw bone spirit is hard enough. It burned in Harry's mouth and down his throat, causing Harry to cough and spit.

Tiera quickly picked up the water glass on the bedside table and fed Harry a few sips of water.

Madam Pomfrey stepped back, still smacking her lips, complaining that the sport was too dangerous and the teachers were too incompetent.

After Madam Pomfrey left, Gryffindor's teammates walked in noisily.

Most of the teammates have washed up. They brought cakes, candies, a few bottles of pumpkin juice, and a Jin Galleon—

After these teammates put down the things they were visiting, they started crowding in Tierra to apply, hoping that Tiera would also make a prediction for them.

Apparently, Harry's accident on the field this time and Gilderoy Lockhart's lame healing spell made Tierra's prophet's reputation once again resounding throughout Gryffindor House, and even many other Houses. The students followed behind with Kim Galleon looking for Tierra to predict—

"Give us another prophecy, Tiera!" said a lanky Hufflepuff boy, "Anything will do!"

"Okay—" Tiera shrugged and said with a smile, "If you guys don't keep quiet—"

Tiera deliberately lengthened her voice:

"We'll soon be kicked out by Madam Pomfrey—"

"What are you looking at!?" Before Tiera could finish speaking, Madam Pomfrey ran out of the dispensing room next to her, waving a stirring stick, "You guys get out! Get me out! The patients need them. Rest in peace!"

So, Harry was left alone in the ward, and there was nothing to distract him, he only felt the pain in his limp arm like a knife.


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