Although Tiera didn't have much expectations for curing Slytherin, she still had to try—

Although he has the ritual of becoming a **** as his back-up, but that ritual is too dangerous——

It's almost as dangerous as throwing Tiera into the meat grinder and taking it out and then putting it back together.

It is a pity that the basic raw material used by Tierra's "Parasite" comes from the first molt produced by Hydra's potion.

If Tiera used the skin before taking Hydra Pharmacy or the "parasite" refined from flesh and blood, Tiera might be able to use the "Parasite" to avoid the side effects of Hydra Pharmacy, and finally harvest one of her own The body becomes a basilisk pet.

It's a pity that if he wants to get rid of the influence of Hydra's potion now, it seems that the only way is to go through the more dangerous ritual of becoming a god.

After sitting with Slytherin on the edge of the Black Lake for a while, Tiera asked Slytherin to return to his own chamber.

Since Tiera treated him with Spiritual Fire, Slytherin has become a lot more rational——

Many times, when Tiera made some not-so-excessive requests, there was no need to prefix it with a "Herpo order said—"

Tiera fluttered into the bedroom through the bedroom window.

At this moment, "Tiera" who was lying on Tiera's bed opened her eyes——

Turned into a thick green book.

"Heir" flew off Tiera's bed, while "Parasite" fluttered on the bed—

The originally flat "Parasite" gradually swelled up, and Tiera stretched out her head, limbs, and body from the inside of the "Parasite"—

And the parasite wearing Tiera's body shortened a little bit, and finally——

turned into a fiery red nightgown—

"Parasite" raised the temperature to 35 degrees according to Tiera's idea.

Tiera curled her pillow comfortably, then took out a book, closed her eyes, and read it with her fingers.

The days that followed began to be quite calm—

Except that Tiera could feel Dobby beside him from time to time.

The closest Dobby was to Tiera was at the Halloween dinner, when Dobby got close to Tiera among the house-elves serving dishes—

But Tiera immediately put her arm on Harry, who was sitting beside him.

Tiera could clearly feel Dobby's anger and frustration—

Then he dropped a drop of Living Hell Potion into the borscht that Tiera was about to eat—

Oh well.

Tiera drank the bowl of borsch soup generously—

Then a cursed worm crawled out of his body.

"Hello Mr. Elf—" Tiera said toward the seemingly empty hallway, "I want to add a tuna mashed potato salad."

Tiera knew that Dobby was standing beside him right now, and just waited for Tiera to be in a coma, then immediately grabbed Tiera and teleported away from Hogwarts.

So Tiera deliberately showed an amiable look—

Then Dobby disappeared before his eyes.

Dobby teleported out of Hogwarts, and Tiera never waited for his tuna potato salad.

After Halloween, it was November, and the rain suddenly increased. The dank and cold wind from the Scottish Highlands seemed to be able to blow into one's bones.

Fortunately, this year, Tiera has a set of "parasites" that can automatically adjust the temperature. Tiera usually turns the "parasites" into school uniforms, which are more effective than ten layers of thermal clothing.

Soon it will be the first Quidditch match of the semester—

Seriously, Tierra doesn't quite understand why Hogwarts schedules the Quidditch match in November every year—

On such cloudy and rainy days, even if it is not arranged in September, even if it is arranged in October, it is better than November.

As the game date approached, the training intensity of the Gryffindor team also increased, which made Tiera busy-

Because in addition to the calming potion and the cold-repelling potion, Tiera also sacrificed her precious reading time, and rarely participated in the small talk in the Gryffindor common room. Most of Tierra just listened quietly. Or whisper to herself, but Tiera always joins the conversation in a way that's round and doesn't draw anyone's attention.

And when talking, keen to spread rumors about Gilderoy Lockhart—

But it's not a rumor, because what Tiera said is basically true, but there is no evidence.

With Tiera's efforts, Gilderoy Lockhart's image in the minds of the little wizards of Gryffindor became more and more collapsed——

This made more and more classmates dare to stand up and accuse him in Gilderoy Lockhart's class.

Some even a large part of the little wizards were not cast by the magic of "emotional whispers" by Tiera——

Tiera soon tasted the benefits of being among a mob, they were happy to offer cheap loyalty, they were willing to swear, and they were willing to spread their knowledge to other students—

Rumors will gradually ferment—

As if Gilderoy Lockhart plagiarized with their own eyes, they would swear that Gilderoy Lockhart plagiarized from their relatives, friends of their relatives, or simply some trumped-up character.

These little wizards don't even know the source of the rumors, and they don't even want to verify the authenticity of the rumors, but one by one, they will spread it out with righteous indignation and question Gilderoy Lockhart.

This made Gilderoy Lockhart's life more and more difficult, because not only was he rejected by the students, but it seemed that even some Hogwarts professors had given him a strange look.

For most of the class, Gilderoy Lockhart dryly reads his "books" aloud.

At the same time, Tiera would occasionally show a super-magical look in front of Gilderoy Lockhart——

For example, at breakfast time, when Gilderoy Lockhart appeared in the hall, Tiera would wave his wand turning the bread sandwich on Harry's plate into a A nimble butterfly.

Or fighting with the Weasleys in the hallway, when Gilderoy Lockhart passed by, Tierra would suddenly conjure up a giant fiery snake—

The Fire Snake is far beyond what a young wizard of his age can achieve in both size and sophistication.

Tiera keenly caught a trace of greed in the eyes of Gilderoy Lockhart who was watching—

Gilderoy Lockhart also became more and more enthusiastic about Tiera. After each Defense Against the Dark Arts ended, Gilderoy Lockhart would drag Tiera to chat—

Every time they ran into each other at Hogwarts, Gilderoy Lockhart would pull Tiera to talk heart-

As if Gilderoy Lockhart was a passionate suitor--

It's a bit disgusting to say that, but looking at that scene—

Gilderoy Lockhart would wear that iconic, white-toothed smile on his face, pull Tiera away from Harry, and find a place alone, where no one else is—

He slammed sideways and asked about the diary that Tiera said could enhance magical powers.

And Tiera was stunned, hesitating, and blushing—

When I asked three questions, it was as if Tiera had never mentioned a diary before.

But at the same time, Tiera would try hard to wrap her wizard robes, as if something important was hidden inside, and then suddenly said that she had something to do, and hurried away——

Leaving Gilderoy Lockhart looking greedy, annoyed and cruel, standing there, looking at Tiera's back.

But where Gilderoy Lockhart couldn't see, the same smile hung on Tiera's face—

More greedy, cruel smile.

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