Tiera flew back to the bedroom with a disheartened face.

After washing away the stench on her body and the anger and fear in her heart with a hot bath, Tiera lay on the bed.

Now things are quite clear, the so-called "Hydra Potion" on Haierbo's slate is not Haierbo's real way to master Parseltongue——

It's just an upgraded version of the blood-cursed orc potion.

Bloodcursed orcs generally lose their human language ability and form when they are in their twenties or thirties.

And Hydra Pharmacy stretched the process dozens of times, but in the end——

It will still become a monster that only knows **** and submit to Haierbo.

After all, who is a serious person who can keep a diary——

How could a dark wizard who pursues immortality engrave his research results on the slate.

Only then did Tiera realize that she seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding—

He thought that Haierbo engraved on the slate because only slate could be used at that time, but it was not the case.

Tiera recalled a documentary she had seen in her previous life——

Papyrus was invented around 3,000 A.D., and during that time, papyrus was exported in large quantities from Egypt to the ancient Greek and Mediterranean civilizations.

And the top wizards belonging to ancient civilizations seem to have used papyrus for a much longer time.

Even before the invention of papyrus, the Greeks did not record information in the primitive way of inscribed slate, but wrote on leaves, bark or soft clay with reeds and ink—

Unless this information needs to be permanently preserved, like the tomb inscriptions in the pyramids.

Haierbo engraved his own Hydra potion on a slate. The purpose is not to simply record, but to let the formula of this potion spread through the ages——

In order to trap more wizards, in order to form an army of basilisks for the immortal self.

Haierbo is very disgusting, very disgusting.

The despicable Haierbo is worthy of the despicable Haierbo. After thousands of years, it can be disgusting to a modern person like Tiera.

But Tiera did not despair—

Merlin's notes clearly stated that he found the Haierbo slate in a cave in Greece one afternoon in the thirteenth century. At that time, he was still an ambitious, ambitious, and intended to dominate the world. Young people are eager for any method to enhance their own strength——

Almost at the same time as he got the Haierbo Tablet, Merlin took the Hydra Potion.

In the hundreds of years after that, Merlin has never suffered from Hydra Potion—

To be precise, after his three-hundred-year-old incarnation ceremony, Merlin discovered that the effect of his Hydra potion had magically disappeared.

Tiera draws two conclusions from this part of Merlin's notes -

One, the Hydra Pharmacy really began to cause his mental and physical mutation at least two hundred years later.

Second, the ritual of becoming a **** can wash away the effect of Hydra Pharmacy——

But then again, according to the principle of the incarnation ceremony in Merlin's notes, what can't be washed away?

Well... that means he still has to walk if he has the conditions. Anyway, the most crucial item of the god-enchantment ceremony—

The sage's stone is already in his hands, and the remaining preparations are insignificant compared to refining the sage's stone.

However, we will have to wait until Tom Riddle summons Yoggsothoth to make a conclusion.

Although Merlin doesn't seem to have any reason to hurt him now, Tiera won't trust Merlin.

Compared to Merlin, Tiera was more willing to believe in Yoggsothoth.

The days after opening the secret room haven't changed much, at least on the surface as usual——

There were no incidents of students being attacked.

Of course, except that Harry started to hear hoarse whispers from time to time in the wall, everything was normal.

Harry told Tiera about this, but Tiera didn't take it seriously and persuaded Harry not to think about it.

Tiera knew it was a basilisk wandering the pipes of Hogwarts.

Basilisks are not so easy to control—

Especially when it has been sleeping for fifty years, the feeling of getting up and hunger makes it impossible to quiet down, unless Tiera, like Tom Riddle, completely seals the secret room.

Fortunately, Tiera can still control him to a certain extent. For example, if Tiera said:

"Helpo's order says that we are not allowed to harm the Muggleborn here...and all the wizards-"

The basilisk would honestly go to the Black Lake to hunt for fish, shrimp, merman, and mice in the sewer.

Tiera looked pitiful at it—

From time to time, I will use my spare time to take the basilisk out of school for a tooth-fighting festival—

In fact, it was only Tiera who used "Heirs" and "Parasites" to lure individual unruly giant spiders out of the Forbidden Forest, lured them to the edge of the Black Lake, and then let the Basilisk hidden in the Black Lake take another bite. they eat-

However, basilisks generally like to petrify them first, and then eat those spiders like they eat crispy horns.

This kind of thing is usually carried out in the middle of the night. Anyway, Tiera, who has built the fourth layer of the spiritual wall, basically no longer needs sleep except for the huge consumption of mental power.

After the long night, Tiera didn't want to spend it all on magic research, combining work and rest. This is learning—

Especially in the study of black magic, those ordinary spells are not bad, such as Tierra, a wizard who fell into the big dye vat of forbidden books as the first step on the road of magic, even more need to use some useless magic tools. Meaningful things regulate your mood-

Otherwise, Tiera is really afraid that one day, like Merlin, she will pursue the so-called "truth of the universe" without knowing it.

Now Tiera is integrated into the "parasite" and floats quietly over the black lake. The basilisk also shows a head from the water. The moonlight shines on his scales, reflecting a green brilliance. Just so quietly leaning on the rock on the shore of the Black Lake, looking forward with a dull gaze——

"Tiella...itchy..." the basilisk said.

Tiera sighed helplessly, and a pale golden tentacle dangled from the "Parasite" and landed on top of the Basilisk's head.


The pale golden tentacles seemed to be unobstructed, and reached into the skull of the basilisk, igniting a spiritual fire, and the basilisk—or Slytherin would let out a comfortable “his—hi— -"Voice.

Since learning that the Basilisk was a Slytherin, Tiera has been trying to restore his sanity.

Cursed Worm Tiera tried it, but it didn't work. He couldn't even extract the effect of the Hydra Pharmacy on him, let alone Slytherin who had been soaked in Hydra Pharmacy for thousands of years.

The Hydra drug seems to be a powerful genetic modification drug——

Tiera still doesn't understand the underlying magic principle——

But the moment he drank the Hydra Pharmacy~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The medicinal properties of the Hydra Pharmacy will be excreted by shedding some of the original characteristics of Tiera's original three dimensions—

So as to achieve the purpose of instantly integrating into Tiera's spiritual, spiritual and material dimensions.

That is to say, since Tiera shed its first layer of skin, Hydra Potion has been on him.

Tiera cannot separate Hydra Potion through the cursed worm that can separate heterologous energy—

But it can be burned together with that part of the polluted spiritual dimension through the precisely controlled spiritual fire.

Although Hydra Potion already exists as a subject, there is still a slight difference between itself and the spiritual dimension of the subject——

The life activity of Hydra Pharmacy is far less than the life activity of the main body itself——

In other words, Tierra burns Slytherin's soul with the fire of spirit, and will also burn part of the contaminated part of Hydra Potion and Slytherin's soul——

Of course, as long as this level of burning doesn't hurt the core of the soul——

That is to say, the coordinates of the spiritual dimension are irrelevant at all, and it will grow out on its own in a short time——

Yes, that's right, just like the body has the ability to repair itself, the soul also has this ability——

In fact, the self-healing ability of the soul is far superior to that of the body.

Therefore, when Tiera controlled the spiritual fire and burned a small part of Slytherin's soul, the soul belonging to Slytherin quickly recovered——

A part of the pure, uncontaminated Slytherin soul has grown back—

This made the basilisk calm down a lot, but it also made the basilisk a little silly——

Because what burned with that part of the soul was his memory, his cognition.


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