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Sirius finally stopped ravaging Regulus’s little poor black hair. Due to a large number of immune properties of undying creatures, he had to pull out his wand and turn it into a whip, trap Regulus to death, and remove himself from him. Turned down and fell to the ground on his back, as if he had just taken away all his strength.

“Sirius, do you want to relieve Regulus from the current state and bring him back to what he should be?” Aaron, who walked over, asked gently if he wanted to turn it back into an unable to move corpse.

“No! I have to get him home and let the old witch take a good look at what her education has made Regulus look like!” Sirius put his hands on the ground and sat up.

Aaron didn’t pierce Sirius. He seemed to be going to blame his mother, but actually wanted to let each other meet again before Regulus was buried. After Regulus disappeared, he and Sirius’ mother, Mrs. Walburga Black, did this.” Sad to madness”.

“Aaron, what about the other Inferius?” Hermione’s gaze swept across the muggle Inferius’s body, and his eyes showed pity. Regulus could be taken back by Sirius for a good burial, but these muggle’s relatives could never come here to pick them up. go back.

“We have to let them stay here for the time being, otherwise the layout here will be useless…” Aaron pondered for a moment, and began to let Lynch direct these Inferius back to the lake, “When the matter is over, I will use divination to try to get them Send them back to their loved ones one by one… Those who cannot be sent home will also hold a decent collective funeral…”

Kreacher’s 2 big ears drooped down. If the hostess sees her favorite son becomes Inferius, she doesn’t know what it will be like. Unfortunately, Kreacher can no longer be by her side and can’t return to House of Black. ——The sad Kreacher couldn’t help cursing Sirius. If it weren’t for this wasrel’s incompetence, he wouldn’t have become an elf in someone else’s house.

Aaron’s gaze swept across house elf’s body: “Kreacher, I order you and Sirius to take Regulus together and help him complete his funeral before coming back to me.”

Sirius instinctively wanted to refuse: “No, Aaron, Kreacher is already…”

“Sirius, I suggest you still bring Kreacher. In Regulus, it is not easy for you to control him alone.” Aaron extend the hand interrupted Sirius’s next words, and then pointed his raised hand at Kreacher, who was about to scold him with a shriveled chest, stopped it and continued, “You have already understood Regulus’ feelings for Kreacher. I think your younger brother will also be willing to see you do this. He will hope Kreacher can attend. Your own funeral, and regardless of the relationship between you and Kreacher, after all, Kreacher has served the House of Black loyally for so many years, taking care of Regulus that many years, and let him attend the funeral and bury Regulus, which is what Kreacher deserves .”

With Sirius’ strong temper and without giving enough reasons, it is difficult for him to change his mind, so Aaron patiently persuaded Sirius that although Sirius’s complexion was not good, he did not turn around again about Kreacher and him going back to bury Regulus. I’m ready to start making up the younger brother.

“Kreacher thank you, Master.” Kreacher moved towards Aaron and bowed deeply. Unlike those perfunctory before, this time he was much more sincere.

Hermione’s voice included approval: “If those families with house elf can be as reasonable as Aaron you, the house elf life will be much better.”

Hermione spoke, and she suddenly felt that a cold egg-sized object was stuffed in her hand by Aaron. She lowered her head. It was the real locket of Slytherin, a gorgeous S made of many small emeralds. Embedded, dim rays of light flashed in the twilight illuminated by wand.

“Hermione, give this locket to Kreacher. As a master, I can’t give it to him personally.” Aaron explained softly to Hermione.

Hermione also showed a gentle smile to Aaron, nodded knowingly, if Aaron personally gave the locket to Kreacher, the owner personally handed them a piece of clothing that meant to set him free, but in Kreacher’s traditional house elf concept, It is a shame to think that it was being expelled from the home by the owner-although the pendant is not strictly a piece of clothing.

“Kreacher, Aaron wants me to pass this on to you.” Hermione squatted down and stuffed the locket into Kreacher’s hands. “This is the real Slytherin’s locket. It is Mr. Regulus · Black who sacrificed his life in exchange for it. I believe he also Will be willing to give it to you to thank you… for completing the task he gave you…”

“This… can’t!” Kreacher screamed incoherently and bowed to Aaron again. “Master, this locket is the relic of the great wizard Salazar · Slytherin himself. It is too expensive. Kreacher is just a house elf and is not worthy of it. Have such a precious thing!”

“This is an order, Kreacher. It’s just for you to keep it forever.” Aaron shrugged indifferently. “After that, keep it in the cabinet in your room and don’t hide it. Maggie will teach you some of my house rules.”

Kreacher tilted his head and collided with Aaron’s gentle gaze. The elf’s eye sockets became wet again. He felt that the new owner’s eyes looked a bit like Master Regulus — he finally took the pendant that Hermione had passed over again, and hit After making up his mind to go back and must wipe the mudblood’s touch well, and hang it around his neck, Kreacher hesitated for a moment, and then awkwardly twitched at Hermione’s back, trying to give a half-gift.

“You shouldn’t spoil the house elf like this…” Sirius felt that Aaron was too much better for this house elf. Seeing Kreacher bowing to Aaron, even his attitude towards Hermione had changed. It was a bit of a taste, thinking that he had seen it before. The house elf named Maggie turned his head and said to Kreacher, “It seems that you can live a good life after you pass, and you will have your own room furniture.”

After a while, Aaron opened a door to another world for Sirius outside the cave and let them pass by.

With the loud sound of a series of metal crashes at the other end of the alien gate, the gate of the Black house opened. Aaron and Hermione on the side of the Transmission Gate witnessed Regulus finally returning home after many years.

“Stay for one night and then leave?” Sirius invited back. Kreacher was standing beside him, his thin body scratching the door frame, his eyes patrolling Aaron’s face. Behind him, Regulus’ body was transformed by Sirius wand. The belt was tied tightly, and it twisted its body continuously, trying to break free of the belt with a twisted face.

“No, Sirius, Hermione and I have to fix the entrance before leaving, and you have a lot of business to be busy next, so we won’t bother.” Aaron shook his head and let himself pass, “Just remember to keep it secret. I missed it.”

“I owe you a favor… I count the number of debts I owed you before… You can tell me what you want at any time.” Sirius nodded did not insist. He felt that he had received many favors and he didn’t think it could be repaid by a house elf. Yes, he thinks that Aaron just helped him and his younger brother with this.

Saying goodbye again and waiting for Sirius to fully enter the house, Aaron dismissed the alien door, turned and Hermione returned to the cave entrance, where several tall dead Knights were dutifully guarding the entrance of the cave inside.

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