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Sirius, who was trying to distinguish Regulus, saw Kreacher, who was swaying and swaying his body, walked to the middle of Inferius. The house elf with tears wiped it casually, and the corner of his eyes carefully looked at each Inferius.

Thinking that it was the dog in front of him, he watched Regulus being dragged away by Inferius without taking any measures. Sirius sarcastically said, “I’m pretending again. I was still standing on the ground just now, and now I’m getting up to nothing. , The dog thing is useless except acting.”

Kreacher was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and ignored Sirius. His bloodshot eyes widened for a moment when he saw these Inferius. More large and large teardrops fell from his eye sockets, and tears poured from his sunken eye sockets hua hua After coming out, his shriveled chest rose and fell sharply: “My poor Master Regulus, Kreacher is incompetent, and failed to pick you up earlier. If the hostess saw you become like them, how sad she would be.”

Thinking of his mother, Sirius was irritated, and he roared grumpily: “Shut up, Kreacher, don’t prevent me from finding Regulus.”

Kreacher did not hear what he said, he walked up to Inferius, looked carefully, and identified them one by one.

Inferius’s hollow and misty eyes swept across the faces of these strangers. They showed hostile gazes of harboring malicious intentions. They were just under the pressure of the death Knight. They lined up and couldn’t attack, but that A twisted limb, crooked fingers, and open mouth all show their hatred of the living.

“Linch, control these Inferius, don’t hurt people.” Seeing that as Kreacher passed by, these controlled Inferius were agitated because the living creatures approached, Hermione emphasized to Lynch.


“So many Inferius, which one is Regulus?” Sirius began to foul-mouthed a little irritably. He looked at the Inferius he had checked and unchecked, and realized that it was hard to tell Sirius of the younger brother by naked eye alone. Pulling out his wand, and waving his tip to his left hand, which was punctured by the magic power, red blood oozes from the palm of his hand. Sirius muttered a few spells on his lips, and the red blood rose up , Zengruo water drop turned into an arrow similar to the way of guidance, floating in front of Sirius to point out a direction for him.

After running for a short half lap, Sirius suddenly fell silent, walked a few steps forward, and approached an Inferius with his head down without looking at the direction of the arrow.

The Kreacher who was looking for also discovered this situation. The elf stopped his search and looked towards the Inferius.

The drop of Sirius’ blood gradually stretched and twisted. It turned into a shield decorated with a mountain-shaped symbol, two five-pointed stars and a short sword. On the two sides of the shield were two leaping greyhounds—— This is the crest of the House of Black. In crest terms, it is: “black, the mountain shape between the two stars is the main body, the sword is the foundation, and the silver is the base.

Sirius trembled and dispelled the magic, causing the blood badge to fall on the ground and become some blood splashes on the ground. He staggered towards Inferius with the Black family crest hovering in front of him.

(Author’s note: From now on, the song “Don’tcry” suitable for Guns and Roses will be used as BGM.)

This Inferius is already hard to recognize the original appearance from the outside. His body is not filled with flesh and blood. The only distinguishable feature is the black hair scattered on Bai Sensen’s scalp. His nose is narrow, the bridge of his nose is high, and the line of his jaw is faint to distinguish the firmness and toughness before birth. His sunken eyes follow Sirius’ movements coldly, and his eyes are full of hatred for living creatures, and his tattered wet clothes hang on On the cold blue skin, a pair of dry hands bent into a bow as Sirius approached, but under the command of the necroman Knight, they could not make any attacks.

Sirius, who was always noisy, was completely quiet. He only felt his throat tighten and stopped not far from Regulus. Finally, Sirius turned his head and turned his face away, not daring to look at his younger brother’s sunken eyes, just biting with his teeth. Stopped trembling lips. He shrank and retreated 2 steps, the five officials of the thin face were almost squeezed together, and the big tears on the twitching cheeks generally slipped from his cheeks.

When Regulus was found, Sirius didn’t cry out as Regulus’s name as before. He just sobbed silently, and his cheeks tremble with the sobbing.

Kreacher’s thin body quickly approached Regulus, his bat-like ears swayed, and his hoarse voice kept calling Regulus’ name.


“I want to stay with you, brother, and you just want to escape this home.”

“Don’t be my tag-a-long, it’s different from before, you should grow up.”

“I just want you, brother, to be by my side as before.”


“Brother, you are the most tenacious bastard I’ve ever seen… This is for bloodline and strength… Those idiots who tortured muggle and hemp wizard are just black sheep affected by dark magic.”

“I used to spend so many years teaching you to be a real man…you will die where you know who, idiot.”

“The so-called man is to escape his own family to avoid his responsibility?!”

“Mother is more willing to do this, isn’t it?!”


“It’s me who should grow up…” Recalling several exchanges with the younger brother at different times, Sirius’s slightly trembling and hoarse voice sounded: “Aaron, let your subordinates let go of control of Regulus.”

“Sirius? Regulus…Regulus he will attack… he won’t recognize you…” Hermione couldn’t bear to persuade, Inferius is just a body left on the world, there is nothing except instinctive hatred of life Feelings during his lifetime.

“Sirius has his own thoughts, let him.” Aaron looked at Sirius’ eyes, sighed turned his head to patch Hermione’s shoulder, “Don’t worry about Hermione, just an Inferius, at most it is a few bites.”

“Sirius…” Hermione’s voice was full of worry, but she didn’t know how to persuade her. She unconsciously tried to step forward, but was pulled by Aaron. Aaron shook the head to her, and Hermione pursed her lips. , And finally stayed in place.

Losing control, Inferius expressionless, a few seconds later straightened up, raised a hand and stretched it out. Regulus mouth opened wide with a grim expression rushed towards Sirius.

His eyes were full of sadness, and while weeping, Sirius was forced to extend the hand with a violent push, pushing Inferius of Regulus staggeringly back 2 steps.

Regulus’ mortal body didn’t give up. He grinned and rushed up again. Sirius roared in sorrow, and put one arm against its throat to avoid being bitten. After a brief entanglement, he burst out Inferius fell to the ground.

Regulus lifted up his icy, bloodless arms like death, and grabbed Sirius by the shoulders.

Sirius pressed the cold and sticky Inferius with his legs, and ignored the soaking clothes on his body to wet himself, pressing his body with one hand, and the other hand fiercely on Regulus’s little black remaining. Rub your hair hard.

Kreacher, who was on the side, gave a violent hiccup, rubbing his big red eyes with his small hands, and his bullfrog-like voice sounded: “Wastrel Young Master always bullied Master Regulus like this when he was young!”

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