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“In the legend, a person who owns the three Deathly Hallows of Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone and Invisibility Cloak at the same time will become the owner of Death, or become the conqueror of Death, the winner of Death, etc., although it is generally believed that the person who becomes the Deathly Hallows The owner means some form of immortality-can you deal with Death if you gather them together?”

Aaron told what he knew, and he asked with some uncertainty: “Do I need to collect them? I do know where they are… in my original era, and even if I know the next time The whereabouts of them during the transition time can’t be obtained in advance, otherwise unknown changes will occur, so this is the third time for?”

Hearing Ravenclaw mention Deathly Hallows, Aaron was not at all embarrassed by Invisibility Cloak in Harry Potter’s hands and Elder Wand in Albus Dumbledore’s hands. In order to save the other person back, there was nothing to take care of.

“You don’t need to collect all Deathly Hallows, at least not now-you only need to find the Resurrection Stone, although it does not actually resurrection the dead, but it attracts a substance that is more real than the soul and illusory than the substance. But its ability to connect the underworld and the mortal world can help me who have lost most of the divine force accumulated through faith…or my soul can return to the world…”

Aaron originally heard that it was relaxed at the beginning. The Resurrection Stone is actually the easiest thing to get to him now, but the latter sentence reminded him of the probability that he had deliberately avoided, “Rowena, you are not sure I can…”

“What hasn’t happened is not a memory. What you bring back is that memory is not a prophecy.” Witch looked amusedly at Aaron’s stupidity about herself at this time. She waved her hand, “I do He has the ability to predict, but obviously he can’t do anything about things 1000 years from now.”

Aaron also reacted, but he also strengthened his determination, “What do I need to do?”

“If the Resurrection Stone is to take a god away, it alone is not enough. We need to artificially strengthen it temporarily.” Ravenclaw felt the wizard’s emotions and looked a little serious. “Since our opponents are Death and the Underworld, Naturally, you need to know how to study and use their power, whether it is to strengthen the Resurrection Stone or fight with them later, you need to learn these dark knowledge. And as you who have read the Nether Scrolls, you now have the conditions and qualifications to start learning these. Advanced secret art-they are not as important as the theories on the scrolls, they are more like the use of some special abilities, but at least they can solve what we are about to face when you return to your time and space Existing problems.”

Aaron nodded, he estimated that this should be similar to studying the brain pool to obtain the ability to bypass Occlumency, but instead of studying the underworld that’s all, and the silent people in the Ministry of Magic have hardly made achievements since the establishment of the Department of Mysteries The reason for this is probably because none of them has read the Netherscrolls, so there is not enough theory to support them to learn these advanced secrets-just like muggle’s brain can’t understand magic, these wizards can’t understand these abilities.

Ravenclaw took Aaron to the blue flame again, making the light look brighter, “You can feel it.” Ravenclaw took Aaron’s hand, and the hands held by the two people slowly raised them and touched them. In response to her call, Teng floated over to envelop a bubble that imprisoned Mo Obscurus, which softly entered the water and wrapped their hands.

When Aaron’s fist passed through the bubble and touched the silent Obscurus, its black invisible entity and occasional black oily substance suddenly rolled violently in the bubble under the flicker of the red core, and Aaron felt its rage.

“These Dark Forces from the underworld will try to parasitize some wizards whose oppression has inhibited their magical ability.” Ravenclaw’s hand lightly clicked, and the silent Obscurus stopped rolling, but there were still pieces of red light roaring in it.” You have not suffered the psychological or physical abuse that Obscurus sufferers have. It is not that easy to parasitize you. Try to recall the feeling of absorbing the soul when you use the growth wand-that is actually imitating the half-Lich’s ability to capture the soul, you You need to absorb them, feel them, use them…”

According to Ravenclaw’s guidance, Aaron tried to absorb the power from the underworld in the silent Obscurus. In the shadows, Aaron seemed to be wrapped in the black, seemingly unstoppable creature again, as if countless undead twisted faces appeared. In front of them, they screamed in pain, and Aaron held his breath, absorbing these powers from the underworld, and comprehending these nether shadows, death, Illusion Techniques, curses…

During this slow process, Aaron found that his exposed skin and hair seemed to be beginning to fade, gradually showing an unusual paleness-Aaron realized that he had acquired dark vision ability, although looking towards the distance was completely absent. Only black and white images can be seen in light places.

And Ravenclaw’s voice rang in his ears, “This is the corrosion of those negative energies in the underworld, which will make their health a big problem for ordinary wizards, but for wizards whose magic power has reached our level , At best, let us fade that’s all.”

In a daze, Grindelwald and Voldemort’s pale faces, which are not like living humans, appeared in front of Aaron’s eyes-it seems to be related to the use of too many spells full of negative energy attributes and too many Inferius using Death Power.

“At worst when oneself is albinism…”

After a long time, Aaron released his hand, let go of the empty bubble, and combed his gains in silence.

Seeing that Aaron was relieved, Ravenclaw turned around and moved away from Aaron for a certain distance. The blue flames reflected on her pale cheeks, and the calm and unwavering expression seemed cold and intimidating: “Curse me, I will show you Let’s take a look at the usage of the power of nether shadow that I have researched.”

Aaron, who had a tacit understanding with Ravenclaw, directly raised his hand and released a powerful beam of lightning from his fingertips. It flew towards Ravenclaw with scorching temperature. Some meat on the ground that was too late to dodge screamed, although not directly Contact but apparently they were also burned by the high temperature.

Ravenclaw’s palm drew a semicircle in front of him, and countless invisible shadows of black converged into a force field sphere shining with red black rays of light, enveloping her, and lightning shot on the spherical shield, like mud Flowing into the sea, these lightning bolts are absorbed by the shield and disappear without a trace.

“This is a nether shadow shield. It has a similar function to Protego, but it is a continuous spell. After you cast it, it can last for a period of time, and it can provide the user with a certain cover rate. Can you see through the shield without being affected? Because you have the same power.” Ravenclaw explained, she lifted the shield at will, her voice was cold, “Directly use the Avada Kedavra curse-aim at my head.”

After hesitating for a few seconds, a green light hit Ravenclaw’s face, but Ravenclaw did nothing. Aaron’s eyes widened. Just when the Death Curse was about to hit Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw’s head seemed to have suddenly become incorporeal. Parting from the middle, 1 point was 2 from the top of the neck, and the Death Curse passed directly through the middle without causing any damage to Ravenclaw-the eyes on the 2 heads whose edges were exuding black mist all stared at Aaron.

Aaron only feels that his heartbeat has speeded up. This ability can easily evade the Avada Kedavra curse. Although he himself has absorbed soul energy, he is no longer afraid of the Avada Kedavra used by ordinary wizards, but when facing opponents of Voldemort’s level , I want to be immune but I don’t know how many years of growth are needed. Now this method is a different way. Instead of resisting it in a confrontational way, it adopts a safer and safer way of avoiding it.

“But you have to be highly concentrated, and you can identify the spell that the opponent wants to use in advance, just like the counter-spell you learned before. But because you don’t need to eliminate or change the opponent’s spell goal, the difficulty will be lower.” Ravenclaw’s voice came from behind Aaron.

Aaron turned back abruptly, and a witch identical to Ravenclaw came over from behind him. He turned his head and found that the original location of Ravenclaw had also become two witches.

“This is a multi-shadow. You can learn it after you have achieved great achievements in the research of the power of this nether shadow. You can create an Avatar exactly like you in a short time. He has all of your own. Ability—Although this ability does not duplicate your own equipment. Their appearance and dress look exactly the same as go with you, but in fact those things have no effect on these phantoms, but if you make them They can be used normally if they are equipped again, and the biggest difference between them and the mirror image Avatar made by mirror image technique is—”

Talking, Ravenclaw stepped on a shadow with his feet and fell into it. Then he walked out from the side facing Aaron’s piece of meat created by the blue fire light shining on the ground. Aaron suddenly turned sideways vigilantly. I escaped the Binding Curse shot by Ravenclaw with his back to him-this curse crossed Aaron and hit another piece of meat, making it instantly stiff that was shiver coldly.

“The spells cast by these mirror image Avatars are different from the mirror image spells. They are real and effective.” Ravenclaw said. Three different spells attacked Aaron from three different directions. The wizard hurriedly resisted. With spells from three directions, Ravenclaw continued to add: “Although these spells actually require you to provide magic power, if you cooperate with Disapparation or I just used the kind of walking in the shadows to avoid the prohibition The transmission method of the Disapparation area and the mirror image technique…”

The three Ravenclaws simultaneously performed the mirror image technique, each created 3 mirror image Avatars, and then surrounded Aaron after a dazzling Disapparation and walking shadow after a formation eye.

“I surrender.” Aaron, who realized that he was surrounded by Ravenclaw all around, has completely lost the distinction of who is Ravenclaw’s real body, who is made to have real attacking power, and who is a completely false mirror image. In such a place, he couldn’t directly use the curse of a large attack range directly, so he decisively raised his hands and surrendered to his lover.

“This kind of Avatar is not like the mirror image technique, which disappears as long as it is attacked. It does not include the improvement brought by the equipment. It is exactly the same as your own ability to withstand damage. The destruction of the Avatar will not affect your deity. Negative effects-if you are killed first, these Avatars will continue to exist until the magic power is completely dissipated.” And witch apparently didn’t intend to let him go, all Ravenclaw stepped toward the look with a smirk Some poor little wizards approached, but did not forget to give him a final explanation.



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