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Being held by Ravenclaw, Aaron was taken by Disapparation to a cave in the depths of the Black Lake of Hogwarts. Outside the entrance on the wall, rocks and aquatic plants are hidden in it. This is carved out of the lake with magic. In a dry space, anyone who finds this place and attempts to approach it must fight the Merpeople tribe outside that can be seen at a glance without access to the air.

The walls of this huge cave have natural textures painted with the blood of the devil. Aaron recognizes the role contained in it through his current sensitivity to magic. It can mask and predict spells such as divination to detect this place. , And the strong smell of sulfur brought by this strong lower plane hell can also scare most magical creatures and let them know how to stay away from here.

An unpleasant smell of corruption made Aaron turn his head to the side. Some of Bai Sensen’s heads were shaking in the distance. Aaron found that these things were zombies in muggle armor, and their scarred skin was unnatural underneath. The gray blue, it is these living dead resembling some resurrected by the undead magic-they seem to be constructing under the control of some devil overseers who look all kinds of strange things.

“I’m building a mage tower.” Ravenclaw waved his hand to stop those demons in the distance from trying to come over and greet their masters. “Don’t worry, these necromantic armies were drawn directly from the underworld using necromantic spells as coolies. .”

Ravenclaw took Aaron directly into the interior of the newly constructed tower. He found that he had entered a completely different room from the Ravenclaw tower in his memory. A staircase under construction stood in the middle of the undecorated hall. The circular wall surrounding the entire hall was evenly divided by 3 arches, and Ravenclaw took Aaron directly into one of them, and a strong smell of blood came out.

In the center of this slimy room that makes people feel like stepping on it is a pool of scarlet, still water. And from that evil, peculiar pool is bursting out a blue flame. The height of the flame reached the roof of the room on this floor, and it seemed to have been burning day and night for many days.

And beside the blue flame, more than a dozen Obscurus imprisoned in bubbles were floating in it, and some bloody things were constantly squirming on the floor. From time to time, some fleshy pieces let themselves into the blood pool.

Although some of the magic research that Aaron is already conducting is somewhat unscrupulous, the “more civilized” hidden rule imprints of the modern Wizard Society still make him have one’s hair stand on end when he sees this scene.

These twisted blood clots are obviously muggles transformed by the magic of witch, and they are imprisoned here with their remaining lives looking down at their creator Ravenclaw.

And the sticky floor of this house is because the ground is covered with disgusting biological tissues that keep bleeding, and they are crawling by the pool, as if they are suffering eternal suffering.

Ravenclaw looked like a raven in the dark, and she took Aaron towards the pool of blood without a word. The silver thread stitched on her elegant blue robe mirrored the blue fire from the blood pool. Those bloody things covered the slate floor with a disgusting carpet with their bloody bodies. Only when they instinctively gave way to the creator witch, the wizard could see the floor wet with their slime.

Aaron not at all said something, just following Ravenclaw, silently squeezing witch’s pale and slender fingers to bring her warmth, the two wizards now walked side by side to the scarlet, still water.

“Lord–Master, spare me…it hurts too much.” A piece of meat that still barely saw five officials was waving with deformed tentacles that looked like evolved from the aorta in an attempt to attract Ravenclaw’s attention. Pleaded in a slurred voice.

“Those innocent muggle women you tried before begged you like this.” Ravenclaw lowered his head and tilted his head, and said to the mass of flesh in a rather innocent tone, and then saw that the other party was shaking with his body but did not dare to do more. Said that Ravenclaw also seemed to lose interest in them, turning his head and looking towards Aaron, “These are all those who have framed bad luck muggles as witches, or have persecuted some young wizards who have just shown the magic power riots but are unable to protect themselves. Guy, although I am actually not interested in their identities, it is obvious that if the subject chooses too casually, once Helga understood 10000, she will be sad-let these sinners exert their final value.”

Ravenclaw bowed slightly and reached out to touch the still blood pool. The monsters around the pool began to exclaim in fear if they could make a sound, and instinctively shivered if they could not—because they had seen more of their companions falling into the scarlet water, and then immediately withered and wrinkled and turned into residues to sink into the water. To the bottom of the blood pool.

Ravenclaw herself was not affected at all. She just muttered to spell and slowly withdrew her hand. She was paler now, as if the color of plaster, and witch whispered triumphantly: “Look.”

Aaron looked intently. This was the red magic stone among the three magic stones that the other party gave him to make Philosopher’s Stone when First Year and Ravenclaw’s Cannian met at first-but it hadn’t been blood red in his memory. s color.

“I don’t have that many time to accumulate so much life force for this material with conventional methods. Therefore, I can only overdraw the lives of these muggle sinners. But it seems that they can’t bear this kind of force in a short time, so there is no way. Maintaining their original human form collapsed into a piece of flesh, but in this way, the life force they contain is better than directly letting them enter the human form.” Ravenclaw said as if he was exploring ordinary magic experiments with Aaron.

Aaron, who is neutral on many things, didn’t think it was wrong to do so. After all, he himself had used serial murderers to do some experiments before. This also reminded Aaron of the French Alchemist Nicholas who was not born yet. Flamel: “According to his deeds and the fact that he was a good friend with Dumbledore, he It shouldn’t be using Ravenclaw’s method…then he is…using about 2000, 5,000,000 people and 50,000,000 people. Collected during the outbreak of the Black Death? The time is right… Paris is really a good place. I don’t know whether Philosopher’s Stone needs to be’charged’. If needed, Nicholas Flamel also had luck in the Paris plague of the 8th century. Complementing the smallpox outbreak period…6,000,000 people were buried in the Catacombs of Paris alone…”

Ravenclaw is obviously a little surprised by the formidable power of the plague: “Such a powerful muggle disease? The Nicholas Flamel that you just thought of. Luckily, you don’t need to get your hands dirty like we do… I just use the gap to help you. You have completed a semifinished product, and you collected the remaining part in the last Time Change alone.”

“Do you know in advance what I have to do next time?” Aaron grasped the main point of the other’s words.

“Philosopher’s Stone is just something like a gift. If you don’t make it by the way, it will be wasted.” Ravenclaw nodded: “You know Deathly Hallows well, don’t you?”

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