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For Hermione, who is from a relatively wealthy family, she feels that she is willing to work hard for the intensive training class and for Aaron, even more how. In the process, she also gained that many muggle-born students have difficulty. Magic knowledge gained from exposure.

Regarding Hermione’s refusal, Aaron, who understands the Hermione character, is not surprised. He gently persuaded: “Hermione, I know you want to fight for the rights of house elfs, so you must first set an example and accept the rewards you deserve. How else can you be a role model for them? In addition, the school has joined the Harris family, the subsidy of the engraved wizards, and the financial management of the scholarships in the training class also require you to take responsibility. These are what you deserve.”

Hermione opened her mouth, not knowing how to refute, and finally had to accept the gold Galleon that Aaron handed over again.

“You already have specific ideas, don’t you? How can I cooperate?” Hermione, who likes the rules and regulations the most, asked immediately.

“For those young wizards who have made a mark before and have joined the Harris family, they provide a basic quota of Gold Galleon every week, and then conduct an assessment every weekend, based on their academic performance and help you organize and manage the tasks. Decide whether the quota will increase or decrease. Finally, at the end of the semester, choose a set of the best H94 equipment. In addition, some scholarships will be set up in the name of the Harris family in the training class. It is up to you to decide. can.”

Suddenly, Aaron’s brows frowned, he pressed his mark and received a message from Mr. Harris.

“Let’s go back to the tower.” Aaron called Hermione, expressing anxiety.

Hermione stood up immediately, packed her schoolbag indiscriminately, and followed Aaron with a few books, her tousled long hair beating rhythmically behind her pace.

“What’s the matter?” Hermione asked hurriedly as she walked.

“They usually seldom use the imprint to contact them, this time it must be a very urgent matter.” Aaron answered Hermione while feeling the constant information from the imprint.

“Albert and Penelope got a 5-star monster corpse with the Ministry of Magic magic classification. It is very rare. When the organizers of Triwizard Tournament were purchasing the magical creatures, someone entrained them in and wanted to smuggle them out. Paying attention to let it escape, the Auror took great effort to subdue it, but unfortunately the injury was too serious and it died.” Aaron said quickly.

“Are you all okay?” As soon as he entered the tower, Aaron saw the white gauze wrapped around Penelope’s arm.

“A group of Auror cooperated with colleagues from the management and control department of the magical creature to arrest, but because the humming of this thing made people feel trance, 7 people died. Fortunately, Penelope and Albert arrived in time, and finally with their cooperation The monster was killed, but one of them was scratched by its claws, and the other was stabbed by the stinger from its tail. Fortunately, their belts are always equipped with poisons and healing potions, so there is no life worry.” Mr. Harris said solemnly.

Aaron looked at Albert’s face and saw that Albert was still ruddy complexion. Although it looked weak, it was obviously not a big problem.

He took Penelope’s hand again and looked at Penelope’s wound carefully before he was relieved.

After looking back, Mr. Harris urged impatiently: “Come and take a look at this Manticore. You have the Animagus experience transforming into magic creatures, and see if you can use it.”

Aaron stood in front of a large long table covered with white silk cloth. This monster has goat horns that resembles a head that looks like between a human and a lion, a lion’s torso, and huge wings like a bat. Its tail is as deadly as a scorpion. Stinger.

A box fell on the table, and Aaron took out the experimental equipment inside, drew a tube of blood from the carotid artery of this Manticore, and injected it into a glassware.

He lighted the glassware with wand, and the blood in it turned quickly, turning into a dazzling blue color for a long time.

“It can be used.” Aaron sighed. “The magic power in this blood is strong enough to sustain the transformation of Animagus into a magic creature. Who of you will test it first to see if Manticore matches your own, otherwise you will force your transformation. I am afraid there will be unpredictable consequences.”

Hermione looked at the head that looked almost like between a human and a lion, shaking her whole body, which reminded her of how she became a cat after taking Polyjuice Potion.

Animals deformed and so on, too terrifying. Hermione couldn’t help but stepped back.

Penelope stared at the Manticore with dazzling eyes. He personally fought against it, and suffered from his men. Its huge wings, sharp fangs, deadly stings, powerful jumps, almost The skin that repels all known spells impressed Penelope.

How powerful he hated it when he was playing against it, now Penelope loves it.

“Very good, if anyone’s Animagus could be Manticore, that would be great. You know, that many elite Auror can hardly subdue him, and many of them have suffered a lot from it!” Mr. Harris slapped his hands, liking zi zi exclaimed.

Albert coughed and cleared his throat: “This monster is obviously stronger than its counterparts. If it is replaced by Auror, who has not been trained and has no uniform equipment before the reform, it will not die. It’s just a colleague from the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creature. Aunt Josephine didn’t come here and was busy dealing with follow-up matters. Although there were reasons for the incident, she didn’t need to bear too much responsibility, but her staff suffered such serious casualties, it is estimated that she will become her. Stain on the resume.”

Rolan said with a sad face: “Yes, Aunt Josephine specifically explained that when we are done using it, I will send her the rest of it back to the Magical Creature Management and Control Department. I can drag the horned camel by myself. But it’s too difficult for me to get such a big guy over. After that, I’ll have to contact newspapers and magazines to guide public opinion. You know, because of the recent competition and the Hogsmeade carnival, there were a lot of foreign journalists. I guess I have to work overtime for several days.”

“Then, let’s raise the speed and finish the test as soon as possible. Are we going to use the magic Animagus test spell? After learning it for so long, I haven’t had a chance to use it.” Penelope be eager to have a try.

Aaron looked at each vessel carefully with his arms, only the blood in Hermione’s test tube turned into a beautiful starry sky under the effect of the spell. Only high matching can show such wonderful colors. Others have different colors, but they obviously don’t match Manticore very well.

Hermione’s face is very wonderful. She thinks of the previous nightmares because of the look of this monster, which looks like a fusion of cats and people, so she has no good feelings for this monster, but on the other hand, she hopes to use a magic creature. As your own Animagus. If successful, then this is the first one after Aaron. She feels that she has fallen behind a lot in the matter of magic pets. If this is successful…

“Aaron, in addition to these magical creatures that belong to magic creatures, can demons whose origins are not in our world be Animagus?” Penelope asked unwillingly. Although she doesn’t quite match this Manticore, she has a demon that is more offensive than it-Demon Hunter.

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