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It was late at night when he returned to the tower of the Harris family, and Aaron thoughtfully cooked the hot tea to keep Penelope out of the cold.

“Penelope, I will teach you the method of making slavery gems in a moment. The 8-eyed spider inlaid with slavery gems can be well controlled. This is also a cursed item and cannot be removed forcibly unless the curse is lifted. Yes.” Aaron held up a cup of hot tea and handed it to Penelope.

Penelope took the cup, her little finger hooked the handle of the cup and let go, taking a sip and placing it on the table.

Aaron keenly sensed that Penelope’s emotions were something wrong, and he observed Penelope’s expression without a trace.

Penelope seemed to be anxious, but inconvenient to say to herself.

“Penelope, do you need my help? Is it uncomfortable? Drinking more hot water may make it more comfortable.” Aaron’s eyes slid to Penelope’s belly unconsciously.

As smart as Penelope, she understood the meaning of Aaron’s words at once, and two flushed red spheres appeared on her face.

“No, there is nothing wrong with raising spiders, but I am worried that I cannot afford the raw materials to make that many slave gems.” Penelope explained quickly, “I got some scholarships in Hogwarts and the intensive training class; The masonry has also received some rewards through various mutual assistance and activities; in the family, it is more knowledge and training than money. My source of income is only the salary of Auror and some remuneration from the Freemasonry, I don’t have Enough funds to make that many slavery gems.”

Penelope felt sorry, because she had always wanted to share the burden for Aaron and didn’t want to trouble him. Although the burden of raising spiders is not small, she can bear it, but there are too many spiders and the speed of reproduction is very fast. The enslavement of gems requires the use of gems as raw materials to make this gold Galleon a bottomless pit. , She can’t afford it.

Aaron saw that Penelope’s worries were real and she was ashamed. Aaron couldn’t help but blame herself. He recently focused on experimenting and reading books and neglected to pay attention to those close to him, not just Penelope. Other members may also be short of funds.

In the future, you will have to hire a financial officer, and the core members who are engraved on the imprint will also need a fixed salary subsidy. It is not enough to absorb knowledge, and Penelope, Hermione, and Luna are their own hearts, and it makes no sense to let them. I was wronged in this regard.

After Penelope has to raise so many spiders for the family, it is obvious that Maggie will not be able to completely replace the 8-eyed spiders hunting in the Forbidden Forest by just letting Maggie transport the leftovers from the farm, so special funds should be allocated.

Aaron hugged Penelope apologetically, and then told her her heart’s plan, so that Penelope was at ease.

Penelope had told Aaron not at all about a lot of troubles before that she could bear it all by herself. She didn’t want Aaron to worry about these common things, but the fact that she had to get so many gems was beyond her ability. Had it not been for Aaron to see her panic, she would have moved if she wanted to commit a crime and rob several pure-blood families. But now Penelope’s mood became very happy because she felt loved and loved. Seeing Aaron’s remorseful and self-blaming expression, she couldn’t help but embrace Aaron.

“Penelope, besides taming Acromantula, your most important task is to learn the two spells of the alien alliance oath and the alien gate. It is best to use the imprisonment array of the imprisonment room in the tower as additional insurance when summoning the devil to prevent willpower fights the defeated devil out of control. In addition, you have to learn the knowledge about the type of devil, and then I will let Albert arrange you to be the instructor who teaches the Auror to summon the hellhound with the oath of the alien alliance. Your recent reputation is not very good, I want it for a short time It is not easy to reverse it, but at least it will regain a lot of Auror recognition.”

Aaron reached out his index finger and placed it on Penelope’s lips, preventing Penelope from asking.

“Don’t worry about Penelope. The prerequisite for summoning the devil with the vow of the otherworldly is that you must learn the information and knowledge of the specific types of devil you want to summon. As long as you don’t reveal the most precious part, they will at most learn to summon the Hellhound that’s all If they want to summon other types, they can only use the wizards’ own traditional method—using a lot of sacrifices and time to summon a devil who basically cannot control and can only reach an agreement with each other.”

Putting down the finger pressed on Penelope’s lips, Aaron took a sip of hot tea: “The devil summoned by the two spells, the Oath of the Other World and the Gate of the Other World, they are real. They are summoned by the magic of Serpensortia. The projection of monsters is different. As long as the use spell does not cancel the summoning, the enemy will not expel them back to their world with a spell designed to expel the devil, and as long as they are not killed, they can always exist in our world.

Excellent tracking and rounding up capabilities make them very suitable as military dogs equipped by Auror, allowing them to explore some dangerous areas, tracking and assisting Auror to catch dangerous criminals is a good choice.

The most important thing is that the official departments of our Wizarding World have begun to use the summoned demons to assist in law enforcement. When the public adapts, after the public opinion turns, it will not be long before our Harris family can blatantly use it in front of the public.

During the competition, I believe that many smart people realized that those treasures are not the real deal between me and the devil. In fact, you probably only need to wait until the second half of the next semester before you can register. At that time, we are already not in. Will others think of it? This is different from summoning the devil. If this subversive technology is too sensitive, wait a little bit. “Came back to his senses, Aaron’s voice was a little unnatural and added that as soon as he didn’t expect to praise Penelope about Haikou where he was no longer afraid of others’ prying eyes, he slapped himself.

“Penelope, it’s about to be the final contest. Dumbledore’s attention is too much involved in Voldemort and my so-called blackening. He thought we would be satisfied as long as Crouch fell. And Fudge didn’t know anything. Up to now, I thought that we were looking for Crouch’s unlawful and compliant behaviors just to find Crouch’s trouble that’s all. When the next game is over, Fudge will find that this time Crouch can’t protect any of his powers. People. In fact, Crouch can’t even protect himself.”

Aaron patiently told Penelope of his thoughts. Penelope had bright eyes. Aaron showed his dark side unscrupulously in front of him. The expression when describing these thoughts about tactics made Penelope fascinated, especially thinking of Aaron. She would definitely not show this to Hermione and the others, making her feel happier.

Similarly, early in the morning on the 2nd day after daylight, when Aaron brought a large bag of gold Galleon to Luna, before explaining the reason, Luna, who was reading “The Quibbler” about the new Gulping Plimpy recipe for Aaron, took it. Gold Galleon, put it in his pocket, naturally feels like a husband handing over the salary that has just been paid to his wife. It’s an ordinary thing that’s all.

The opposite of Luna’s reaction was Hermione.

When Aaron found her in a corner of the library and passed the bag full of Gold Galleon to Hermione, her first reaction was to refuse.

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