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Diagon Alley, Aaron quickly walked down the street to the last shop, his robe sleeves fluttered in the cold wind with his steps.

The shop is small and broken. The golden sign on the door has been peeled off. It says: Ollivander: A well-made wand since 382 BC.

Aaron pushed the door open without the slightest hesitation, and dingling bells came from behind the store hall.

No one came out to greet him, and Aaron sat on the bench and waited patiently.

Suddenly, Aaron raised his head and looked towards behind the counter. An old man appeared there. His big, light eyes looked like two shining moons in the dim shop.

“It’s an honor, Mr. Aaron Harris.” Just looking at Ollivander’s appearance, you will never guess that he has such a soft voice.

“Hello, Mr. Ollivander.” Aaron stood up and greeted the wand master politely.

“Is your wand okay? I still remember, mahogany, Phoenix nerves…” He was taken aback for a moment, “You are here because-is it okay?”

Aaron shook his head, moved slowly and said, “I’m really sorry, Mr. Ollivander, it was destroyed by an accident.”

“Did you bring it? I’ll see if it can be repaired.” Ollivander asked hurriedly.

“It’s a pity, it’s completely destroyed.” Aaron felt guilty and had to deceive the master in front of him.

“Well, okay.” Ollivander’s eyes sharpened for an instant. “Let’s see which other wand would suit you. I remember you were an extremely picky customer.”

Aaron did not refute, he knew that the other party was not talking about his temperament, but about his previous magic power fluctuations.

Ollivander picked and picked on the shelf raise upwards, and handed a brown wand to Aaron, “Elder Wood’s is also Phoenix’s nerve.”

Aaron took it in his hand, and colored stars spouted from the port of wand.

“It’s amazing鈥?#8221; Ollivander clapped his hands in admiration, but he stopped shortly, looked at Aaron’s frowning brow, and asked in surprise: “You don’t look satisfied.”

Aaron was only planning to buy one for the show, but now he has a new idea: “Yes, I don’t think it suits me.”

Ollivander didn’t ask the reason, but continued to search on the shelf piled up on the roof, “Here, try this one again.”

Masses of red flames spurted out, and Ollivander quickly extinguished them, avoiding the entire wand shop being burned.

“This is not appropriate either.” Aaron returned wand to Ollivander. “Although it works well, I can feel that this is not what I want.”

“Naturally, it depends on your feelings.” Instead of being angry, Ollivander became more interested.

Aaron tried one after another, and all the wands that he tried were stacked on the bench, and the stacks got higher.

Each wand in Aaron’s hands can exert its maximum effect. Each wand seems to fit Aaron’s needs, but Aaron does not show any preference for any one.

“Aiya, Aiya…” Ollivander finally stopped digging and searching. He stared at Aaron with pale and colorless eyes. “It’s so strange. Every wand chose the acknowledge allegiance, but you didn’t agree with any of them. Root expressed satisfaction.”

“It seems that this is not at all the wand I need. Please forgive me, Mr. Ollivander, can you lend me your production room? Maybe I can make the wand myself.” Aaron asked sincerely.

“You can make your own wand, it’s no wonder you feel that it doesn’t fit, because you will have your own feelings for every detail of the magic power fluctuation.” Ollivander immediately turned around and made an inviting posture, “Please follow me Once you learn to make wands, the best wand in the world must come from your own hands.”

The front store is so small, but the wand production room at the back is very large, so big it can be used as a training place for training classes.

The walls were painted green, lifeless olive green. Aaron looked up at the ceiling and saw a chandelier made of iron and ten candles surrounded the city.

On one wall, a huge fireplace occupies most of the space. On the iron shelf next to it, various materials are placed in different categories.

The wooden chests of drawers are stacked on top of each other up to the ceiling. Labels such as “dragon’s nerve” and “lizard’s heart” are attached to it.

The rest of the walls are covered with black and white photos, which are all yellowed because of the age. The wizard inside looked at Aaron curiously.

“Mr. Harris, you can use the tools in the room at will. However, it is wand who chooses the wizard. You may not be able to recognize each other after you finish it. You have to be patient.”

After speaking, Ollivander sat down on a shabby green sofa, the old spring being crushed by him.

Aaron looked at the room, at the photos, there were also broken carpets and old tables and chairs with little burn marks. High above the head, the candlelight jumped slightly, their shadows swaying on the wall.

“Mr. Ollivander, my opinion is different from yours. The wizard is the owner of wand and can choose wand freely.” Aaron said loudly.

The portrait on the wall immediately became noisy.

Ollivander stretched out his hands and pressed it down, and the sound on the wall stopped immediately.

“Oh, let us see your craftsmanship.” Ollivander leaned against the back of the sofa, but kept his sharp eyes on Aaron.

Aaron slightly smiled, without rebuttal, making it more important than anything else.

Aaron took some materials from the shelf and cabinet next to him, and raised upwards on the wand shelf next to him, and chose a wand that was barely handy.

Then Aaron began to process these materials, squeezing, pressing, twisting… a series of actions were flowing, fast and precise.

“Very professional handling…” Ollivander sat up straight, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

Aaron stretched his hand into his robe to block Ollivander鈥檚 sight and took out a box from the space. When Ollivander could see the material in the box, he could no longer sit still, stood up, and walked quickly to Aaron鈥檚 side. . , He couldn’t sit still anymore, got up, and quickly walked to Aaron’s side.

“Metal materials… The ancient Alchemist Jebel’s way of making wand!” Ollivander looked at Aaron with scorching eyes.

Aaron Weiwei nodded, “When I went to the United States with Professor Flitwick a few years ago, I was fortunate enough to get the incomplete notes of the alchemy master Jebel. Unfortunately, only a part of the above is the skill of using metal to make wands. If there is enough mythril, this Wand will be more perfect. Unfortunately, it鈥檚 hard to find enough mithril now. I can only use platinum instead. Mr. Ollivander, I don鈥檛 know if you are interested in using your skills and experience in making wand, and the kind I got How about exchanging and learning lost technologies?”

Aaron intends to delete a large number of key technologies, only the part of how to make wands with metal materials in exchange for Ollivander’s wand production technology, in order to better research and develop the potential of growth wands. I believe that this part of knowledge is enough to attract Ollivander, the wand producer.

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