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“Humanity has expanded to Universe Starry Sky. When we explore magic, it’s like ancient sailors exploring the infinite ocean, but no matter how far we venture into the unknown territory, the most dangerous monster actually comes from ourselves.”

Luna looked at Aaron, she understood his concerns. Human experimentation has never been a nice term, and if it is known, it is likely to be regarded as a dark wizard.

“Knowledge is not an abyss, knowledge is a ladder. Many people try to climb but fail. They never have a chance to try again. They fall and die.”

Luna’s voice was a little sad, and Aaron thought that her mother died when she was 9 years old because of a big mistake in the experiment a spell. I couldn’t help feeling pity for this thorough and intelligent girl in front of me.

“Luna, I’m a little scared.” Aaron whispered.

“What are you afraid of?” Luna looked at Aaron with concern with big shallow silver eyes.

“Finding too much, finding too little, and finding nothing in the end.” Aaron sat on the wide-mouth sofa, clenched his fists on his knees, and supported his chin.

After the past few days of research on dementor, he felt that this kind of creatures—if they could be called creatures, there must be a big secret hidden in their birth, but at present there is no way to sort out the clues and find a way to solve the puzzle.

“We trust ourselves, trust can bring salvation or destruction. The ladder of knowledge is real, but climbing is not all of life. There is a world waiting for you outside.” Luna thought of something happy. Like, suddenly laughed, “like music”

“What?” Aaron asked.

“Invite the female child to see the dementor together. This is really a good romantic idea.” Luna’s smile grew wider.

Aaron scratched his head, Luna is really a little clever, always let him release the mental pressure.

Speaking of romance, the most romantic place in the entire tower is the perception room on the top floor. It is unfathomable to perceive the rotating nebula on the roof of the room. It is always a good idea to invite female children to see the stars.

In the perception room on the top floor, Aaron inspires a magic array. The stars in the sky emit silver rays of light, and the rays of light converge into dots of light on the ground.

Luna’s body suddenly crooked, and Aaron quickly reached out to support her.

It turns out that under the drive of magic, the entire ground also rotates in the direction of the in the sky nebula.

“There are only stars and no moon!” Luna said softly.

A piano suddenly appeared in the middle of the room. Gentleman Aaron extended the hand, holding Luna, and came to the piano.

Aaron sat directly on the piano chair, put his hands in a posture, and looked towards Luna, “Which one do you like the most about the music on the phonograph?”

“Let me fly to the moon, I really like this muggle song that your mother often plays on the phonograph” Luna smiled brighter.

“Did you know that the muggles sent the album of this song to the moon through their spaceship called Apollo, making this song the first human song to be played on the moon, and your name is Italian just means moon. Let’s sing together!” Aaron explained with a smile.

Smooth notes flowed in the room like moonlight, and Aaron’s singing echoed in the room: “Poets often use many words to tell a simple thing.

It takes thought, time, and rhythm to sing poetry.

With the melody and words I sang,

Wrote you a song,

I want you to understand what I think. “

Luna spoke, and the texture of the ethereal female voice poured out with the piano accompaniment.

“Take me to the moon,

Let me play among the stars,

Let me see the spring scenery of Jupiter and Mars. “

Aaron looked at Luna appreciatively. Such a beautiful singing voice should be unique in Hogwarts.

At this time, Luna was sitting on the piano, showing a grace that she did not usually show at all! The slender waist was tilted back slightly, and the two shoes were thrown to the ground in rhythm. Her knees were slightly bent, rubbing Aaron’s arms, one bare white foot was on Aaron’s leg, and the other leg swayed slightly to the music.

“That said, hold my hand,

That said, my dear, kiss me. “

The whole piano flies slowly, and the nebula above it surrounds the room.

Aaron turned his head and looked towards Luna, singing emotionally.

“Let the singing fill my heart,

Let me always sing to my heart’s content. “

The eyes of the two people gathered together, and the voices were intertwined.

“You are my eternal desire,

Is everything I admire and adore,

In other words, please treat me sincerely,

In other words, I love you. “

The emotions in the eyes of Aaron and Luna 2 rushed out unreservedly, happily.

“Luna, as far as I know, according to the Triwizard Tournament tradition, there will be a dance party. As the champion of Hogwarts, I need to lead the dancer. Would you like to join me in this dance party?” Aaron stared at Luna with warm eyes. The voice is soft.

Luna lowered her head and listened, the mottled starlight sprinkled on her body, the fast beating light spot was like Aaron’s heart beating violently at this time.

Sitting high on the piano, Luna saw Aaron’s expression clearly.

“The dragon egg is about to be hatched, and it is expected to be around Christmas.” Luna raised her head and refused.

“How…” Aaron hesitated.

“Hermione needs you for this ball.” Luna whispered, with a playful smile on her lips.

Aaron felt that under Luna’s gaze that could see through everything, she was a little ashamed and unable to show one’s face, eager to explain, but couldn’t speak.

“But what you need most is me, don’t you?” Luna’s sudden sentence made Aaron’s heart feel relieved.

After Luna bid farewell, Aaron did not leave the tower, nor did he go to study the dementor. He smiled and fixed the romantic moment of tonight in the depths of his memory, then went to the collection room and picked out a trunk that was very similar to the wand in his hand. , Made a wand.

After the potion get out of class on the 2nd day, Aaron walked into the classroom under the pretext of looking for a few medicine ingredients. When passing by Seamus, the cauldron, which had been stalled by Seamus, happened to have another accident. The potion, which had been judged to have failed by Professor Snape, suddenly exploded in the violent boiling.

The potion in the cauldron is flying around 4 splashes. In the panic, Aaron’s wand unexpectedly fell into the pot, and was immediately corroded by the mutated potion after the explosion.

The young wizards who were still in the classroom exclaimed. Aaron is the champion of Hogwarts. Now wand has fallen into the boiling cauldron, which is full of potion. It is conceivable that it must not be used anymore.

Seamus was panicked, and Aaron soothed: “It’s okay, Seamus. It’s an accident, and none of us want it.”

Seamus gratefully took out a Sickle from the wizard robe, and wanted to hand it to Aaron as compensation.

Aaron refused, but didn’t accept it. For him, the potion of Seamus would explode, which was originally his hands and feet, and he had to buy a new wand, so there was no time to entangle with Seamus.

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