Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1128: . Little fierce attack (45)

The reason is that the title of the priest bird is a satire to the priest.

New immigrants call them priest birds, not because they look like priests, but because they are drunk.

Tui birds are one of the largest species in the honey sucking bird family. They usually eat fruits and insects but prefer to **** nectar.

In particular, they like the nectar of New Zealand flax, but the nectar of New Zealand flax sometimes ferments to produce a little alcohol. Tuui birds will get drunk when they consume nectar. Just like drunks, they will fly in a hurry and do whatever they encounter. Who!

In the early years, the lives of clergy were very chaotic and extravagant. Christianity did not prohibit alcohol, but alcohol was forbidden. At that time, the priests thought that serving God might be a bit boring and they drunk alcohol.

So this kind of bird got the title of priest bird. Later, the clergymen began to reform and became self-disciplined. They were unwilling to accept this kind of name, and they were forbidden to call the priest bird like this.

Christianity and Catholicism had a high status in New Zealand in the early years, and the worshippers were very religious and obedient, so slowly, the name of the priest bird disappeared.

Wang Bo didn't know this story, so he laughed and said that these birds were also drunk, right?

Sam nodded seriously, and Pharaoh couldn't laugh.

Atulu told Pharaoh that these Tui birds were brought to the town by the way of birth flowers. After falling into the flowerbed, they happily sucked nectar.

This scene once fascinated the tourists. Think about it. In the colorful flower garden, a group of cute birds such as elves and gorgeous banshees fly in it, which is a romantic scene.

Tourists went to get close to them. It was nothing, but there was a flower garden with New Zealand flax in it.

Under the watering of the Lingquan, these New Zealand flax are blooming vigorously, and rich nectar is also brewing inside.

Usually, these nectar were collected by Tata's bee swarm and turned into honey, but this time they were eaten a lot by the tui birds. The nectar contained alcohol, and the tui birds were drunk.

The reason why alcoholism is boring and socially resisted is because this thing is too chaotic.

Drunk Tuy birds are not so much better than drunks. Especially male Tuy birds are more aggressive. Usually they like to chase other birds and sometimes try to invade other bird's territory.

This will get drunk, and it will definitely be even worse. It will directly attack tourists.

On the spot, two human faces were pecked off, and other Tui birds attacked later. More people were harmed, although they were not serious or unhappy.

Wang Bo looked around, and Tuy Bird is still attacking.

They do not have many means of attack, they will flap their wings to make a sound, or open their mouths and yell, some Tui birds are not so drunk, their courage is not particularly big, they will explode feathers when they meet people, making themselves appear Bigger only.

"Mad is mentally handicapped!" The old king could not help but curse.

"What to do?" Sam asked with a grin.

Tui birds are not protected birds, but they are very beautiful. In this age of cuteness and justice, they also attracted a group of silly people to organize a Tui bird protection association to protect them.

If the police kill these Tui birds, then someone will verbally attack them, which will affect their reputation and life.

Wang Bo didn't care about this, but he was not too willing to kill the Tui birds. Not only did he look beautiful, they were very smart. It was good to stay in the sunset town without getting drunk.

According to the Bird Association's research, Tui birds have powerful language skills. They can sing more than 300 songs, making them one of the most complex birds in the world.

Moreover, Tui birds in different parts of New Zealand have different "accents" and dialects, and some Tui birds can even learn the pronunciation of some simple languages ​​of humans like parrots.

For example, at this meeting, the accents of the Tuyi birds are particularly variable. When Wang Bo listens roughly, he can hear gentle tweets, percussions, gurgling sounds, whistling sounds, similar to the breathing of animals, and A raucous squawk like a crow family.

It is not possible to kill them by hand. Wang Bo thought about it and said, "Get rid of them, they will not die."

Sam smiled bitterly: "They are the Air Force, and you see, these **** have super gliding capabilities. How do you say we drive them out?"

Wang Bo smiled confidently, then waved his arms into the air.

Sam asked inexplicably, "Boss, what are you doing?"

"Call for Air Force support," Wang Bo said briefly.

He waved his arms a few times, and a black spot appeared in the blue sky. Soon, the black spot turned into a dark shadow, and it came down from high altitude, as if it were a missile from a fighter, tearing air and lightning forward.

"Oh Snow!" Sam exclaimed.

A black trench rushed down quickly, and it was shockingly fast. I could almost hear a muffled sound similar to the sound!

Xiao Meng flew down, and suddenly came a sudden brake, and landed firmly on Pharaoh's shoulder.

Wang Bo stroked it gently, then took a peanut from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

Unlike a common bird who swallows jujube, when Xiao Meng's mouth is closed, ‘Gao’ breaks down the peanut kernels before swallowing them.

Wang Bo pointed at these Tui birds, who were acting as injustices, "Xiao Meng, drive them away!"

Xiaomen yelled, cuddling, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing two icy eyes that were as cold as a knife.

Looking at the situation, Xiao Meng flew into the sky with a flutter of his wings, then dived instantly in the air, leaving a trace of an inverted V shape, and flew to a Tui bird chasing a young boy Around.

Tuy birds are not small, after all, they are one of the largest in the honey sucking birds. They are about the same size as pigeons, but much stronger than pigeons.

But compared to Xiaomeng, they can only be regarded as gnomes.

Suddenly he hit the other side by surprise, Xiao Meng's sharp claws caught the Tui bird, then continued to fall, and plunged it into the mud of the flowerbed at once.

If it was replaced by a pecking parrot, Xiao Meng would have been so scared to urinate.

Under normal circumstances, Tuy birds are much quieter and more timid than sheep cockatoos, and they are much more timid.

But Jiuzhuang encouraged people, they would get drunk, and they were not afraid of Xiaomeng at all.

Even after discovering that Xiao Meng's repeated actions, these birds turned out to besiege it collectively.

Xiaomeng looked at the situation. It could defeat these birds, but it could not complete the task that Wang Bo entrusted to it: drive them into the mountains.

After flying in the air, it disappeared.

Seeing this, Atulu said in shock: "Boss, they are too irritating? This is even more motivating than me!"

Two minutes later, another black dot appeared. The black dot became a black shadow. A group of black dots appeared behind the black shadow. When the black shadow became a little fierce, the black dot became a pecking parrot ...

(To be continued.)

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