Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 493: Are loyal ministers useful?

Zhou Shixiang wanted to use force to deal with the various Ming armies who refused to express their opinions. This is the rhythm of the enemy's current infighting. However, Zhu Tong, who is a clan, clapped his hands to support, and followed a group of scolding those guys as "traitors".

It's normal for Zhu Tong to have such a reaction. He is a clan, and naturally he is most concerned about the life and death of the Ming court. The Qing army used hundreds of thousands of troops in the southwest, and the court and the emperor were at stake. As a clan, Zhu Tong was more urgent than any Qin Wang. Originally, he did not have the power of King Qin, and the Taiping Army had to go east to deal with the army. No matter how worried about the safety of the southwest, King Qin's heart should be pressed, otherwise his three or four thousand people to go to King Qin would not be enough for the Qing army to plug their teeth. Yes.

In Zhaoqing, Guo Zhiqi told Zhu Tong and Chen Qice that Zhou Shixiang would have to be King Qin after the eastward expedition. Therefore, after Chen Qice's death, Zhu Tong had no other requirements for Zhou Shixiang except for the establishment of an eighth town for himself. Instead, he fully supported Zhou Shi's integration of military, political and civil affairs relative to Zhaoqing, hoping that Zhou Shixiang could integrate Guangdong's forces as soon as possible, and then lead the Taiping army west to King Qin of Guangxi to save the emperor.

For the clan, and for Zhu Tong personally, the Yongli court in the southwest is their root, and their hope.

Before his death, Nanyang uncle Li Yuanyin once sighed, "Your Majesty loses your ministers, and your ministers live up to your Majesty!" This remark somewhat shows Yuanyin's disappointment with the emperor Yongli, but no matter how disappointed this emperor is, he is also the root of Daming. It is the hope of the world!

As a member of Zhu Ming, even if this emperor makes people desperate, Zhu Tong is determined to dedicate everything for this emperor. Even if he still dies in the end, he has no regrets, because he has done his duty. Worthy of the ancestors.

From the fourth year of Shunzhi to recruit troops from scattered family wealth, Zhu Tong persisted for eleven years. In the past 11 years, he has lost countless relatives, witnessed the destruction of countless families, and nearly committed suicide countless times in despair, but he persisted again and again because he believed that even if it was not for his surname Zhu, even if it was not for his clan identity , even if it is not for the ancestors of the Zhu family, he still has a place worth dedicating to, and that is the countless Han people in this world.

When Manchuria entered the customs, it was not the change of the dynasty, but the subjugation of the country and the extinction of the species!

Destroy the country of the Han people, destroy the species of the Han people!

Zhu Tong, whose surname is Zhu, is a clan, but he is also a Han!

The righteousness of Daming's acquisition of the country is even greater than that of the three generations!

Han Gao started as a small official and personally led a large army to attack the violent Qin Dynasty. It is not wrong to win the country. However, Gaozu ate Qin Lu without being loyal to Qin. This kind of thing, the Northern Dynasties' hair on the left, is really a shame for China; Sui Yang seized the country of his grandson, and Tang usurped the position of his cousin. The five dynasties all fell below the top, and the Song Dynasty used his ministers to seize the family business of the orphans and widows. In the early Yuan Dynasty, it was metal. Later, it formed an alliance with the Southern Song Dynasty to attack the gold.

But I, the Great Ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, came from Caomang, and did not eat Yuanlu. His father and brother died in the tyranny of the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty wanted to destroy the Han people with five surnames. The virtue of the micro-child, so from this perspective, the Ming Dynasty is more correct than the Han and Tang dynasties. In addition, the Mongolian Yuan was brutal and bloodthirsty, and regarded the Han people as pigs and dogs. The Han people all over the world were deeply humiliated by it. Those who wanted to expel them, ten rooms and eight, Da Ming expelled the Tartars, restored the Han people's society, restored the clothes of the Han family, put things right, and recreated them. China!

Now that China has fallen into the hands of the barbarians again, the children of the Zhu family have risen up to fight against the will of Taizu, are they still the children of the Zhu family, and they will see the emperor Taizu again after their death!

If the emperor does not die in the kingdom, the prince will die in the kingdom; if the prince does not die, the clan will die. When the building is about to collapse, someone will always die in the country!

Chongzhen died in the country, Hongguang died in the country, Longwu died in the country, Shaowu died in the country!

None of the four emperors descended, and all the four emperors died!

In the dynasties that have always been subjugated, can the Zhu family be so tragic!



From the day when the family fortune was scattered, Zhu Tong wanted to be the clan of this dead country. He knew what the generals who refused to express their opinions were fighting, and it was nothing more than to preserve their strength in troubled times. At present, the Qing army gathered in the southwest is hundreds of thousands of heavy soldiers, and the soldiers who can fight and fight are all there. Although the Taiping army defeated the army led by the Qing prince Ji Du, the total number of Ji Du's army was only 20,000 to 30,000 people. These soldiers and horses are only a fraction of the Qing army in the southwest!

And the Guangdong Ming Army and the Taiping Army are no more than 100,000 people. Half of the soldiers of the King of Diligence who can be transferred into Guangxi are in the sky. Whether it is strength or strength, the gap is not a little bit, so those people are afraid, they Fear, they are worried that King Qin will consume their own capital, even if they have been insisting on resisting the Qing Dynasty, even if there are many loyal ministers who can be famous in history.

Can the loyal minister be useful?

Shi Kefa was unfaithful, He Tengjiao was unfaithful, Ding Chukui was unfaithful, and Qu Shiti was unfaithful? ! ......

No amount of loyal ministers can save the country, what's the use!

Zhu Tong is not a person who knows the past and does not change. His eleven years of persistence have made him see clearly more than ever before. What Daming needs now is not only a loyal minister, but a good minister, a good minister who can win battles!

Zhu Tong stood on the side of Zhou Shixiang, who he thought was a good minister. In the name of the clan, he again sent a letter to the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Lianchengbi and the generals, asking them to respond to the call of King Boqin of Xingping. However, there was still no response from the city walls, and the silence of the governor gave the generals who were watching more confidence, and they made the decision that was most beneficial to them—to sell it.

Zhou Shixiang knew that the righteousness alone could not make these big and small military leaders who support their own troops respond to him and accept their own command. What these people need is money, rank, and weapons. And these, Zhou Shixiang can't provide them right now, and he can't give them either. All he wants is their unconditional obedience—bring their most capable elites, their best equipment, and go to the King of Qin with himself!

Lianchengbi is selfish, he is a loyal minister, but in Zhu Tong's eyes, he is an incompetent and selfish loyal minister.

The Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi was the highest official in Guangdong appointed by the imperial court, and controlled all the civil and military affairs of the Ming Dynasty in Guangdong and Guangxi. An uncle called Qin Wang but asked the governor, princes, and princes to respond. Have you ever heard of it for more than 200 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty?

After Guangzhou was recaptured, Lianchengbi wanted to move the Governor's Yamen back to Guangzhou out of consideration for the overall situation, but this move was resisted by Zhou Shixiang, because Zhou Shixiang did not want to have multiple ancestors who gave orders.

Without the approval of the Yongli court and the endorsement of the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi, Zhou Shixiang privately established the Governor's Office of Guangdong, which made the governor of Qinzhou empty, and could not control Guangzhou, Chaozhou, Huizhou and the current Zhaoqing mansion from the system and justice. . These four prefectures are the essence of Guangdong. Without these four prefectures, there is no difference between the city wall, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and a prefect.

Without territory and without an army, it is impossible for the governor to take control of the situation in Guangdong. As a personal messenger, Qin Rong, the deputy envoy, and the military secretary, Cheng Bangjun, slandered Zhou Shixiang, plus the governor of the four governments. Some of Zhang Xiaoqi's comments made Liancheng Wall, who was so anxious for King Qin's affairs that his hair turned white, kept silent.

In his heart, Lian Chengbi didn't really want to fall out with Zhou Shixiang, he just wanted Zhou Shixiang to talk to him and take a step back. The Governor Yamen could not move back to Guangzhou, but at least the leader who initiated King Qin had to be Lian Chengbi, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, not Lian Chengbi. It was Xingpingbo and Zhou Shixiang of Guangzhou town, who were controlled by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. This is illegal.

However, what Lianchengbi finally waited for was the Taiping Army's first town to coerce Gaozhou, the second town to land in Leizhou by sea, the third town to go west from Xinhui, the eighth town to the northwest of Zhaoqing, and the navy to surround the boats. The urgent news that the Mongolian cavalry was pulling out all the way to sweep the village.

Overnight, the Taiping army, like the Qing army, attacked everywhere. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses used force to coerce the Ming army, which refused to respond to King Qin, and even some generals of the Taiping army publicly claimed that those who did not comply with the command of Xingping were scheming with the Qing pirates. Adulterer, if you don't surrender, you will die!

The situation became more and more tense. Zhu Tong firmly stood on the side of Zhou Shixiang and led the eighth town to sweep up some miscellaneous Ming troops in Zhaoqing. He was also disrespectful to the envoy sent by Lianchengbi to ask him to use his clan status to stop Zhou Shixiang's crazy actions. Instead, he told his subordinates that Lianchengbi's gang of civil servants were blinded by lard, and Guangzhou was shot down by other scholars. Why would they come to pick the fruit? Now Xiucai wants them to respond to the King of Diligence, but they refuse to respond. Do they still have the court in their eyes?

The messenger went to Wu Yuan, the naval commander, but Wu Yuan was very pragmatic. He knew whose orders he should obey now, so not only did he not agree to the promise of great profits made by the Governor Yamen~www.wuxiamtl.com~ took the navy away The Taiping army restrained, on the contrary, it was more attentive to sweep the various Ming army boat divisions, forcing them to submit to the Taiping army.

The second town was transported by the navy to the Qinzhou Hai'an Institute, and the soldiers pointed directly at the biggest support of the city wall - Gao Lei's general army.

Gao Jinku was a native of Yichuan, Shaanxi Province. He was a deputy general of the Ming Dynasty in Chongzhen. In the second year of Shunzhi, Prince Duoduo of Qingyu went to Jiangnan. Gao Jinku did not dare to resist and surrender. Jiangxi was pacified with three thousand soldiers. In the fourth year of Shunzhi, he was promoted to the Left Association and stationed in Ganzhou. In the fifth year of Shunzhi, Li Chengdong was smashed, more than 10,000 beheaded, and the governor was added. In the ninth year of Shunzhi, he was appointed by the Qing court as the commander of Gao Lei in Guangdong, and his station was in Haikang County, Leizhou Prefecture.

After learning that Guangzhou was occupied by the Taiping army, King of Pingnan Shang Kexi was killed, King Geng Jimao of Jingnan surrendered, and the Manchu general Hahamu and the whole city all told the Taiping army to kill it, Gao Jinku knew that he was alone and had no hope of going north. , trapped and powerless, after thinking twice, he sent someone to express the meaning of surrender to the Liancheng wall in Qinzhou. Lianchengbi, who was suffering from the lack of soldiers, was overjoyed, and immediately accepted Gao Jinku's surrender, and still ordered him to be stationed in Haikang as the chief officer of Gao Lei in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhou Shixiang started the Taiping Army with one person and created a good situation in Guangdong to fight against the Qing Dynasty, but he had to seal Xingping Bo, a general who had not done an inch, but was able to get the governor to personally ask the governor to seal Haikanghou, even the city walls were confused. (To be continued.)

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