Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 492: Those who obey me are loyal and those who disobey me are traitors

In recent years, Li Guangen has been initiating activities in the construction of the area. When Li Dingguo entered Guangdong, the Yongli court named Li Guangen Qingfengbo, hoping that he would lead his troops to respond to Dingguo. Although .SUIMENG.lā did not want to obey the Yongli court, Li Guangen always wanted to avenge the old master and his son, so he happily accepted the title of Earl of Qingfeng, and led his troops to attack the Qing army in Zhaoqing, and behead the Qing army in the Wende area. Hundreds of people.

After Li Dingguo withdrew from the army, Li Guang'en's army was attacked by Xu Erxian, the commander-in-chief of Zhaoqing, and had no choice but to retreat into the mountains. Like the Ming army in other parts of Guangdong, Li Guang'en's department was also short of medical supplies and food, and struggled to support it. It was not until the city of Zhaoqing Prefecture was occupied by Ling Hai general Chen Qice and Zhen Guo general Zhu Tong that Guangdong had undergone tremendous changes.

Li Guangen was very hesitant after receiving the invitation sent by the envoy of the Taiping Army. This post directly stated that the Guangzhou Military Conference was a matter for the King of Diligence. it is good. However, his wife, Mrs. Zhao, said that the whole province of Guangdong has recovered, and Zhu Ming is hopeful of rejuvenation. The husband should put aside his old prejudices and go to Guangzhou to participate in the military conference. In this way, he can show his ambition and avenge the father and son of the king of Ningxia. Difficulty living and building a mountain to be strong.

Under the persuasion of his wife, Li Guangen responded to the post and expressed his willingness to go to Guangzhou for a military meeting.

Weiyuan Hou Guo Dengdi and Ma Bao, who had been named Duke of Huai by the Yongli court, were both from Guyuan, Ningxia. In the sixteenth year of Chongzhen, when Li Zicheng defeated Longde, Guo Dengdi and Ma Bao joined Li Zicheng's peasant army together. After Li Zicheng entered Beijing, Ma Bao was promoted to the deputy battalion general of the old camp because of his merits, while Guo Dengdi served as the sentry general under Ma Bao. In the 17th year of Chongzhen's Shanhaiguan War, Li Zicheng ordered Ma Bao to lead his cavalry to attack Wu Sangui from a rock. Seeing Ma Bao being shot, Guo Dengdi hurriedly dismounted to rescue them, but both were captured by the Qing army. The latter two went south with the Qing army as prisoners of war, and then followed Li Chengdong into Guangdong, and returned to Ming anyway. Ma Bao was awarded the title of Andingbo, and Guo Dengdi was awarded the title of Weiyuanbo.

In the seventh year of Shunzhi, Shang Kexi and Geng Jimao besieged Guangzhou, and Yongli ordered Ma Bao and Guo Dengdi to attack Qingyuan from Zhaoqing, in order to contain the Qing army, but they were repelled. On the way back to the division, in order to **** food and grass, Ma Bao unexpectedly attacked the army of Liu Guochang, the former general of Dashun, who rescued Guangzhou from the east, which greatly dissatisfied Guo Dengdi. In the eighth year of Shunzhi, Zhu Youlang fled from Nanning to Anlu. After most of Guangdong fell, Guo Dengdi and Ma Bao still insisted on fighting the Qing Dynasty in the mountainous area of ​​Guangxi. In the ninth year of Shunzhi, when Li Dingguo captured Guilin and Liuzhou marched into Guangdong, Ma Bao led his troops out to support him. Not long after, seeing that Sun Kewang was powerful, Ma Bao led his army to join Sun Kewang. However, Guo Dengdi did not join him in joining Sun Kewang, but led his troops back to Gaozhou to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

Ma Bao changed hands several times, and now he has been promoted to Duke of Huai by the Yongli court, and Guo Dengdi has also been promoted from Bojin of Weiyuan to Marquis of Weiyuan. But unlike Ma Bao, who now has more than 20,000 troops, Guo Dengdi, the marquis, has only seven or eight hundred soldiers, and before Guangzhou was restored, he had been pressed by the Qing army in the area of ​​Shendianwei. If it weren't for Guangzhou's sudden call to Taiping Occupied by the army, the green battalions of the Qing army stationed in western Guangdong changed their flags one after another.

Guo Dengdi is a person who attaches great importance to friendship. Otherwise, he would not have dismounted from a stone to rescue Ma Bao, who was hit by a cannon. If Ma Bao's actions after this were quite unethical, Guo Dengdi would not have parted ways with him. Therefore, although it was not the Taiping army who rescued him personally, but if it were not for the Taiping army, the Qing army in western Guangdong would not be in chaos, thus giving Guo Dengdi a chance to breathe. Therefore, Guo Dengdi regards the Taiping Army as a savior, and he is very self-aware. Although Zhou Shixiang is only Xingping, he is the Marquis of Weiyuan, and his title is one level higher than Zhou Shixiang. The grandfather placed it above the uncle of Zhou Shixiang. In the reply, Guo Dengdi's attitude is very sincere, and his words are self-serving and bowing. This move makes Zhou Shixiang very satisfied. If the princes, marquis, and uncles of Guangdong can be as interesting as Guo Dengdi, he will It is not necessary to use force to solve them.

General Jingfang Deng Yao's reply and Haibei Road Zhou Tengfeng's post came together. Both of them expressed their willingness to lead their troops to Guangzhou to discuss the matter of the king, and accept the command of Xingpingbo. The former was a military attache from the Ming Army Guard, and the latter was a civilian. The two are also officials from Yongli who have officially expressed their recognition of Zhou Shixiang's dominance of the situation in Guangdong so far. As the first civil servant to express his support for Zhou Shixiang, Zhou Tengfeng from Haibei Province is of even greater significance.

Deng Yao had always been stationed on Hailing Island, and his troops were mostly boat divisions with more than 3,000 soldiers. After the Taiping army occupied Guangzhou, the Green Battalion soldiers who had been the first to suppress Deng Yao surrendered to him in order to survive, so that Deng Yao's army expanded to more than five thousand. Zhou Tengfeng is a civil official, and his troops are mostly recruited volunteers, and they are also mainly navy soldiers. Their combat effectiveness is not high, but their troops were the first to rescue the Xinhui Taiping Army. The standard-looking Guangdong navy had to give up the rescue. Zhou Tengfeng's army now has 3,000 soldiers.

Hu Ben general Wang Xing, Zhang Ping Bo Zhou Jin Tang, and Wei Ding Bo Shi Shangyi were all bandits and pirates. When Wang Xing was young, he was very brave and brave, and the warriors from all over the country promoted him as the leader, gathered thousands of people, and was later recruited by the Guangdong government. When she was a thief, she had a nickname called "Embroidery Needle", which sounded like a woman, but in fact it meant sharpness, and the needle was very painful.

After receiving the post, Wang Xing asked Tang Wang to discuss ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tang Wang asked him to respond without hesitation, and immediately led his ministry to Qin Wang. Wang Xing has always respected King Tang, and his subordinates received the favor of Zhou Shixiang, so he happily replied to the post to express his support. Zhou Jintang and Shi Shangyi were both bandits when they were young. They were recruited by the Ming Dynasty to serve as officials. After the Qing army entered Guangdong, they both surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. When Li Dingguo led the army into Guangdong, they turned around again. I didn't want Li Dingguo to lose twice in Guangdong and retreated. The two had no way to retreat, so they had to lead their troops to persevere in Guangdong. Thanks to the Taiping Army's great victory in Guangzhou, the two men expanded their troops a lot, and recruited and surrendered many garrison battalions.

In addition to these seven people, the Ming army in Guangdong has more strengths: Song Guogong Ye Biao, Dai Guogong Shi Shangyi, Feng Zhengbo Xiong Chaozuo, chief soldiers Wang Han, Zhang Yue, Xian Qiyu, Gao Jinku and others. Either they don't want to pay attention to Zhou Shixiang, and don't want to sacrifice their strength to work on any king; or they just follow the governor's yamen's lead, or they just wait and see. In addition, most of these people were surrendered generals of the Qing army, some were surrendered when Li Dingguo entered Guangdong, and some were surrendered after Guangzhou was recaptured.

After waiting for three more days, and still not seeing any movement from these guys, Zhou Shi said to his subordinates: "Those who obey me are loyal, and those who go against me are traitors."

With just this one word, all the generals of the Ming army with more than 20,000 to 30,000 people were designated as traitors, and Zhou Shixiang was also very domineering. After receiving the command of the commander, the first town, the second town, the eighth town, and the navy all sent out to attack, the situation suddenly became tense, and there was a lot of infighting. (To be continued.)

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