Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 488: Yanping invites troops

Before Zhou Shixiang set off for Zhaoqing, Jinxia Yanping Fan sent an envoy to Guangzhou, and the person who came was Chen Yonghua who joined the army under Yanping Fan. .SUIMENG.lā

"If you don't know Chen Jinnan in your life, it is in vain to be called a hero!"

No one knows Chen Yonghua's famous name. Zhou Shixiang met this famous hero in his previous life, but he was not bored enough to ask Chen Yonghua if there was another "Chen Jinnan" name. When talking to this young man who was two years younger than himself, he was more concerned about the other party's purpose in coming to Guangzhou, or what he wanted to do by sending his most trusted military advisor to Guangzhou.

Chen Yonghua first congratulated the Taiping army on its defeat, and then told Zhou Shixiang that the king of Yanping County had decided to send his troops north to the Yangtze River in July to take the southern capital.

Zhou Shixiang knew about the battle of Lord Guo's entry into the Yangtze River for a long time, so he was not surprised. He just gently reminded Chen Yonghua that after returning, he had to tell Lord Guo Xing that he should pay attention to military discipline and make a quick decision. The southern capital is a fortified city, and the army must not be under the city for many times. If you take Jiangkou and attack it with all your strength, you must not imagine that the Qing army in the southern capital will surrender, and you must not give the Qing army the opportunity to delay, so that reinforcements can enter the city. thing.

"Thank you for Xingping's kindness. After the students go back, they will definitely tell the feudal lord."

Before Chen Yonghua came to Yanping, he had several military meetings with the feudal lord and generals. They were all confident in the battle of entering the river. The feudal lord was even more ambitious and prepared to worship Emperor Taizu at the Xiaoling Mausoleum. The generals and soldiers under the vassal are also gearing up for their efforts, and the soldiers and horses are going to deal a heavy blow to the Qing court, but I don’t know how Xingping thinks that the lord will imagine that the Qing army in Jiangnan will compromise, and if he really wants to fight under the city of Nanjing, both the lord and the soldiers will also Well, who doesn't look forward to attacking the city immediately, how can they hold back their strength and give the Qing army a chance to delay.

Chen Yonghua didn't think so, but Zhou Shixiang made such a solemn statement, he could only politely thank him on behalf of the lord of his family, and then explained the purpose of his visit.

"My vassal wants to invite Xingping to lead his troops into Fujian, so my vassal will go straight into the Yangtze River at sea, and the Xingping army will contain the Zhejiang, Fujian and Qing troops on land, and the Qing army will be attacked by water and land. If the southern capital goes down, my lord will use Fujian. The province is rewarded with peace!"

Zheng Chenggong's bottom line is the whole province of Fujian (except Jinxia), and he can also divide Zhejiang with the Taiping Army along the Qiantang River. Naturally, this bottom line cannot be revealed in a single discussion.

Chen Yonghua believed that Zhou Shixiang accepted this condition and sent troops to the north, because after the destruction of the Jidu army, the Qing army in the southeast was now empty. Zheng Jun was severely injured, so he had no strength to fight against the Taiping army. Zheng Jun was about to head north. If Dasu and Zhejiang Qing troops heard that there were policemen in Nanjing, they would definitely mobilize a few troops to help Nanjing, causing trouble for Zheng Jun's Nanjing campaign. However, if the Taiping army pressed the territory from the land, the Qing army in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces would not be able to reinforce Nanjing, thus achieving the purpose of containing the Qing army in the two provinces.

Before the Battle of Chaohui, Zheng Jun was generally not optimistic about the Taiping Army, but now, they have no doubts about the Taiping Army's combat power. Let me ask, if an army and horses that can completely wipe out the Qing army in Guangdong and save the army, if it can't fight the two provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian, which are guarded by the Green Battalion, it is not a joke.

The South cannot be surrendered. The Zheng family's preparations in recent years are all for the sake of a war to shock the world. Taking the southern capital is not only of great political significance, but also of great benefit to the Yanping feudal military and economics. The land of Jiangnan alone can support the Zheng family’s army of more than 100,000 people. In this important place, it is Yanping Fan who has made great efforts. Chen Yonghua believes that Zhou Shixiang will not open his mouth. Happy.

In fact, before Chen Yonghua came, someone from the Yanping vassal put forward another suggestion, that is, to ask the Taiping army to give up Chaozhou to settle the military and civilians under the Yanping vassal. If this suggestion was changed to the previous one, Yanping would be tempted. Yongli was banned by the imperial court, and he brazenly attacked Hao Shangjiu, who was also in the Ming army. As a result, Chaozhou did not get it, so Hao Shangjiu was forced to turn back. When Hao Shangjiu was attacked by the Qing army, Zheng Chenggong played the idea of ​​sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight and the fisherman profiting. In the end, Hao Shangjiu was defeated and Chaozhou was slaughtered, but Zheng Jun was still unable to get his hands on Chaozhou.

Jinsha is a small place, and maritime trade alone can only solve the problem of military salaries, but not food shortages. Chaozhou is a land of fish and rice. If Chaozhou is used to resettle hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Jinxia, ​​Zheng Chenggong will no longer have to worry about food and grass.

It has always been Zheng Chenggong's heart disease to take Chaozhou in order to secure a stable land for the military and civilians. Before deciding to enter the Yangtze River to capture Nanjing, Zheng's army has been making a fuss about Chaozhou for several years, but whether to take Chaozhou is secondary now, after all, if the Yangtze River If the battle goes well, with the land of Nanjing and the south of the Yangtze River, Chaozhou is only a mere area, but the king of Yanping County does not like it. Naturally, this suggestion was not accepted.

"How does Xingping feel about it?"

Chen Yonghua looked at the man who was only two years older than him with a smile. Thinking of what the other party had done in Guangdong in the past two years, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of emotion and admiration in his heart. In just two or three years, a mere member of the army has become the army of tens of thousands of troops, occupying the head of a province, and has successively inflicted heavy losses on the Qing army. This kind of record is not as good as the King of Jin, and neither is Yanping.

In terms of age, King Jin is 39 years old, Yanping is 37 years old, and Zhou Shixiang is only 27 years old. One is younger than the other, and the other is more capable. In terms of majesty alone, the 27-year-old Xingping Bo Zhou Shixiang is now in full swing, and his lord can only overwhelm these two people in one fell swoop after he has captured Nanjing. The King of Jin has the emperor and the court in his hands. Although the lord does not value the emperor and the court, after all, the righteousness is there, and the prince of Jin has always been nominally overpowering his vassal. If you want to overwhelm these two, you can only take Nanjing to worship Xiao Mausoleum!

The feudal lord only asked Xingping to enter Fujian to contain the Qing army, and did not specify what achievements Xingping wanted to achieve. As long as Nanjing went down, the Taiping army would not be able to take Zhejiang and Fujian. This is such a good thing~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I didn't want Zhou Shixiang to refuse, just like Yanping Fan refused to join forces with the Taiping Army to attack Jidu, he refused without any hesitation. He told Chen Yonghua that the Taiping army was about to go west and could not fight on two fronts at all. However, because the Prince of Yanping County had restrained Dasu in Fujian during the battle of Chaohui, in return, he ordered a part of the Taiping army stationed in Chaozhou to enter Fujian, and Contain the Dasu soldiers.

Chen Yonghua was going to Chaozhou when he came, and it was clear to him that the fifth town of the Taiping Army in Chaozhou was composed of soldiers and generals, not the four main towns of the Taiping Army. Zhou Shixiang did not enter Fujian with the main force, but sent the fifth town to go there. What can be done?

Chen Yonghua was a little disappointed, and after persuading him again and again, Zhou Shixiang was unmoved, and repeatedly emphasized that he would immediately lead the main force into King Qin of Guangxi. In the words, there is some meaning to blame Yanping County King for disregarding the life and death of the court.

Chen Yonghua was silent and had to leave. When he got up, he heard Zhou Shixiang suddenly say, "I wonder if Mr. Chen has plans to prepare for the Heaven and Earth Society?"

"Tiandihui?" Chen Yonghua looked puzzled, what kind of organization is this, he has never heard of it.

Zhou Shixiang smiled, turned aside the matter, and ordered Gui Yongzhi to send Chen Yonghua out of the house. Just as he was about to arrange something with Duke Xiang of Song, Zhaoqing sent an urgent message, but General Linghai Chen Qice was seriously ill and asked him to come to Zhaoqing immediately. (To be continued.)

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