Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 487: want to add disease

The bones are a little urgent today and delayed the update. I will make up one more update tomorrow, and make the third update. ?w.suimeng.lā


"Written by Geng Jimao?"

Zhou Shixiang was a little surprised. In terms of calligraphy alone, this song "Yu Meiren" is really well written. It's hard to imagine that such a good calligraphy would be written by Geng Jimao. Last year, Xiang Rong told him about Geng Jimao who was imprisoned in the Jingnan palace and had been relying on reading and writing to pass the time. He thought that the kid was just pretending to show himself, so that he could let go of his guard against him. After a few moments, compared to Shang Zhixin, who is also the second generation of Wang, Lord Geng really has a taste of both civil and military. Just talking about this word, Zhou Shixiang had to admit that he underestimated Geng Jimao, at least, this word is far more beautiful than what he wrote.

"If it is fake, this word was specially taken out by the servants who arranged for the servants in the Jingnan palace. The servants dared to use their heads to guarantee that it was definitely written by Geng Jimao himself!"

Xiang Rong made a ticket, the word must be written by Geng Jimao, if it is false, he will chop off his head. Zhou Shixiang was very disgusted with the title of "slaves", and once explained that Xiang Rong did not need to call himself "slaves", but this man had been a slave for a long time and could not change his mouth, so he went.

"Prince Geng is in a good mood."

Zhou Shixiang smiled, put the word down, looked at Xiang Rong, and asked him, "You show this character to this commander, do you want him to praise your old master's writing? If so, you slave. It's rather nostalgic, I know it's good to seek opportunities for the old master."

Xiang Rong laughed dryly, fearing that Zhou Shixiang would misunderstand him, he hurriedly expressed his loyalty: "The slaves only have Uncle in their hearts, but there are no old masters who are not old masters."

"Okay, don't pretend to be arrogant here, let's talk, you show this commander Geng Jimao, what exactly are you going to tell this commander?"

Zhou Shixiang was too lazy to guess Xiang Rong's intentions. Anyway, he felt that it was definitely not a good thing, otherwise Xiang Rong would not come to see him. Instinctively, a scene of an evil slave deceiving the old master came up in his mind. In this scene, Zhou Shixiang was definitely not a good person. He was the one who robbed someone's wife, bought someone's servants with money, and then killed someone's life. Merry man.


I can't do what Ximen officials do, Zhou Shixiang secretly alerted himself, no matter how Xiang Rong framed Geng Jimao, for the sake of the overall situation, he couldn't just kill him. Only then can you do it, otherwise it may be troublesome.

Xiang Rong did not notice Zhou Shixiang's inner attitude, but made a slander like a very small man: "Uncle, this servant thinks that Geng Jimao has resentment towards Uncle!"


Zhou Shixiang pouted, Xiang Rong's slander was too low-level, who in the city of Guangzhou didn't know that King Jingnan had a grudge against him, and your wife was occupied, his subordinates were divided up, and his wealth was looted, can you not hold grudges? It is normal to have resentment, and it is not normal to have no resentment!

"It's okay for your old master to have resentment against this coach, but this coach can't punish him because he wrote the first "Yu Meiren"? Chong Chong, this commander really wanted to kill Geng Jimao, that kid has already killed him, why should he keep him alive to this day?" Zhou Shixiang was in a hurry to go to dinner, and he didn't get rid of Geng Jimao's thoughts for the time being, so he didn't want to talk to Xiang Rong again.

Seeing Zhou Shixiang's disapproval, Xiang Rong became anxious and said, "Uncle, you can't underestimate this poem, but the servants can clearly inquire about it. It is said that this word was written by Empress Li's wife, Xiao Zhouhou, after she was fortunately written by Song Taizong. , so this word is clearly thinking of the motherland, but it actually reveals the resentment of the sky..."

Zhou Shixiang raised his brows: "You mean?..."

I don't know if Xiang Rong understood what Zhou Shixiang wanted to ask, but he nodded quickly and said, "Uncle, Geng Jimao clearly knows that life and death are in the hands of Uncle, so he doesn't dare to have any dissatisfaction with Uncle. , But in private, this person is separated from the belly, and the servant always thinks that he is a little wrong, so he keeps asking people to pay attention to him. No, I finally let the servant see it. Taizong usually complains."

"It's okay to be Empress Li, but what can you do if you don't have the power to hold a chicken?"

"Uncle, Geng Jimao is not someone who can't hold a chicken!" Xiang Rong reminded.


Xiang Rong's remarks made Zhou Shixiang hesitate. The servant said it well. If he really regarded Geng Jimao as a powerless Queen Li, he would have underestimated him. This boy followed Shang Kexi all the way to the south, but his subordinates were not convinced. The blood of the young Han people, Guangzhou Slaughter City and Chaozhou Slaughter City can all have his "credit", and he has the ability to get off the horse immediately. Therefore, you can't really despise this kind of person, otherwise it may cause big trouble for him one day.

"Uncle, a servant has served people all his life, and he has seen a lot of people. This person is not afraid of resentment, but forbearance. As the saying goes, there is a knife above the word forbearance. , and even asked the court to make him a king, but Geng Jimao is really grateful to the uncle?" Xiang Rong really didn't care about the old master's feelings, and was determined to put the old master to death.

"Then the Japanese handsome returned to the city, and Geng Jimao personally led the horse for the coach. It is still very respectful."

Zhou Shixiang has a murderous intention, and Geng Jimao is just resentful. It doesn't matter if he shows this resentment in front of others, but this kid doesn't show any resentment in front of others. Instead, he pretends to read and write in the mansion every day. This kind of scheming It's very bad. When he returned to Guangzhou from Huizhou, Geng Jimao and Song Xianggong and others also went out of the city to greet him. When he saw him coming, the first one stepped forward with a smile on his face to congratulate him on his victory and return to the teacher, and insisted on leading a horse for himself, showing an extremely Being submissive, people can't see the resentment in his heart at all. The ability to pretend to be a grandson alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Having suffered such a big change, yet being able to endure it like this is comparable to Goujian, who tasted feces for his husband.

Zhou Shixiang didn't want to become a messenger himself, and he had already made up his mind to get rid of Geng Jimao, but it was inconvenient to say the words of murder in person. Xiang Rong is also a good person, and when he saw it, he said, "Uncle, you know people and faces, but you don't know your heart."

"If Fujin knows about it, I'm afraid it will cause trouble..." Zhou Shixiang pretended to be embarrassed.

"As long as the uncle loves Fu Jin, Fu Jin will always accept his fate."

"I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to kill him. Guo Xueshi has already returned to Kunming to ask him to make him a king. If this commander kills him, I'm afraid that the Jingnan vassal will not help but feel cold, and the court will be dissatisfied with this commander when they know about it." Zhou Shixiang was very hesitate.

Xiang Rong rolled his eyes, but said, "The slave has served Geng Jimao for so many years, and I know that his body and bones have never been good, and it would be normal for him to die suddenly."

"Sudden death?" Zhou Shixiang was startled: "Can it work?"

"It's feasible to add a crime, but what about adding a disease? Rest assured, uncle, Geng Jimao's illness is known to everyone in the Jingnan palace, and they can all testify. The medical records in the past are also clearly written, and there is no reason to leave this matter. ."

Xiang Rong's words were so clear that Zhou Shixiang no longer hesitated, he pondered for a moment, and instructed him: "The hands and feet must be clean in this matter, and nothing should be left behind~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Otherwise, you and your old master will be together. go."

After receiving the letter, Xiang Rong was overjoyed, and quickly said, "Uncle can do things with 10,000 hearts!"

"You go to this matter, this commander doesn't know anything." Zhou Shixiang said and walked out of the hall.

Xiang Rong asked again afterward: "Uncle, what about the two little ones? If we don't remove the roots, there will be endless troubles."

Zhou Shixiang paused slightly, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Keep it, don't move."

"Uncle..." Xiang Rong wanted to persuade him again.

"Keep it, you are not allowed to do it." Zhou Shixiang said firmly.

"The slave knows." Xiang Rong was a little disappointed, but he didn't dare to disobey the order.

When he reached the entrance of the hall, Zhou Shixiang suddenly turned around and glared at Xiang Rong with a disappointed face: "Why does this handsome think that it is not you who are removing the calamity for me, but I am removing the calamity for you?"

(To be continued.)

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