Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 470: Your Majesty, something has happened!

Dasu's letter is very vague about how Jidu died in battle, but one thing is certain, that is, the army led by Jidu into Guangdong was completely wiped out by the Taiping army in Huizhou!

There were more than 20,000 troops, more than 1,000 children from Manchuria, nearly 6,000 Mongolian soldiers, more than 5,000 Han troops, and nearly 10,000 soldiers from Zhili Green Camp and Henan Green Camp. !

A prince, a Baylor, two Ezens, four commanders, leaders, assistant leaders, admirals, generals, lieutenants... Hundreds of generals and commanders, and it's all over? !

Yue Le didn't believe it, and he didn't believe it when he was killed, but Dasu's letter made it clear that Jidu's army was really over. He desperately led his troops to attack Chaozhou, and tried to rescue Prince Jian despite the heavy casualties, but it was still a step too late. !

Da Su said that the strength of the Taiping army was stronger than previously estimated. Not only did Prince Jane's army be wiped out by them, but his Fujian soldiers were also severely damaged. At this moment, people in Fujian were panicked, and everyone was worried that the Taiping army would take advantage of the situation and make peace. The Zheng clan of Jinsha joined forces to go to Fujian first, then Zhejiang, and directly take Jiangning!

Yue Le was so shocked that his back felt extremely cold. He knew that Da Su could not make a false report. For such a big thing, he would not dare to make a false report even if he gave ten courage to this servant!

Ji Du is really dead, and the army entering Guangdong is really over! Southeast is also in a hurry!

"Come here, prepare a horse, this king wants to enter the palace, hurry up!"

Dasu dared to delay such a big thing, but Yue Le dared not. He could help Dasu to cover up the other things, but if the prince died in battle, he could help the minion to cover it up!

At present, the heavy troops that the Qing can mobilize are all attacking Li Dingguo in the southwest. If the Taiping army really breaks out from Guangdong and joins the Zheng clan to attack Zhejiang and Fujian, and attack Jiangning, the Qing troops stationed in the southeast will not be able to resist. The loss of the southeast is not such a simple matter that the money and provisions of the southwest army are cut off, but the whole world will be shaken!

How did things turn out like this? How could it become like this!

Yue Le hurried into the palace. But the emperor was not in the palace, and the guards said that the emperor went to Xishan to find Tang Ruowang. Yue Le was in a hurry, so he went straight to the west mountain. But when they arrived at Xishan, they found that the emperor had not come. Unable to find the emperor, Yue Le anxiously turned around. Hurry up and send someone to look for it, even if you turn over the city of Beijing, you will also find the emperor!


At this time, Shunzhi didn't know that Yue Le was going crazy to find what he was looking for. He was leisurely watching those Han people juggling in front of Baoguo Temple on Xuanwu Street. Shunzhi originally thought of Xishan to relax, but after leaving the palace, he changed his mind and asked Wu Liangfu to find the clothes of the little officer in the banner to change it for him. After that, he led a dozen or so imperial guards to Xuanwu Street to watch the fun. In the past, he often disguised himself to play outside the palace, but he told the queen mother and courtiers that he was visiting privately. Observe the sentiments of the people.

Baoguo Temple is famous, and the bustling market in front of the gate is comparable to the Daxiangguo Temple in Kaifeng and the Confucius Temple in Nanjing. In front of the temple, there are fortune-tellers, monkey-fighting, dog-skin plasters, rock candied gourds, and miscellaneous gadgets. Small vendors from all over the world set up stalls on the ground to sell in a southern-north dialect. There are also temple fairs during festivals.

The monks of Baoguo Temple are very happy to see the liveliness in front of the temple, because in this way they can collect rent from the vendors every day, and most of those tourists will also go to the temple to put incense sticks and offer some incense money. In this way, the monks will naturally have a better life, and all they have to pay is to send some young monks to clean the temple every day. People who are outsiders will not be able to live without the A-block!

A dozen or so guards in civilian clothes followed behind Shunzhi. He watched the pedestrians around him vigilantly. Although they were not wearing swords, their waists were bulging. Apparently the weapon is hidden inside.

Shunzhi was wearing a blue shirt, a mink hat, black leather riding boots, and a folding fan in his hand. The makeup is a bit uncivilized and nondescript, looking at eight people like Manchus and two like Han people, this kind of attire can be said to be very eye-catching. Attracted roadside pedestrians and traders from time to time to glance at him. Shunzhi didn't mind the reaction of the people at all. On the contrary, I was very happy to see the candied haws just out of the pot. He asked Wu Liangfu to find a copper plate and buy it. Seeing the bright colors, he would bite when he opened his mouth.

"Master, take it easy and be careful about getting burned."

Wu Liangfu was worried that his master would be burned, so he quickly reminded him that he was an **** who was out of breath, and his voice was rather sharp, which made people feel awkward. Fortunately, the people nearby were paying attention to his master, not his servant.

"I...I know, I'll cut your tongue again."

Shunzhi glared at Wu Liangfu and took a careful bite. It was sweet, sour, crunchy and fragrant. He couldn't help but think that Chinese food was really delicious.


There is a secluded place not far from where Shunzhi is located. This is a bookstore. There are stalls selling books, antiques, calligraphy and paintings on long tables, glasses, chimneys, tea and some other places. The daily sundries can be said to be quiet in the middle of the hustle and bustle, with a different view. Naturally, most of the people who frequent here are readers.

Several readers walked over slowly. One of them has a face like a crown jade, and he is Xu Yuanwen, a talented person from Kunshan. On Xu Yuanwen's left is a little taller Huguang scholar Xiong Cilu, a friend he met in Beijing, and on his right is Cheng Hanbin, an old scholar from Huguang.

The three of them entered Beijing to study for the exam at the same time last year, and they also lived in the guild hall south of Xuanwumen. Because they were like-minded and talented, they borrowed from each other, and within a few days they became inseparable friends, and they met to get a title on the gold list. Today, the three of them came to visit the bookstore outside Baoguo Temple.

"I didn't expect that in this bustling street market, there is still this Fang Jingshi, you smell it, this calligraphy and painting smell very fragrant!"

As Xu Yuanwen said that, he walked towards a bookstore, which mostly sells calligraphy and painting, inscriptions on tablets and inscriptions on gold and stone.

"Let's go, we're here to buy the Four Treasures of the Study, let's go ahead and take a look. I can't afford the things here."

Cheng Hanbin had no money to buy those calligraphy and paintings, so he pulled Xu Yuanwen forward with a smile. Xu Yuanwen was a little reluctant to part.

"Wait a minute, Yuanwen, look, is this the real work of Zhao Ziang?" Xiong Cilu suddenly grabbed Xu Yuanwen's sleeve from behind, and pointed to a painting of the Eight Horses, the horse was drawn with its head high and neighing. , very spiritual.

"You two are pulling back and forth, I can't stand this robe!"

Xu Yuanwen pulled Cheng Hanbin's hand away with a smile, and whispered to Xiong Cilu, "These horses are beautifully drawn. But if you look closely, there are flaws, and I'm afraid it's a fake."

Seeing these scholars whispering in a low voice, the shop owner greeted them with a smile: "Several gentlemen are very generous. They must be experts, although this shop is not big. But there are many good things. If you really want to buy it, you have to look carefully. Come, come, Inside please!"

"Thank you very much, we just take a look at it, so as not to delay your business!"

Xu Yuanwen apologized to the shopkeeper with his hands clasped together, but inadvertently found a Xuande stove that had been wiped brightly. His eyes lit up: "Boss, what is the price of this Xuande furnace? If the price is right, I will buy it."


The chubby shop owner laughed twice and said embarrassedly: "Xianggong really has a good eye, and he fell in love with this cauldron at a glance. It's just that you came a step late, and now this stove has a buyer, you are We won't sell it even if you give it a sky-high price. You have to talk about credibility when you do business, come first, come first, I'm sorry, I offended you."

"I can't see, you are really a businessman. If my friend is willing to pay several times more than your old buyer, you won't do it? It won't work here." Xiong Cilu said haha.

The shop owner smiled and said: "Several people seem to be Jiangnan literati, and they are reasonable. You have learned poetry and books, so don't embarrass me."

Everyone said so, Xu Yuanwen didn't want to say anything else, he shook his head and left the room, and walked to the shop that sold the four treasures of the study.

"Brother Xiong, will you take the Spring Festival exam next year?" Cheng Hanbin turned around and asked Xiong Cilu.

Xiong Cilu nodded and said, "It's definitely going to take the exam, but now that I'm going to Beijing with Brother Xu and Brother Cheng to take the exam, I'm afraid Brother Yu will fall behind you. ."

"Brother Xiong is too modest. My generation of scholars just follow the will of God. Ding Youshuntian and Jiangnan two cases. The court enforces the law like a mountain, and the intention to seek talents is quite sincere. My generation is destined to serve the court together. Sometimes I really regret the years of light wasted."

Cheng Hanbin was impressed. Originally, he should have entered Beijing to participate in the exam ten years ago, but he always thought that Zhu Ming was still there. As a result, the delay is ten years. Although I am only forty years old, but with gray hair, I really made him a jinshi, and he can be an official for a few years, and he can only be a local official. Entering the pavilion to worship the chancellor is something I can't even think about in this life.

"Now that the imperial army has invaded Guizhou, Zhu Ming in the southwest will definitely not be able to hold it. The unification of the world is a matter of this year and next year. I think the emperor will definitely open a special enco for the unification of the world next year. If we fail, we can go to Enke again. It is customary since ancient times that Enke does not fail. No matter how bad our luck is, we can always pass the exam. Since then, we have been dedicated to being a worthy minister in a peaceful and prosperous world, benefiting the common people, and it is not a waste of our life.” Xiong Cilu also sighed with emotion.

Xu Yuanwen is young, and he doesn't have the same emotion as the two of them, but the big people in Beijing all know that next year's champion must be Xu Yuanwen from Kunshan, which makes him a little proud.

The three of them said that they unknowingly came to the door of a restaurant. After walking around for a long time, the three of them were just hungry, so they looked at each other and smiled, and went in with their feet up.

"Three phase kilometers please!"

With a white hand towel draped over his shoulders, the running hall looked clean and neat, and enthusiastically let the three of them over to a table by the window, and was busy pouring tea and water. The teapot and tea set of Zisha exudes a faint rural atmosphere.

"Master, what do you want to eat?"

The hall-runner greeted the guests at the next table again, but it was Shunzhi and his party who were tired from shopping. Shunzhi was looking at the furnishings in the restaurant with interest, but did not answer the shopkeeper's question.

"My lord, I listened to you about an authentic Beijing film. I don't know if the dishes in Longsheng Xuan, which are all written in southern flavors, are suitable for your taste. In this case, if you want to eat the duck on the hanging stove in Fukulou that day. , Bao Huachun's smoked chicken and smoked belly slices, and the creamy flower cake with the fragrant pastry shop, you just pay the order, and the little one will go out and buy it for you immediately." He could see the smiles all over the hall's face. The group of people at this table is headed by Shunzhi, who is pretending to be a small army officer.

Shunzhi looked back at Paotang and grinned: "I haven't opened my mouth yet, but you have said a lot. If I want to eat the roast duck from Fukuo that day, why should I run here?"

"This... what the lord said makes sense." The man in the hall grinned, "Wait a moment, the little one will immediately bring you the best wine and food from our shop!"

"Wait a minute. Little Er, how do you know what I like to eat?" Shunzhi deliberately embarrassed the runner.

"Hey! It's small, but listen to the instructions of the Lord."

"Tell me, what does the couplet hanging there mean?"

Shunzhi pointed with one hand. The second shopkeeper said casually: "'Ten buckets of wine are punished by Jingu, and a plate of spring boiled jade and fat.' Lord. This is a famous book of sugar-steamed yam that praised our store in the central language of Sa Yanmen, a native of Yuan. Would you like to give it to you first? Would you like to try a plate?"

"Well, I can't see that you are still a little bit literate."

"Where, let's hear and see, let the master laugh."


Here, Shunzhi had nothing to do with the joy of running the hall. Next to him, Xu Yuanwen said to Cheng Hanbin and Xiong Cilu: "I'm the host today, you two can order."

Xu Yuanwen's family was well-off, and his conditions were much better than those of Xiong and Cheng. Xiong Cilu came from a scholarly family. Although his family was not poor, he was not rich. In those days, Zhang Xianzhong entered Huguang. More than a dozen people in Xiong Cilu's family were killed by the rebel army. Only he and his mother survived. Xu Yuanwen, who was born in an aristocratic family in Kunshan, naturally knew that Xiong Ci was living a poor and lofty life, and he was the host of every small gathering. Xiong Cilu was well aware of Xu Yuanwen's good intentions, and it was normal for him to come and go.

"Let's have a plate of 'Jiang's tofu'? There is a saying that 'Jiang's tofu and Yi's noodles are not fresh when one person leaves the feast.'"

"Brother Cilu, you are already skinny enough. How can you do it just by eating tofu? Brother Yuanwen is the host anyway, so let's have something to satisfy your cravings. Yes. Let's have another plate of 'Pan Yu' and a plate of 'Hu duck'."

"It is very emotional to say that many of the famous dishes in this restaurant are named after the Beijing officials and scholars who came to eat here. Someday, I wonder if there will be dishes named after you and my brothers?"

"Haha. Brother Yuan Wenxian, your ambition is not small! What do you like to eat the most? Let me think about it," Cheng Hanbin laughed, "By the way, you love crabs the most, right? Don't worry, one day you will worship in the pavilion. Xiang, there is definitely another delicious 'Xu Crab' in this Long Sheng Xuan."

"Bullshit, is it possible that some people like to eat turtles, so there are dishes named Chen Wugui and Song Wangba?" Xu Yuanwen was also amused by Cheng Wenbin's words.

"The three young masters are so happy! You are from the south, according to your accent. You came to Beijing to take the exam?"

Shunzhi listened to the interesting talk of the three people at the next table, so he walked over with a smile. There happened to be a vacant seat, and he asked casually, "Can I sit down and talk?"


Xu Yuanwen looked up and down the Manchu officer. It looked like he was only in his twenties, but his tone and demeanor had a certain majesty and demeanor, which did not seem to match his age. In any case, the people who came here were very elegant, unassuming, neither slick nor arrogant, more modest and more modest than the usual Manchu noblemen who were clamoring in front and back. This uninvited guest is also acquiesced at the moment.

"My surname is Huang..."

Shunzhi introduced himself in a serious manner. The Beijing film was mixed with some Shanxi dialects, and the words were nondescript. Wu Liangfu and the guards on the side just listened and covered their mouths.

"Well, let's talk while eating, and bring all the dishes on the table? Otherwise, it won't be delicious when it's cold."

Xu Yuanwen and the two did not make a decision, Shunzhi had already waved his hand, and after a while, the shop clerk served a table of dishes.

"Is there any good Zhuyeqing? It's just fine for me to drink the wine from my hometown. Oh, I wonder if the three scribes are used to drinking it? Most of you Jiangnan people drink mild rice wine and rice wine. How can you make a fuss? Little Er, bring a few more jars of rice wine!"

Seeing that the visitor kept calling himself a scribe, Xu Yuanwen glanced at Xiong Cilu and said, "This Huang..." Well, he only said his surname was Huang, what should he call him? Seeing that he was younger than himself, Xu Yuanwen hesitated for a moment: "Master Huang, I'm just a Confucian scholar. The three of us made an appointment to go to Beijing to take the exam. As for whether we can become a scribe on the Golden List, it's not certain."

Shunzhi said: "Don't call me Mr. Huang, I'm younger than you, so just call me Brother Huang."

"What? Emperor?" The chopsticks in Xiong Cilu's hand shook, a little surprised.

"My surname is Huang, and I'm a little younger than you guys. Wouldn't it be appropriate to call me a younger brother? Brothers, let's have a drink first!" Shunzhi laughed in his heart, thinking it would be fun to call these Han Chinese nerds a brother.

"Being in Xiahuguang, Xiong Cilu is the first to do it!"

"Okay, cool!"

"In Xia Kunshan, Xu Yuanwen is very good at drinking, and he replaces the bar with tea."

"Next Cheng Wenbin..."

Shunzhi nodded to Xiong Cheng and the two. He raised his glass frequently, but his eyes were fixed on Xu Yuanwen, and he suddenly remembered something. He asked him, "Brother Xu is from Kunshan, but I don't know Gu Tinglin in Kunshan?"

Xu Yuanwen was startled. There was a bit of displeasure on his face, and he thought that my uncle's name is like thunder, can you also call him by his first name?

"Brother Huang, Young Master Xu is Mr. Gu's nephew!" Xiong Cilu likes to drink, but he is not strong enough to drink. At this time, he is already a little drunk and talks too much.

Shunzhi was stunned, Gu Yanwu didn't allow his disciples to serve in the Qing Dynasty, why did his nephew come to Beijing for reference?

"Has your uncle, Mr. Tinglin, promised you to serve me in Qing Dynasty?"

"Everyone has their own aspirations. In recent years, the Qing Dynasty is like the rising sun in the east. If I Han people focus on Zhu Ming again, it will be too stupid and rotten. My generation has studied the Four Books and Five Classics since childhood, and it can be said that they are full of knowledge, and the Qing Dynasty will be able to recover Yungui and Pingping in a few days. Pirates, rule the world. When it comes to healing wounds and soothing the world, it must be the way of Confucius, Mencius, Cheng and Zhu. So..."

"Okay, that's great!"

Before Xu Yuanwen could finish his words, Shunzhi excitedly grabbed his hand and shook it. He said happily: "Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. In the future, it is up to you Han people to govern the country and the world." His words came from the bottom of his heart. And I'm really happy, even Gu Yanwu's nephew is willing to participate in the imperial examinations of the Qing Dynasty and become an official of the Qing Dynasty. One can imagine how the mentality of the Han Confucian scholars has changed. When the Southwest and Guangdong are pacified, I am afraid that there will be no Han scholars in the world who still hold Zhu Ming orthodox.

Shunzhi's joyful energy confuses Xu Yuanwen and Xiong Cilu. You are just a small Manchu military officer, how can you sound like the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Cheng Wenbin's eyes fell on Wu Liangfu and the guards who were staring at the other table, and he was a little excited. Could it be that the young man in front of him is really the emperor?

Shunzhi was really happy. As soon as the wine glass was raised, the three of them were to be respected, but there was a commotion outside the restaurant. There were countless people running in. Wu Liangfu and the guards were startled and stood up one after another. However, they saw that all the guards in the palace came in, led by the first-class guard Fei Yanggu.

Seeing Wu Liangfu and the others, Fei Yanggu breathed a sigh of relief, strode forward and knelt in front of Shunzhi, saying, "Your Majesty, the servant finally found you!"

"Fei Yanggu, what are you looking for with me?"

Shunzhi was very unhappy. It was rare to have a drink with three Han Chinese scholars who devoted themselves to the Qing Dynasty, and they chatted speculatively, but Fei Yanggu rashly came and broke things. After these three Han people knew his emperor's identity, could they still call him brothers and sisters as before?

"It's rare for me to go out of the palace to relax, and you slaves are really busy. If there is anything you can't wait for me to go back to the palace to say, you have to come here!"

Shunzhi put down the wine glass and found that the three of Xu Yuanwen had already kneeled on the ground in fright, and sighed inwardly.

Fei Yang said: "Your Majesty, something has happened, Prince An asks the Emperor to return to the palace quickly!"

Shunzhi frowned and asked Fei Yanggu, "What happened, what is Yue Le doing in a hurry to find me?"


Fei Yanggu glanced at the three of Xu Yuanwen in embarrassment.

"These three are the ones who came to Beijing to take the exam. I admire them very much. If you have anything to say, don't worry."

These three people have already decided to serve the Qing Dynasty, and Shunzhi is also very fond of them. Of course, he will not ask them to go out. This approach is not a means of attracting people's hearts. Sure enough, when the emperor said that he admired them, Xu Yuanwen and the three were immediately excited.

Fei Yanggu was helpless and had to say: "Your Majesty, Guangdong Battle Report, Prince Jian he..."

"What happened to Jidu?"

"Prince Jane is dead!"

"Dead? When did you die?" Shunzhi was startled and couldn't believe it, "Ji Du's body is stronger than me, but he's only two years older than me~www.wuxiamtl.com~ How can you say that he will die? What kind of acute illness did you get, why is it so severe? You slave said that!"

Fei Yanggu gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, your lord, he died in battle!"

"Dead in battle?" Shunzhi was shocked: "How could he die in battle? He had an army of more than 20,000 people, how could he die in battle!"

Suddenly, Shunzhi realized something, his whole body trembled, and he shouted at Fei Yanggu: "You slave is saying that the 20,000-strong army I sent to Guangdong not only lost the battle, but also killed the prince!"


Fei Yanggu slammed his head down with a "thump", and although he didn't say anything, he made Shunzhi understand everything.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible!"

Shunzhi couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it. He roared angrily, causing all the guards to fall to their knees. Because he was too angry, Shunzhi accidentally crushed the wine glass in his hand, and the blood flowed down his wrist.

"Your Majesty's anger!" (To be continued.)

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