Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 469: how did jidu die

In Prince An's mansion, Yue Lezheng looked at a few servants kneeling on the ground begging for mercy with a dark face.

These slaves were **** by Wu Hua, and looking at the dark and solemn expression on the master's face, they were so frightened that their hands and feet were cold, and their bowels were green with regret. Complaining about what he did not do well, insisting on chewing his tongue, saying that Prince Jane, who has been not dealing with his master, led the army to Guangdong to fight the Taiping bandits, and the Taiping bandits could not defeat the Manchuria led by Prince Jane. Da Bing, after Prince Jane moved back to Beijing, his lord bowed his head when he saw others, and asked Prince Jane to sit for the chief seat of the meeting of princes and ministers.

Not only did their master ask Prince Jane to hold him down, but the servants of Prince An's mansion also avoided the way when they saw the people who came out of Prince Jane's mansion. Who let the master make a great contribution! It was the Xinjun Prince's Mansion, which used to be one head short of them, and I'm afraid it will be a flat stand in the future. When the Prince of Xinjun returns from the southwest, he will be guaranteed to win the Prince Jin, one person will gain the Dao, the chicken and the dog will ascend to the sky, and the master of his own will be promoted to the Prince, and the guys in the Xinjun Palace will not shake to the sky?

This kind of tongue-in-cheek talk, and I don't know which one to kill a thousand knives told the superior. As a result, Prince An, Yue Le, was furious and ordered the servants to be identified. It is necessary to practice family law in public, lest all the servants in the house dare to talk about the master's affairs behind their backs!

After all the servants from each hospital had arrived, Yue Le signaled that the steward could start.

"Your Highness has an order to give each of these six ignorant servants fifty lashes and a year's worth of silver reward! Whoever dares to talk nonsense and break the rules of the house will be severely punished!"

The chief **** was old, and his voice was a little harsh, making it uncomfortable to listen to. As soon as he finished shouting, a guard came over with the family method of Prince An's mansion - a lacquered plate with a shiny thin leather whip.

"My lord!"

The steward **** took the whip from the guard and walked respectfully to the master. Yue Le didn't say a word, picked up the whip and hit the six minions violently. The poor six servants looked after their heads but couldn't care about their butts, and they were all beaten to pieces in a short while, but they clenched their teeth and didn't dare to say a word. House rules. If the master dares to shout during the execution, it will be punished with aggravating. Fifty whips are already dying. If they add fifty whips, it will really kill them.

"Ama, Ama!"

When Yue Le was pumping hard, a girl suddenly ran over, stretched out a pair of chubby little hands and staggered towards Yue Le.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that it was his daughter, Yue Le hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her. This daughter is just over two years old, with a pink face and a pair of **** eyes that are sparkling and moving. There is also a small mouthful of cherry, which is lovable when you look at it. Yue Le has this precious little girl in her forties, and naturally likes it very much.

With this, Little Grid, the six whipped minions were instantly relieved. Prince An's direct descendant, Fujin Borzijit, was dressed beautifully and said to Yue Le with a smile on his face: "My lord, today is a big day, so let the servants go for this time. You will be beaten. They don't dare to chew their tongues anymore. If they don't have a heart, they'll just kill them next time."

There is Fu Jin interceding, and the baby daughter is there. Yue Le's anger was naturally much less, and the few minions were also beaten to death, so he waved his hand to carry the man down.

"Hey, I said... Will our precious daughter cry when she goes to the palace? I'm really reluctant to leave now."

Yue Le looked at the daughter in his arms lovingly, and was reluctant to send her to the palace. The more he looked, the more joyful he became, but he touched his daughter's little cheek with his face.

"Don't, don't! Ama's beard pierces people!"

Xiao Gege was screamed, and his face went straight into Yue Le's arms. Ama couldn't help but laugh.

"My lord, why are you so confused? This is the grace of the Queen Mother to our family. Others can't think of it. There are two from Prince Jane's family and one from the King's family of Shuncheng County. One from our family, all sent to the palace by the Queen Mother herself. Raising up, in the future, when you grow up, you will get the title of princess and the salary of princess food. Isn't this a big happy event? This time, Gillian has added glory to our family!

Difu Jin Boerzijit was so excited, and the side Fujin, who followed with bowed head, Yiergenjue Luo's eyes were red, she was Gillian's biological mother, and Bolzijit was just Gillian's mother. , the first mother is not a real mother! The mother is her! The flesh that fell from this body, can the mother feel distressed, and can she be willing to send it to the palace like this?

Ilgen Joeluo watched her daughter grow up day by day. She had a sweet mouth, and she was about to be sent to the palace. She wanted to see her but couldn't see her. She was really reluctant to be a mother, but she just turned to Fujin. It's not her turn to call the shots, and she can only look at her daughter with red eyes, which is completely different from Bolzigit's joy.

Knowing that Irgen Gioruo was reluctant, Bolzijit didn't blame her, only smiled and said to her husband: "Besides, if we Gillian entered the palace, you should also go to the palace often to see the empress dowager and the emperor. You have always been upright in the court, but you have offended many princes of the Eight Banners. Can't you be more tactful? Like Prince Jane?"

Yue Le beat those servants because they chewed Prince Jane and his tongue. Now that Fu Jin mentioned Jidu's name again, he was a little unhappy and said in a muffled voice, "What do you know about men? Shengming, how my Yuele behaves, the emperor can see it at a glance. Otherwise, can I be named a prince from the county king, and be the chief of the ministers and ministers?"

"That's true."

Her husband's complexion changed, Bolzijit saw it in his eyes and knew that he should not mention Prince Jane, took his daughter from her husband's arms with a smile, and led Iergen Gioruo to the palace to see the queen mother. All I can think about in my heart is how happy the Queen Mother is to see her precious daughter.

Seeing that his daughter was carried into the carriage by Fu Jin, and the carriage gradually drove away, Yue Le returned to the mansion a little lost. Although the tongue-chewing minions were whipped by him, Yue Le took what they said in his heart.

Ji Du led the army to Guangdong to pacify the Taiping bandits, and Duny led the army to the southwest to pacify Li Dingguo. When the two of them returned to Beijing, one had the merits of pacifying Guangdong, and the other had the merits of pacifying the southwest. Donny is the king of the county, and this time he will definitely be promoted to the prince. Although he has always been close to him, who can guarantee that he will still be close to him after he becomes the prince?

Ji Du has always sang against himself at the meeting of the princes, ministers, and ministers. He always thought that the chief prince should be his seat. In the past, Yue Le was not very worried, but now Ji Du has the merits of pacifying Guangdong, I am afraid that he is the chief prince. The seat is really unsteady.

Alas, Yue Le smiled bitterly, mocking himself for always being open-minded, but why did he care about fame and fortune? That day, it was also because he was reluctant to give up the rights of the chief prince that he pushed back the emperor's dismissal of government affairs. As a result, the emperor did not trust himself as much as before. .

But I don't know how Jidu and Duny are progressing. Duny's side is afraid to start entering Yunnan. Jidu's side reported last time that it has gone south to Huizhou, but now I don't know whether it is fighting the Taiping bandit in Huizhou or already. Arrive in Guangzhou.

Just thinking about it, the concierge came to report: "My lord, General Annan of Fujian sent someone to ask to see you!"

"Why did Dasu send someone to see me?"

Yue Le was confused and asked the concierge to bring Dasu's people over.

"The slave Seburi greets the lord!"

As soon as the visitor entered the room, he gave Yue Le a big gift~www.wuxiamtl.com~, but he was a very strong man, looking like a warrior.

Yue Le nodded, motioned Sebuli to get up, and asked him, "What's the matter with Dasu sending you to Beijing to find this king?"

Seburi didn't reply immediately, but took out Dasu's letter from his arms and handed it to Yue Le.

"My general is going to tell the lord everything in this letter. The slave is the one who returned to Beijing ahead of time. The official news will arrive in two days." Saibuli said this with a serious face, as if the letter had something scary written on it. matter.

Yue Le frowned slightly, knowing that there must be something important in the letter, and Dasu couldn't hide it, so he asked Sebli to go to Beijing in advance to reveal the news to himself, thinking that Dasu couldn't get rid of it, so he went to his door, Thinking of letting him, the chief prince, help him to plead in front of the emperor.

Could it be that Da Su suffered another defeat from Zheng Sen?

While thinking about it, Yue Le peeled off the seal on the letter and pulled out the letter paper. He didn't want to be shocked after just a few glances. He got up and shouted at Seburi, "How did Jidu die!" (Unfinished) to be continued.)

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