Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 438: Wuzhen Hachao

[Latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the anniversary of the starting point, the day with the most benefits. In addition to gift bags and school bags, this "515 Red Packet Crazy Flip" must be watched, there is no reason not to grab red packets, set an alarm clock~

On the banks of the Xitang River on the Jingguan Road in Huilai County, Chaozhou, the river was dyed red with blood. Because there were so many dead bodies, this section of the river stopped flowing and became a dead river, emitting an unpleasant stench.

The official roads and the banks of the river ponds were littered with discarded weapons and armor, rotten flags were everywhere on the ground, wounded warhorses struggled and neighed, gun barrels were overturned from the gun carts, and one by one. The roots rolled to the ground.

The battle is not over yet. The Han army who leads Wuzhen Hachao is the white flag of Gushan Ezhen and the Duke of Xushun. Shen Yongxing has already put all the last strength in his hand. After retreating from the Taiping army's attack, he and his Wuzhenha super battalion will not see the sunrise tomorrow.

Shen Yongxing was the third Duke Xushun of the Qing Dynasty. The first Duke Xushun, Shen Zhixiang, was his uncle. He died in the fifth year of Shunzhi. He was succeeded by his brother's son Shen Yongzhong because he had no children. , changed to Shen Yongxing to attack Duke Xushun. This time, he went south to Guangdong with Prince Jian, and Shen Yongxing was personally appointed by Prince An Yue Le as the commander of Wuzhenha Chaoying. He hoped that he would work for the Qing Dynasty like the first Duke Xushun Shen Zhixiang. Now, Shen Yongxing is really working hard.

"Master, it's too late to fight, withdraw, if you don't withdraw, it will be too late!"

Deputy Commander Lu Guangzu had blood all over his face, his leather armor was scratched, and he was barely hanging on his body. The wound on his left arm was still oozing blood. Regardless of the bleeding from the wound, he cried and knelt in front of Shen Yongxing. I begged Shen Yongxing to withdraw the last few troops and flee back to Puning quickly, otherwise it would be over.

Lu Guangzu, a native of Haizhou, Liaodong, once went to Sichuan to break Zhang Xianzhong from Prince Hauge of Su, and awarded him the first-class Adahhafan with his merits. In the ninth year of Shunzhi, Sun Kewang broke through Xuzhou, and Gushan Ezhen Li Guohan led his division to help. Lu Guangzu was ordered to be defeated by Sun Kewang's army and stripped of his first-class Adahhafan title.

Lu Guangzu is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. Back then, when he defeated Zhang Xianzhong in Sui Haoge and fought against Sun Kewang with Li Guohan, he was brave enough to charge forward, and he was never afraid even in a battle that was sure to be defeated, but today he is afraid. This battle was really bad. Lu Guangzu's three soldiers and leading infantry had more than 200 left. When he thought of the unwilling and unbelievable eyes of his subordinates before they died, Lu Guangzu felt like a knife. . Before the war, the arrogance and ambition of pacifying the Guangdong Taiping bandits had long since vanished. They just wanted to withdraw quickly. If they didn't withdraw, they would be wiped out.

Lu Guangzu's plea made Shen Yongxing furious. Because of his injury, he could no longer lift the whip to beat the deputy commander who wanted to escape, so he could only stare at the coward and yell: "Whoever dares to withdraw, this gentleman Cut his head off!"

For Shen Yongxing's sake, the battle had no meaning anymore. The Wuzhenha super battalion had been damaged by half, and the Taiping cavalry's desperate attack made the artillery brought from Beijing unable to function at all. Facing the Taiping Army, whose strength was several times greater than his own, Shen Yongxing had no hope of winning, but knowing that he was losing, knowing that if he charged again, the entire army would be wiped out. , he can only hold on and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Zuo Yuan, the co-leader behind Shen Yongxing, was also wounded. This man was the grandson of Zuo Liangyu, a former general of the Ming Dynasty. His father was Zuo Menggeng, who led hundreds of thousands of troops to surrender without a fight. In the sixth year of Shunzhi, the Qing court Xu Zuo Menggeng led his troops to surrender, and awarded him the first-class elite Qinihafan. Later, Zuo Menggeng asked the British Prince Azige to ask the Datong rebel general Jiang, attacked the left guard and overcame him, and put the white flag inlaid on the mountain and Ezhen. In the eleventh year of Shunzhi, Zuo Menggeng died of illness, and Zuo Yuan, who was only 12 years old, assumed the title of first-class elite Qinihafan and served as the leader of the Han army in Xiangbaiqi. This time, Zuo Yuan, who was only 16 years old and had no experience in battle, was asked by himself to Prince Jane's mansion. This move made Zuo Yuan famous in Beijing Normal University, and even the queen mother in the palace knew it. Zuo Menggeng's son is a young hero.

Xu is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and Zuo Yuan has no fear of the Taiping army until now, so he looks down on Lu Guangzu who said to withdraw. Tightly, his eyes were full of the flames of revenge and meritorious deeds.

"All the senators died, the ginseng leader died, the assistant leader died, and the assistant leader died, and all the masters died! Those who dare to retreat, they will all be killed!"

Shen Yongxing's face was hideous, and Li Tianshui, Shi Qing, Bao Jing and others, the generals of Wuzhenha Chao Battalion, braved the bullet and continued to fight. It's not that they don't know that this battle can't be won, but they must obey the military orders, because the military law of the Qing Dynasty is not a decoration, they can die here, but they must not go back against the command of the commander, let alone lose the commander, otherwise even if they can Going back alive, the head on the neck can't be kept.

Shen Yongxing's heart is actually bleeding. The Wuzhenha Super Cannon Battalion, together with the 4 white flags guarding him, now has more than 1,000 people left. It is impossible to say that he is not distressed. The gun barrels were rolled everywhere, and Shen Yongxing was heartbroken. But he can't let his subordinates feel his pain, and he can't let his subordinates have any hope of retreating. He must persevere. Quick horses have already broken through, and reinforcements will arrive at any time. If they retreat now, no one can be there Chased by the Taiping cavalry, they fled back to Puning.

"Bao Jing!"

Shen Yongxing's light flashed, and he suddenly shouted, because he drank too hard, the injury in his chest moved, and he couldn't help but "his".

"The end is here!"

The co-leader, Bao Jing, was fully armored, and his horse jumped out from the front. His father, Bao Chengxian, was a strange man. He was originally a deputy general of the Ming Dynasty. After the six-year surrender of Tianming, Jin Hou entered the Wenguan as a bachelor. In the second year of Chongzhen, when Bao Chengxian accompanied Huang Taiji to attack Shuntian Prefecture, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, it was said that he had made a countermeasure to kill Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of the Ming Dynasty. In the first year of Chongde, Bao Chengxian was awarded the Grand Fellow of the Academy of Internal Secretary by Huang Taiji. He died in the second year of Shunzhi, and his son Bao Jing succeeded him as the second-class lieutenant of the light car.

Shen Yongxing glanced at Bao Jing, who had a hesitant look on his face, and nodded heavily to him. His eyes fell on the Taiping army who had already rushed forward, and he gritted his teeth and commanded: "Take your person!"


"Don't go soon!"

Bao Jing seemed to have something to say~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but was interrupted mercilessly by Shen Yongxing.

Lu Guangzu, Li Tianshui, Shi Qing and the others all showed painful expressions upon hearing this order. Bao Jing stared at Shen Yongxing for a moment, and finally responded, "Hey!" Come with me!"

"Master, the last general can also kill the enemy!"

Zuo Yuan jumped ahead of Bao Jing and rushed towards the Taiping army. Bao Jing was stunned, his lips moved slightly, and he followed.

"Fire the cannon, fire the cannon!"

Shen Yongxing contorted his face and roared loudly as he endured the pain of the wound. The remaining Wu Zhenha super gunner adjusted the remaining cannons with trembling hands and lit the match.

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