Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 437: siege setback

[Latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the anniversary of the starting point, the day with the most benefits. In addition to gift bags and school bags, this "515 Red Packet Crazy Flip" must be watched, there is no reason not to grab red packets, set an alarm clock~

Seeing that the Taiping army on the city was armed with unknown weapons, and the Green Camp suffered heavy losses and there were signs of instability, Jidu hurriedly ordered the right army to transfer 2 Niu Luhan troops to press it up, so as not to let the Taiping guns on the city show its prestige.

Jidu did not hope that Lufeng City would be taken down in just one battle, but hoped to attack the Taiping army in the city as much as possible, and to find out their details to determine the deployment of troops for the general attack. After receiving the order from the commander of Ji Du, Du Eryou, the commander of the Right Army, immediately dispatched two cattle and recorded the Han army.

The Taiping army on the top of the city was extremely cunning. Every time they fired a shot, they immediately crouched down, making it impossible for the Qing army's arrows to hit them directly. The Taiping army used fire guns to shoot down from a height, and used spears to stab the Qing soldiers who were climbing the wall. The regional Pancheng troops surpassed the Taiping Army, but they still could not change the passive beating situation. If it is found that there are too many Qing soldiers gathered below, the thunderbolt will continue to be thrown, and although the iron nails and stones that are shattered and shot cannot kill the Qing soldiers on the spot, everyone will be injured. If the iron nails are shot at the gate of life, Even the gods can't save it. The artillery of the Taiping Army was still firing uninterruptedly, so that the Qing army, who had received follow-up reinforcements, could not easily respond.

The Taiping artillery battalion above Lu Fengcheng has forty-six large and small artillery pieces and several 30 large-bore guns. Although it is not as long as the Hongyi Cannon, the farthest can reach 600 meters, and the rest are mostly three. Four hundred meters, the shooting distance of the pole gun is about one hundred and fifty meters. As long as the muzzle position is adjusted in place, the lethality is far stronger than that of the Hongyi Cannon with a longer range. Unless the Qing army can suppress the artillery fire of the Taiping army. Otherwise, within this distance, only human life can be taken.

After paying more than 100 lives, the Zhengbai Banner 2 Niulu Han army, which was ordered to reinforce, finally drove to the firing distance of the fire guns under the city. More than 800 Han troops armed with fire guns were under the command of the co-leader Cai Yuanfeng. Quickly fired the fire gun in his hand towards the city head.

The Cai family is one of the eight great masters of the Han army, and the head of the family is Cai Shiying, who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in Jinzhou with the great birthday of the ancestor. Now he is the governor of water transport with the title of Minister of Military Affairs. Cai Shiying had no children, so he treated several nephews favorably. Cai Yuanfeng was able to lead the white flag at a young age, naturally thanks to this uncle who was the governor of water transportation.

Cai Yuanfeng led his troops to risk their lives and rushed to the city, and immediately ordered the firing. Hundreds of guns fired at the same time. The sound of the firing alone overwhelmed everything on the battlefield, but after the black smoke passed, the Taiping army on the city was only short-lived Stop shooting.

Quickly fought back again. Seeing this situation, Cai Yuanfeng's face darkened, and Ji Du, who was watching the battle from behind, frowned.

Tie Yi, as the second town general of the Taiping Army, took over the defense of Lu Feng with full authority. Han Chaozong and others had only more than 2,000 soldiers, so naturally they did not dare to compete with Tie Yi for command. Tie Yi quickly judged the situation and saw that it was impossible for the Qing soldiers under the city to break through the city gate, and the ladders they erected everywhere would not allow them to successfully climb to the top of the city, and now the most threatening ones are those A few dozen steps away, the gunmen were busy charging their guns. Therefore, he decisively ordered the transfer of the First Guard Fire Gun Brigade to suppress the Qing army's fire gun soldiers.

"Ready! Shoot!"

More than 700 Taiping gunmen fired a burst of guns when the Qing army's gunmen had not finished loading their medicines, and immediately knocked down more than 100 people. Cai Yuanfeng was frightened and ordered his subordinates to fight back at the city head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After a burst of dense and scattered fire cannons. There was no Taiping army head in sight on the top of the city. The Han army was excited for a while, thinking that the Taiping troops had been defeated, but they didn't wait for their smiles to disappear. Hundreds and ten heads suddenly protruded from the top of the city.


The Taiping army took advantage of the firepower of the segmented shooting and quickly shot the second round. Under this round of shooting, the Han army suddenly fell 70 or 80 people.

"Fire, fire!"

Cai Yuanfeng saw that the Taiping army's guns were powerful and fast, and he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to fight back. However, after the order went down, there was no sound of the fire gun firing.

"What's the matter!" Cai Yuanfeng was furious. "Are you **** deaf? Didn't you hear this officer ordering fire!

"Sir, the medicines haven't been loaded yet!" A Han Jun who was closest to him was crying.

"Oh shit!"

Cai Yuanfeng stomped his feet anxiously. Seeing that the Zhili battalion was being crushed and beaten by the Taiping army, there was no way to fight back. Anxiously shouted: "Chen Quan! Chen Quan!"

Chen Quan is the leader of the Han army flag under Cai Yuanfeng. Hearing the leader of the leader call him, he hurriedly ran over from behind: "I'm here!"

Cai Yuanfeng said anxiously: "You immediately take your people to rush down the city, and you must suppress the Taiping bandits at the head of the city!"

The most important thing now is to ensure that the Green Battalion can break through the city. As long as the city is broken, the army will flood in, and the Taiping bandits' firearms will be useless. Chen Quan responded and waved to his subordinates and shouted, "Follow me!"

Before Chen Quan and his team of firearms soldiers could run more than ten steps, the sound of a big gun firing from the top of the city was heard. With dozens of consecutive sounds, the dense gunshots fired by the big guns hit Chen Quan's soldiers in an unbiased manner.

Chen Quan was almost hit by the gun, so scared that he only backed away. Cai Yuanfeng also hurriedly backed away, fearing that the Taiping Army's big gun would be shot. As soon as they retreated, the front gunner of an artillery gun in the city saw him, and immediately asked the assistant gunner and the auxiliary gunner to help adjust the position of the gun. The iron bullets fell behind Cai Yuanfeng and swept away, taking four or five lives in an instant. Seeing that the place he was in was not safe at all, Cai Yuanfeng did not care that there was no order to retreat, and led the remaining 400 Han troops to retreat eagerly.

The green battalion soldiers who were attacking the city felt like they were in hell. The guns of the Taiping Army on the city kept hitting them, and those who climbed the ladder were knocked down by spears before they could probe. A little more people gathered below the ladder, and the Taiping army above threw down the bamboo tube that would explode, and the iron nails flying everywhere were so frightening that people couldn't even open their eyes.

Not only were the archers in the Green Camp unable to suppress the fire guns on the city, they had been smashed into pieces by the fire guns, and could no longer be fired as densely as before. When a Taiping army shows up, he shoots a bow with a bow, but the effect is very pitiful.

Ji Du looked at it for a while and knew that it would not be possible to continue like this, so he ordered to withdraw his troops and wait for the Wuzhenha Super Artillery Battalion to arrive before attacking the city, otherwise the loss would be too great.

After hearing the order to withdraw troops from the Central Army, Yang Zhenwei, the commander of Zhending, and Zhangdan, the commander of Tongzhou, both breathed a sigh of relief. In this battle, they have seen it. Taiping bandits are really hard to beat. No wonder General Jingnan haha. Mu Heping, Nan Wang Shang Kexi, they all lost~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Wu Liuqi also sighed, he knew that the Taiping army was not easy to fight, or else the Taiping army would not be driven back to Chaozhou from Lufeng by the Taiping army. He urgently ordered Ming Jin, hoping that his town mark would not lose too much, otherwise he, the Guangdong Admiral, would become a bare general.

After hearing the order to withdraw troops, the Qing army who attacked the city did not care which one left to cover, and retreated in a swarm, only to be knocked down by the artillery of the Taiping army on the top of the city.

After the Qing army retreated, the Taiping army immediately counted the casualties and sorted out the equipment. Han Chaozong and the others, whose faces had always been ugly, were all smiling at this meeting, and they came over to flatter Tie Yi.

In this siege, Wu Liuqi's troops lost more than 400 people, Zhili Green Camp lost more than 500 people, Henan Green Camp lost more than 300 casualties, and the Han army lost more than 400 people. This was still a tentative battle, but the casualties were so great that Ji Du could not help but re-examine the combat effectiveness of the Taiping Army, and regretted that he had rashly attacked the city without waiting for the Wuzhenha Super Artillery Battalion to arrive.

"Starting Point" is raining red packets! From 12:00 noon, there will be a round every hour, and a large wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You all go grab it, and continue to subscribe to my chapters with the starting coins you grabbed! (To be continued.)

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