"Let the boys let go and kill."

After the Taiping Army was forced into Shenwan, a long-lost smile appeared on Hahamu's face, and he sent all the personal soldiers around him. The terrain here was prepared for the Manchu cavalry. He believed that it would not be long before the head of the thief Xiucai would be picked up by the sons and brought to him. He had to take a good look at what the Nanmanzi Xiucai who had caused the chaos in the vicinity of Guangzhou looked like!

The horn of "woo woo" sounded from the Qing army brigade, and five Niu Lu from Manzhou entered Shenwan from different directions, waving long knives to kill the Taiping army who had no way to escape.

The Green Battalion soldiers were not far behind, and they might not have the ability to rush ahead to fight hard battles, but they had the energy to chase down the lonely Taiping bandits behind the Manchu soldiers.

Surrounded by a few personal soldiers, You Dahai rushed into Shenwan with the banner of his general soldier. At this moment, there was nothing that he could be afraid of.

That idiot Hu Qili was really frightened by the thief scholar. General Jingnan brought out all the soldiers from Manchuria this time. You can't be a Taiping bandit. You can't be a thief and scholar with three heads and six arms! This is good, you didn't get the credit, but you can eat the good fruits of General Jingnan! Do you think that the Governor-General can protect you this time?

Thinking that Hu Qili, that idiot, missed the opportunity to atone for his crimes, the more You Dahai thought about it, the happier he became. He used to be ridiculed by this governor's favorite general.

"Follow Lao Tzu to shoot down the water dogs. You are a jerk. Last time in Lutouhe, Lao Tzu almost called Taiping Kou to behead his head. This time, it is Lao Tzu's turn to show his prestige!"

"Kill, kill them all. A Taiping bandit's head will be rewarded with one tael of silver, and the official will be doubled. If the thief is captured alive, the general soldier will reward one thousand taels!"

You Dahai offered the price, but this price was one third less than what the Governor Li Suitai offered him, especially the price that the Governor had set for the thief Xiucai was 10,000 taels!

As long as the person is caught, no matter if they live or die, the real money will be cashed on the spot! This price is higher than the silver reward offered by Shang Ke, the king of Pingnan!

Originally, You Dahai didn’t expect the Governor-General’s reward to fall into his own pocket. After all, the Taiping bandits were too good to fight, the Green Battalion couldn’t beat them, the Superintendent’s Standard couldn’t beat them, the Han Army Banner couldn’t beat them, and the Manchurian soldiers were also sawed and killed by them, a ginseng leader. How could he, a defeated general, dare to covet this reward. This time, he followed General Jingnan to fight Xiangshan City. He just hoped that he could make some hard work, but he didn't even dare to think about fighting with the Taiping Army.

Now, he is hot-hearted and hot-eyed, and the Taiping troops who are swaying in embarrassment and fleeing seem to have become silver ingots one by one, and the thief who is hiding in that corner is flashing golden light from head to toe!

You Dahai only hated that he didn't know that thief talent, or else he would have to take someone else's head out of the army!

No, it's a dog head!

"Brothers, come on, kill the Taiping bandits and get money!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Under the encouragement of the soldiers in Youdahai, the master soldiers also forgot that they had never fought a war, let alone killed anyone. The state soldier rushed into Shenwan from behind, lest he would run too slowly and the silver would be taken away by others.

The military heart is available, the military heart is available!

You Dahai couldn't tell how excited he was. He was right in this battle.

The Taiping army entered the dead place as they wished, and Galai Daoka was also relieved that the thing he was worried about did not happen. He didn't think about what kind of smug expression Haha Mu would have at the moment, but continued to command the outflanking and encirclement of the Taiping Army. Even if victory is already in sight, Karai Dao Kar did not slack off.

The rapid maneuvering of the Manchurian cavalry finally showed on this beach. Two of the five Niulu Manchurian cavalry chased and beat the Taiping army, and the other three went around to both sides of the Taiping army, adopting a split, cut and cut battle. Law, I want to cut the Taiping army's thousands of people into countless squads, defeat the Taiping army who dare to fight back, and then clean up them calmly. This method can also minimize the casualties of the Eight Banners soldiers. No matter how many Taiping troops lose their command, they are just lambs to be slaughtered.

The mighty monk Kule with the blue flag inlaid with the blue flag dashed to the front, with a sharp double-edged knife under his arm, the blade was set on a log as thick as an arm, longer than the spear . Both sides of the knife are sharpened, and it can cut a person in half when cut from the front. It is also a **** opening. No matter how many needles and threads you have, you can't sew the opening. In the end, you can only watch the wound on your body The blood drained from this mouth. There were not ten or eight Taiping soldiers who died under the self-made double-edged long sword of Sengkule on the east bank of the Huangsha River before. Now, he wants this sword to be stained with more blood of the Taiping army.

The Qing army had already had the absolute upper hand, and the Taiping army would be defeated in this Jedi. No matter what they tried to resist, they would be crushed by the Manchu cavalry one after another.

This is the battlefield where Manzhou Erlang shows his skills, and this is the battlefield where Manzhou Erlang shows his might!


Seng Kule slammed his whip and pointed his spear at a Taiping soldier who was running away and still carrying the military flag.

The Taiping soldier seemed to know that the **** of death was coming behind him, so he didn't dare to look back at all. He just ran forward desperately. He even had the urge to throw away the military flag and run for his life, but thinking of the consequences, he still gritted his teeth and carried the general's flag on his shoulders. .

"Nan Manzi, you can't run away!"

Stupid Han Chinese, do you think you are not running slowly enough to carry the military flag!

When Seng Kule laughed loudly and was about to stab the tip of his spear at the back of the Taiping army who was carrying the flag, he suddenly felt that his body suddenly lightened, and then he sank sharply, and fell off his horse.

what happened? !

Looking at the Taiping soldier who had recovered his life and escaped from his hands, Seng Kule was furious, and he was about to slap the unsatisfactory mount with his whip, but when he looked down, he was so shocked that his mount stood upright. All four legs have been sunk into the mud, and the four legs have been sunk halfway deep into it.

A war horse is a spiritual animal. When it is caught in the mud, it knows that this place is dangerous, so it pulls its four hooves upward, trying to get out of this dead place, but it can't pull it out. The more it struggles, the more it sinks. deep. The warhorse screamed and was so frightened that it didn't dare to move any longer. Its stomach was already close to the ground, and its nose was full of the stench from the mud.

No, this place is a trap!

The monk Kule, who was on the horse, had already rolled over in fright, and when he landed, he clearly felt his feet sink, and his ankles were already sunk in the mud. He suddenly remembered that the Taiping army carrying the flag just now didn't want to run fast, but his feet couldn't be faster, because he had to pull out his feet with every step!

Damn, how did I not find out!

"Don't come, don't come!"

"Go back, go back!"

In a hurry, Seng Kule opened his mouth to warn the rear, but it was too late. In his sight, the horses of the Manchu cavalry fell into the mud one by one, and the Manchu soldiers who signaled to their companions like him were good. tens of. However, their voices were overshadowed by the screams of killing on the battlefield, which were more from the Qing army itself, especially the green battalion soldiers who rushed up the most fiercely.

More and more Manchu soldiers found something wrong with this tidal flat, and more and more fell into the mud.

The Manchu soldiers looked at the unmoving mounts in horror, and stared blankly at the Taiping soldiers who were gasping for breath after being chased by them, turning their heads and rushing towards them with swords and spears.

The lucky and quick-response Manchu soldiers abandoned their horses and ran to the rear. Unlucky, those who didn't react were foolishly stabbed by the revenge Taiping army with a spear, and stabbed to death with spear after spear. The rest were forced to dismount and fight with the Taiping army.

Soon, Shenwan shouted to kill Zhentian again, this time the Taiping Army's voice was even louder.

Under the orders of the officers, Taiping soldiers took off their shoes and walked in the mud with bare feet, so that they could run in faster and not be easily trapped.

The Manchurian soldiers wore good riding boots, and the riding boots went to the knees, and they walked on the flat ground with vigor, but this would become a deadly thing. The muddy riding boots made the Manchu soldiers' feet heavy and slow to move. The panic of falling into the mud made them lose their will to fight. They realized that they had fallen into the trap of the Taiping Army.

The battle was going on on this tidal flat, which was a dozen miles long and several miles wide. Both sides of the fight had become clay figurines. If it wasn't for the wrong language of each other's shouts, it would be difficult for people to distinguish who was the enemy and who was the friend.

Yu Dahai's soul is about to be lost, and the flag of the chief soldier is called to be lost, because it is too conspicuous to carry that flag, and he does not want to be targeted by the Taiping Army.

The embarrassment of the Manchu soldiers was seen by the green battalion soldiers. Those battalions who had participated in the Battle of Lutouhe turned around and ran back without thinking. This time they ran in less hurry, because there was Manchu behind them. The soldiers stood for them, unlike before, they were for others.

The master soldiers panicked. Many people neither ran nor stepped forward to fight the Taiping army, but stood there in a daze.

"Go back, go back!"

When the mount fell into the mud, Kalai Daoka knew it was not good. He shouted to retreat, and jumped off the horse like a madman, trying to pull the four hooves of his beloved horse out of the mud ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But no matter how he pulled, the horse could not escape from the mud.

The Manchu soldiers who lost their horses were surrounded by the Taiping army, which was much larger than them, and moved on two legs in the mud.

Taking off their armor and riding boots, the Manchu soldiers who could not escape from the pursuit and killing of the Taiping army fought together with the Taiping army.

The battle on the mud pedestal is like human instinct, and I see mud figurines hug each other and keep falling down.

Karai Dauga slits his horse's throat in tears.

His beloved horse was stuck in the mud, unable to move, and couldn't even fall to the side. He could only look at his master innocently, not understanding why he wanted to kill him.

The blood kept spurting from the horse's neck, and Kalai Daoka waited until the beloved horse was completely dead before turning around and looking at the Taiping army rushing over.

He raised his long knife and went up to him step by step. Mobile users, please visit m.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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